#14-2k21 nft giveaway by cryptoblonde

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Tupaca continues digging about the whereabouts of Apu’s daughter....Unfortunately, Apu's daughter was not in Mumbai or Jaipur.

...but after visiting the Pink City, Tupaca met a new friend coming from Temple Elephant. He told him that a few weeks ago he saw a girl matching the description of Apu's daughter. Apparently she was heading for Agra....is it now that Tupaca finds his beloved?

To celebrate this excellent news, i will giveaway 10 Rare "Temple Elephant" NFTs

RULES for the Giveaway of Alpaca Worlds NFTs

You have until Sunday, March 07 18:00 UTC to complete the following 3 rules for the draw !


Read carefully the rules.... Bearing in mind that this is a rare Alpaca NFT

1 - Follow me;

2 -Write down your wax wallet address in the comments below;

3 - You must tag at least 3 friends from PUBLISH0X platform in the comments below


After checking the requirements, i will do a random draw and then announce the lucky winners !!!


Good luck for everyone !!!


While you wait for the draw, don't forget to follow Alpaca Worlds on Twitter and Telegram and also take a look at the secondary market for the NFTs you have missed https://wax.atomichub.io/market?collection_name=alpacaworlds

Just arrived and want to know how it all started?

It all started a long time ago in the Andes, way before the Spanish arrived in America. People enjoyed a peaceful life in the upper world, cherishing nature and sharing the mountains with a few short-haired alpacas owned by Apu, the god of mountains. Although, the alpacas we know and love today come from a different place: the underworld. The underworld is a magical place where the offspring of Andean people’s gods live. Overthere, Apu’s daughter took care of a large herd of beautiful long-haired alpacas. She was having a difficult time taking care of such a big herd on her own. Apu thought it was a good idea to have someone help his daughter and allowed her to marry a herdsman she fell in love with during one of her visits to the upper world. The herdsman moved to the underworld, and they were extremely happy for a while, but after some time, the herdsman started to feel homesick. The herdsman and Apu’s daughter asked Apu’s permission to move to the upper world and take the alpaca herd with them.

Apu agreed under one condition: The herdsman shall continue taking care of the alpaca herd while taking special care of a tiny alpaca that he had to carry with him at all times. But back in the upper world, the herdsman didn’t keep his word. He stopped caring for the alpacas and disregarded the tiny special one. Extremely disappointed, Apu’s daughter decided to go back to the underworld with all the alpacas. So, she ran to the nearest water spring, where she dove and swam to the underworld. Most of her alpacas followed her except for a few the herdsman prevented from joining her. Since then, the alpacas live nearby lakes and springs, waiting for their mistress to come back. A few weeks ago, an alpaca heard a rumor: Apu’s daughter is back in the upper world. So, she decided to leave the mountains and started looking for her. Now, it's time you to join and follow our alpaca in his quest for Apu’s daughter. She will visit the most exotic places all over the world while you can help her find his mistress and who knows, we might even have to follow him out of this world!


NFT, what is that? What are you talking about ?

Are you new to the world of NFT, don't worry, it's free to join, just get your FREE WAX account at Wax Cloud Wallet with only two simple steps. It's easy, secure, instant and global. After register you should have .wam address. Then you can go to the Market. AtomicHub is at the moment my favorite and leading marketplace when it comes to NFTs. You can buy, TRANSFER TO YOUR FRIENDS, sale or auction your NFT at WAX Market. It's easy to use and interacts directly with your WAX cloud wallet. 


Check the previous posts and don?t forget to FOLLOW CryptoBlonde


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