StormGain App All Your Referrals Have Disappeared

Well that's another Application and platform I think I might be throwing a tantrum at - StormGain have only gone and screwed up their own App - it looks permanent. 

Shortly before Christmas 2020, the StormGain App started to show errors, both for the Cloud Mining facility and Referrals - both facility pages showing error screens.

Let me cut to the chase, I issued a support request which returned a reply of StormGain knowing about the issue and on a fix to the problem... Also a fix was in the offing for the Cloud Miner. 

Having waited just about a month for a solution, both the webapp and StormGain App are now showing as resolved and fixed... The invite link is back... But no flaming referrals are in the list. 

Now given I had over 20 partners to my invite link, many of which had been trading and earning myself some handy commission every month. Now I am just pissed off proper at StormGain. 

I have issued a request for further information and if the loss of affiliates at StormGain is permanent - is there compensation being offered... As did Moon Faucets when they lost referral inventories of members.

As yet it seems the loss of StormGain referrals is permanent if indeed you had invites attached to your account before the error. 

We await StormGain and a response.

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