A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin BenePit (BNP)

 BenePit (BNP)  ETH Token  PH  Cryptocurrency 

Blockchain:  using algorithm ETH Token

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Curculation 0.0 из 30000000000.0 BNP

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BenePit analyses the user‘s phone call log. The BenePit app is used to segment the call logs of subscribers to fit their usage and purposes within the platform, allowing advertisers to segment their customers and get more detailed targeting.

BenePit is a phone-based ad incentives platform that differentiates itself from other existing ad platforms in that it utilizes the user’s phone call logs as the basis for ad serving.

Top exchanges by trading volume BNP

Rating BenePit

Rank by rate  CoinMarketCap:

Rank by rate  CoinGecko: 13103.

Evaluation of communication (points): 0

Common Assessment Points: 0

Evaluation of the design (points): 0

Assessment of the liquidity (points): 0

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Useful links and additional information

Courses, exchanges, trade BNP

Blockchain, hashrate, mining BNP

Events BNP

Official website BNP: https://www.benepit.io/  http://company.benepit.com/ 

Block explorers BENEPIT: etherscan.io  ethplorer.io 


Twitter BenepitOfficial  

Facebook: BenePit.io  

Telegram: BenePit_global  


GitHub: https://github.com/benepit

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