VG Guide - Creating NFTs on the WAX Blockchain

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The hype of the moment now is the NFTs. This is not so new, but it has surfaced with celebrities and crypto artists selling digital arts for millions of dollars. This attracted the eyes of many people, who were interested in the environment and would like to start in this new world.

In this guide, I intend to explain with my words how someone has a collection of NFTs on the WAX blockchain and has made a lot of mistakes in some things. And you want to pass on some knowledge about and try to help those who would like to start. Without further ado, let’s go to the guide:


1?—?Why Wax?

2?—?AtomicAssets or SimpleAssets?

3?—?IPFS and NFTs

4 —Creating an NFT Collection on AtomicHub

5?—?Fun Tools (Drops, Packs, and Mixable NFTs)

6?—?Marketing and Community

Why WAX?

WAX does not have the nickname king of the NFTs for nothing. It is really a great blockchain to work with this type of token. Compared to Ethereum, it does not have many fees for minting the tokens and consequently does not harm the environment, as it is a blockchain that does not use the Proof of Work consensus algorithm, but rather Delegated Proof of Stake, thus considerably reducing energetic consumption …

It is relatively very simple to use the WAX blockchain. It has a very intuitive and nice web wallet to use, where you can view your NFTs, carry out transactions, staking, follow the news, explore Dapps, and participate in the Defi ecosystem, recently launched. But, obviously, it is a custodial wallet, that is, you do not have access to your private keys. Therefore, I recommend that you use 2FA and strong passwords, or better yet, create your non-custodial wallet on the WAX blockchain with your personalized address.

WAX (World Asset Exchange) is a cryptocurrency, Founded by William E. Quigley and Jonathan Yantis, which uses the EOSIO protocol, the same as EOS. Many products, brands, in short, intellectual properties (IPs) have migrated to WAX. Many collections of NFTs have been successful, selling from seconds to minutes. Some examples are:


Bitcoin Origins



William Shatner

Topps (Garbage Pail Kids, Godzilla, MLB)

Even recently, Funkos decided to launch NFTs and chose WAX as well.

AtomicAssets or SimpleAssets?

In the same way, as in the Ethereum network, we have common standards used for the creation of NFTs as in the case of ERC-721 or ERC-1155 (Enjin). Here in the WAX world, we also have technical standards, formats for creating NFTs.

You can create your NFTs in both SimpleAssets and AtomicAssets, but in this guide, we will continue to create AtomicAssets as they are more popular at the moment. SimpleAssets was the first standard of NFTs at Wax, being able to be sold in the SimpleMarket marketplace and created using SimpleAssets Tools. This NFT standard was developed by CryptoLions.

Some collections that have used or still use SimpleAssets, out of curiosity, are Koloboks, Crypto Twerpz, William Shatner, Garbage Pail Kids, among others…

AtomicAssets is a relatively recent NFT standard that was launched on the WAX blockchain, developed by And it has been relatively more used because it is very easy to use and through the AtomicHub marketplace it is possible to sell, or create new NFTs.

The differences between the two standards consist of technical details. As I am not a developer exactly, I will not be addressing here, but if you want I will be leaving the source code of each pattern for you to analyze.


Before we start creating a collection of NFTs on WAX using AtomicHub, you need to understand a little bit of IPFS and why this should be used to store your creations.

Well, for starters, IPFS stands for InterPlanetary File System. This consists of a distributed system for storing and accessing data, files, pages, and applications.

It is understood by the distributed system, something decentralized, where when accessing content through the IPFS system, you are not accessing a centralized server, but computers running the ipfs client around the world, which guarantees resistance to censorship. And this is very important for NFTs.

NFTs or Non Fungible Tokens are tokens whose main characteristic is to be something unique and guarantee ownership to the holder. In the case of fungible tokens, it is possible to trade them, for example, 1 litecoin for 1 litecoin, however, 1 NFT may have different values being negotiated, which may vary according to the order of minting, metadata, or other attributes.

What gives value to an NFT?

The technology of NFTs can have different applications, whether it is aimed at the world of crypto art, collectibles, tickets/tickets, games, and even tokenization of real estate. Other applications related to defi can also be developed so that they are integrated for farming and staking.

