The funniest crypto week of Sept. 25th

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Crypto pioneers, we love you.  Let's pick those arrows out of our backs & get the mud off our faces, cause the world is a beautiful place, and the night is young baby!! Thanks for checking in on the overarching PUBLISH0X to change the fabric of crypto in the FT one chitpost at a time!!!

But THIS is happy Sunday, be happy @#(*#&(±±!!!!!  lol.     A LOT of candidates for the funniest crypto of the week, Y'ALL be the JUDGES!!!  First we saw this video, it's sketchy but we always loved the song in the punk rock love annals... 

It's funny good news, big #2 is busting a move into crypto!!  is approved in the Netherlands approved their first crypto exchange !  Happy joy funny news!   Looks like will value at 32 billion ?? that's FUNNY!!!  offers to outsource crypto support for funds that want it!!  The head of trading AND I-banking Steve is quitting for a crypto gig !  WOW MUCH once we get out of the FT's smog, crypto news is light n lively & positive as H-LL!! VERY funny. 

It's hilarious, the UK Fed and Treasury are fighting for control of the wheel as the economy goes over the cliff!!

is a belly laugher, long may he tweet in his new leadership role!!  We often say that BTC is better for ESG than the petrodollar, or gummints in general. It sounds a lot more respectable, yet NUTS, when   says it !!!!  We love it! 

Mikey Sailor is ALWAYS FUNNY!!! 

it's HILARIOUS that , in the face of reghammer threats, gained eight billion in market cap over the censoring

Side splitter thatbtc is rat poison squared" Warren Buffett is not only attracting memestonkers investors, but filings show Warren is  indirectly heavy coin into crypto through Activision and Nu!! 

Dear readers know it was funny watching the UK reghammers go after over some random scam numbers operating in the UK.  Kinda still funny when it turns out the FCA was serious, they took down the numbers but stayed foul with FTX.  The FCA's rabid hate, along with their echo chamber lapdog FT, were funny in their ineffectuality. London is FILLED with scammers dialing and texting away, the FCA just assumed Sammy Fried does the same thing??? LMAO.  Imagine FTX's surprise, in talks with the FCA and then this drops.  Imagine surprise, everyone sez the plan is for  London to become more attractive to crypto, then .    Guess the FCA was trigger happy knowing the pound was about to face plant, lol... 

Let's pause a moment to throw shade on Jamie Dimon.  A provably false statement - everything is good for SOMEBODY, Jamie

rallied, that's funny!  Could the reghammer bogeyman be fading???

But let's get to the BIG funnies.  Could and for that matter Profanity look ANY WORSE??

but hard to top the Much Wow boys

New York Magazine, bless their pointed heart, did a we know everything followup on Su Tzu and Kyle's adventures in piffing three trillion.

It's long but awesome, and the Sugarfix clean browser trick works for ny mag , link below. 

:  comic genius.  Sammy Fried sez the boys were 80% of the contagion that caused the crash, how funny is THAT??!!? 

Looking back, funnies continue!!  Su got LAID OFF at credit Suisse.  Su went to a Sing sweatshop called traders.  Literally a sweatshop from the servers, Su was infamous for taking off his shirt and trading in tighty mini shorts!! 

Here's a joke -- Su and Kyle were forex traders for a while.    forex traders!!  the only game they had was to sit around a dozen screens, waiting for a broker to fat finger any tiny mistake for a second.  Then they would jump on it as hard as they could, and would refuse to correct for any reason.  After a while, all the forex brokers just quit quoting Su and Kyle when they called, and pow, they were no longer Forex traders.  Chestnut #9.1 ya need friends in this business, and ya gotta know who your friends are.

Lately of course the forex world is howling - they knew Su and Kyle were clueless Forex traders, and laughed at the world who thought they were crypto geniuses. AH HA HAH HAH HA HA HA HAH !!!! 

Here's Su playing his Forex small ball, before he got cancelled:

It just gets better and better.  Su built up a massive Twitter base of almost 600K, good on him!  His tweets - like spoiled milk, oh lawdy. 

Su got there by preaching supercycle - EVERYTHING is going up.  Borrow MORE and BUY.     

last year. “Only thing that matters is how many coins you have now. Either you own the % of the key networks you should or you don’t. Being early and low conviction is gross tbh.”

from VC Placeholder,  said 3AC was clearly "spray n pray!" 

Here's a gem - the very first crack in the dyke came when 3AC invested in falsified Derebit's deal sheet and tried to flip their share on a lie!! WITHOUT TELLING all the other VC partners.  Without telling !!   Needless to say, this is considered beyond sketchy in the VC world, basically a massive kickback.  Later, when loans went south, 3AC kept trying to post Derebit as collateral!!

Here's another - our boy Kyle was considered a hipster, with distain for mainstream.  So when he pretended to have  Lambo money, instead he bought a Toyota Century, the preferred black limo car in Japan.  Ok, we love Tokyo gangsters riding around trying to look tough in those little cars o we don't give us a Lincoln or Merc or Caddy.  Kyle was so proud, he had the only Century in Singapore.  Which means as well as funny, it was DUMB. 

There's a lot of insider baseball funnies - Kyle and Su promised the same bits of collateral over and over to multiple counterparties.  They paid WAY higher interest rates on loans so they did not have to post capital. It all ends up in an undisclosed location lol!!   Probably Dubai like, with weak extradition laws!!  

Are they in D'Oh Kwon's pretty good bungalow?? LMAO!! 

Peace out, 

Regulation and Society adoption

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