Tokenizer Updates!

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If you're interested in my new project or just want to learn more, please join the telegram here. Marketing hasn't begun at all, so you're still super early!

Hey guys, and welcome to another article!

In this article, I'll be going over a few updates on my new project, the Tokenizer!

I haven't updated for about a month, and the telegram has been a bit quiet, but I assure you things are going on in the background!

First off, we have a working alpha! (30% functional, but working nonetheless!)

The alpha is super buggy and requires a UI facelift, but basic features like pegging and governance votes are working! 

I have spent upwards of ten thousand dollars on this project so far, so seeing the alpha create a token for me is amazing.


Second, on the VC aspect. I got approached by dLab, an SOSV company that provides pre seed funds to startups. This was super amazing as VCs usually don't approach projects that are still majorly ideas. 

Regardless of the outcome of the VC call (which has happened already), TKN tokens (the native Tokenizer platform currency) will be distributed fairly. Meaning everyone will get an equal chance to get some tokens.

The distribution model will be released much later once the beta product is out.

I am a perfectionist to the core, and will not even build a website until the product is working PERFECTLY. But trust me, the wait will be worth it

If you want to join the telegram to keep getting updates, here's the link.

Beta testers will also get access to TKN deals like never seen before!

Thanks for reading, and look out for the next update!

Regulation and Society adoption

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