About crypto-art, as art is something subjective, regardless of the visual or applied effort, the value can vary a lot depending on what it means to the “collector” or what it does to the person, in the emotional sense. Other factors, too, maybe the influence of the creator of art in the crypto world, or the feeling of wanting to support an artist because he identifies with him.

Creating a collection of NFTs on AtomicHub

Well, without further ado, get to work! First, to create a collection of NFTs, you will need a WAX wallet, of course. The simplest and most intuitive wallet, besides being easy to create, is the WAX CLOUD WALLET, a web wallet recommended by the official WAX team.

To create your wax cloud wallet, visit The WAX team of developers has thought of everything, and you can create your account, logging in through social networks such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Discord among others, as a way to make yourself comfortable, but I recommend the traditional email and password, also, to put 2FA to increase the security of your account. Bearing in mind that this is a custodian portfolio, that is, you do not have total control over your account. If you happen to have and lose 2FA it will be difficult to recover your account.

What i recommend is to create a non-custodial wallet at WAX, you can create a wallet with a customized address, following the steps of some step-by-step guides on the internet. I recommend this guide. Or this video to understand the WAX account system. Both by Any Observation, which is an excellent crypto influencer, a reference to start in the WAX world and obtain information from the crypto world.

Now that you have your wallet, let’s create the collection of NFTs on AtomicHub. First, let’s understand the structure of the NFTs that use the AtomicAssets standard and the steps that we will need to take to finally perform the NFT mint.

Imagine a collection as a container or folder, where it will house schemas, which in turn will house templates, and finally, you will be able to mint your NFT. Within the main folder, which is the collection, you will need to create a schema, which would be another folder, a section of your collection focused on something specific.

For example, if you are going to create a collection with different series, you can create a schema for serie1 or serie2. Or if you are going to create packs so that people can open them, a schema just for them would be interesting. In a way, it is a very cool thing to work with the organization. Be sure that they are just examples, and you yourself will need to think of something that best applies to the theme of your collection.

Schemas are sections within your collection. You can have many or few, depending on the theme of your collection and how you want to conduct it. The schemas contain attributes, which are, well … Attributes, or details that they will contain in their NFTs and will be displayed when the user clicks to see more information when he is minted. They already come with 2 mandatory ones, in this case: img (image) and name. But, you can add others like video, backimg, rarity, description, ID, type, anyway … you can even name the attributes you want, which best fit the theme of your collection. Once the schema has been created, you can add more attributes later if you want, but you cannot delete them.

Templates, as the name implies, are templates that contain pre-established information to facilitate and organize the minting of NFTs. They are not mandatory, but highly recommended for organization, and make it very easy when minting and if you go use to do drops, packs…

It is important to note that these procedures will be registered on the WAX blockchain and cannot be removed or undone, that is, you cannot delete a collection, schema, or template. So, be very careful when performing the procedures. You can play by creating test collections on the marketplace’s test network at this link: However, you will need a non-custodial wallet, as this version of the atomichub only supports Anchor or Scatter, two non-custodial wallets widely used, but I recommend Anchor more.

Creating a collection (step by step)

1?—?Click on NFT Creator?—?Then “Create New Collection”.

Fill in your collection information and click Create Collection. You can change the Display Name, Website, Description, and Market Rates later, but the name of the collection does not so choose a cool one carefully. The collection name needs to be 12 characters long, letters from a to z & numbers from 1 to 5. For custom names like below these character numbers, you would need a special name, shorter or with suffixes, which is a bit complicated to get, check here for more information on special custom names.

You can also allow other accounts to manage the collection and be able to mint nfts and also allow notification accounts, showing the advanced details.

2 —Create your schema by clicking on “Create New Schema”

Select a name for your schema, up to a maximum of 12 characters. And add attributes to complement and enrich the details of information about your NFT. You have the option of using advanced or simplified attribute types. By default, the simplified is left, and we will leave it like that because I don’t understand much of the advanced, but probably if you are a developer and want to integrate your NFTs in some dapp, it can be useful so check out this link for more information on atomicassets in a more technical way.

To add a new attribute, click on “Add New Attribute”. For example, I added 2 attributes. rarity and description, respectively, of type Text, where I will write something in the form of text basically, related to the NFT.

When you are finished, you can click on “Create Schema” then return to the NFT Creator. Then your schema will be there.

You will be able to extend the attributes of your schema, adding more, but reinforcing it, you will not be able to delete or undo this procedure. Now, let’s go to them, finally, the templates!

3?—?Click on the schema you want to mint an NFT. On this screen, you will see the attributes you have entered, and you can already mint an NFT if you want, without any template. But, I recommend that you create, as already mentioned for organization and facilitate the process.

Click on “Create New Template”. Here you can define the information of your NFT and how it will show itself to your audience. The supply is the maximum number of NFTs that can exist. You can leave it blank, if you want an unspecified amount to exist, you can also lock the template later, according to the amount of existing NFTs. Using the contract locktemplate action in the block explorer can be difficult, but it is not.

Finally, fill in your NFT information. Name the image that you would like to appear in the preview for people to see and other things that you defined as attributes when creating the schema.

Ah, here’s an important thing, adding the image via atomichub, you can only add up to 2MB of image. More than that is possible, but you need to upload the image to an IPFS pinning service. I recommend Pinata Cloud, the most used, but you can also use others. Then, just copy the IPFS hash (starts with Q or bafy) from Pinata or the pinning service and paste in the attribute img or video if the format is in mp4.

Remember images, up to 20 MB preferably. More than that, it may ruin the experience, in my view, as it will take time to load the preview. And it is something recommended by the AtomicHub team, files up to 20 MB, no more than that for images.

You can define whether NFTs will be burnable, which is recommended for mixable NFTs, as I will explain later. And transferable, that is to say marketable, that can be sent from user to user. I recommend leaving everything checked, but it is up to you.

When everything is right, you can click on “Create Template”.

4 —And finally to mint your first NFT, click on “Mint New Asset”. Select the template you just created, and you will see things being auto-filled.

Choose which account you want to mint for … You can mint the NFT for your own account and then send it to someone later. Or maybe send it to another user if you want. Choose the number of NFTs you want to mint or “print” up to a maximum of 10. You can use other tools to make bulk prints that I will explain in the next topic. Click Create Asset, check the information, and confirm.

It’s Ready! You created your first NFT. Oops, how so? But, I don’t see it in my inventory! Well, as it is a recent collection and has not been verified yet, you need to deselect the “Only Whitelisted NFTs” option. Yes, AtomicHub also has a verified collections system.

To request that your collection be verified, you can request in the option “Submit Whitelist Request” located in the “NFT Creator”. Check if your collection meets the criteria or requirements in “Whitelist Requirements”

We have 2 types of verified on AtomicHub. Verified Level 1 which are whitelisted collections that met the criteria and Level 2 checked for large collections, either by authors recognized in the community or with a large community.

Fun Tools (Drops, Packs, and Mixable NFTs)

Now that you know how to create an NFT. Here are some suggestions for interesting tools or resources you may need for your collection.

First, let’s talk about Drops. Basically, drops can be a way to distribute your NFT more easily, free or paid. That is, sell or distribute your NFT in a more presentable way, too.

Here is an example of a paid drop:

Source: AtomicHub?—?Interface for the EOSIO AtomicAssets NFT standard

Packs are NFTs that are, well, packages that contain other NFTs “inside”. In reality, to open a pack, you burn it and get the NFTs contained in it in exchange. It is very interesting for those who want to make a collection of collectible cards, but not specifically just for this type of collection, but also others.

Mixable NFTs are NFTs that you can combine and get another NFT. They can be applied in an upgrade mechanic. “Combine 4 or 5 NFTs and get a scarcer one” for example. In this process, you will be burning the nfts of the formula to obtain another one that can be, generally, more rare or scarce. This tool is made possible thanks to the blenderizerx contract, developed by Marcos3DK.

Well, in the past you would need to interact with the contract in the WAX block explorer in each case, as there was no more practical interface to perform these types of processes. But, fortunately, we currently have a very cool project called NeftyBlocks that encompasses all of the above tools, developed by jandrad mainly.

Find out how to create Nefty Blocks drops here.

Find out how to create packs in Nefty Blocks here.

Learn how to create blends or Mixable NTFs here using Nefty Blocks.

Marketing and Community

Well, here I will leave some important suggestions regarding marketing and community creation. Regarding marketing, I recommend creating a Twitter/Instagram account focused only on the collection. Creating promotional NFTs and making free drops with them is also highly recommended, as a way to spread the word about your new collection that is arriving in the world of WAX.

In addition to social networks, a very presentable website, if possible to make it look professional, or if you don’t want to, even an article explaining details of your collection is also welcome. But, this is all up to you, I’m just giving suggestions.

Marketing Tools

If you are going to create a giveaway or an airdrop for holders of certain nfts templates, you may need a bulk nfts submission tool to avoid having to send one by one and save time. I have two recommendations: NFTHive and BountyBlok.

NFTHive is another nfts marketplace in the wax network, but it contains some extra features to make life easier for users even more. These BulkTools help a lot. You can sell items in bulk, sell duplicates, edit prices simply. In addition to mass distribution tools for NFTs that are minted in your account.

BountyBlok is an NFT airdrop tool aimed more at mass distribution. I highly recommend it! They are very good. You can filter by template, and perform an airdrop for the holders of certain NFTs, or even those who burned a particular nft as well. Also, you can use a ready-made list that you have collected, for example, on a google form to do airdrop and make an airdrop only for those on the list … Anyway, there are many possibilities. I will leave the group link on Telegram so that you can get in touch and request access to the tool.

ATTENTION: Do not spam your collection’s airdrops for accounts that are not interested in your NFTs. Your collection may have a warning or even be blacklisted and no one will be able to see it in the marketplace.


You can request a listing of your collection in the TokenHead application. This application is like a portfolio of NFTs. They serve for people to monitor how the account nfts are doing, share with friends, in short, it is something that helps a lot to publicize your collection directly or indirectly.



A very important thing is to develop a participatory community in the WAX world that likes your collection. To do this, you can create groups on Telegram or Discord. Both are very cool messengers.

The telegram, in my opinion, is more comfortable and practical for both mobile devices and desktops. As for discord, I think it suits more for desktop users because it is more organized, but for first-time users, it can be a little confusing, especially on mobile. Probably the majority of the crypto world is already used to these environments and it shouldn’t be a problem, if you choose one of the two or even both if you want to adapt, the issue is community management.

There are many tutorials on the internet on how to create and manage a server in the discord or group in Telegram, in a well-organized way. Look for using telegram or discord bots that facilitate moderation or have an anti-bot system, many people will try to take advantage of sweepstakes or airdrops that you do and this can prevent a little.

Ah, one more thing. In Telegram we have DustMinerBot. It is a bot that rewards user activities with a token on the WAX network called $ DUST! It’s a really cool thing, as it encourages the engagement of your community. For more information visit this link. You will need to develop your community and collection first and meet the requirements that the DUST team asks for them to activate the bot in your group. But, it is optional and is up to you.

Additional suggestions or Common Questions

  • As long as this article has gotten big, there may be some gaps that were left unfilled in your mind. It is okay to ask if in doubt, join AtomicAssets Telegram for support.
  • Make the most of the testnet. Learn how to create a non-custodial portfolio through the link that was passed in this article. Test what you would like to test, all the possibilities, and see how your NFT will look in the preview. To test packs/blends/drops on testnet use the test version of NeftyBlocks, login only with Anchor. Remember that your steps will be in blockchain and a mistake already made cannot be undone here at WAX.
  • What formats are supported by AtomicHub?

    png, jpeg, webp (maybe this is better than gif), gif, mp4 (for videos).

  • How do I add a video? Create an attribute called video, with the type string or Text. You will need to have hosted on Pinata Cloud, in mp4 format. Copy the IPFS Hash and paste it into the field.
  • Are 3D models supported? Yes and no … Explaining further, at the time of this article, AtomicHub does not support it. However, NFTHive already mentioned here supports .glb files. So it is up to you, again to put this type of file in your nft or not.

    Here are some examples of how it looks here.

  • How much will I spend to make NFTs? Ah, I’m glad you asked, I almost forgot. Well, you will need RAM essentially. WAX basically works based on CPU, NET, and RAM which are like fuels to perform actions on the network. RAM is required to interact with contracts and in this case to mint NFTs. You will need 151 bytes of RAM to mint an NFT. You start with a little bit of RAM reserved to interact with some contracts if you created a WAX CLOUD WALLET, which can be used to mint a few nfts. The value of RAM fluctuates frequently, to check the price see this link. To understand more about the other resources see this article.

Well, I guess that’s it. I hope you enjoyed it. Basically, it was a step-by-step with directions and tips, do your own research and invest your time and money knowing about risks.

VG Links:



All my links: virtugrana (@virtugrana)

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