Funniest Crypto week Sept. 4

HEY Y'all crypto people, we love you !!  Bless your hearts on a Sunday - what's our old fever dream - even an atheist owes reverence to evolution.  Or engineering or microbiology, fractals, quasars, quantum physics, something!!!  Thank you for your help here at the mighty mighty poptone Publish0x.  Church lol.  Taking possession of money by the people for the people of the people, lol.  Bring that good luck!! Please help!!!

Let's face it, tho all that existentialist whatever.  We are here for the BABY!!  PLENTY OF EM!!! 

Bill Murray raises 200K for charity, gets his wallet raided and loses 200K.  That's funny.  We got all excited as was at an old man bar nearby but apparently Bill was on a tour of ALL of the (not hot) spots,  good on him!  Use created on demand wallets Bill!! 

Always a funny week for lawyer monkey biz!! Bitboy caves on his lawsuit Dear readers know bitboy is -ssho.

We have never been ripple fans - raised a in capital, should be miles ahead, what have they developed really ? If looks like a typical citizen from 2858, this guy looks like a powertripping neckbeard programming from a lair, lol, sorry.  The Ripple CTO should know from lawyers tho TBF lol!!!  This CTO should have MUCH better things to do, but it IS  laughing at your legal troubles. 

Funnier still, now gets the Streisand effect - ALL the YouTubers are piling on videos making fun of him.  Plus GoFundMe is against BitBoy.   What a great time to be alive!!  Babs Streisand tried to get out of a book of (beach house) erosion shots, now we ALLLLLL know about it!! was funny in  NYC - she everyone to get into her exclusive co-op, then treated them all like Ho ho what diva fun.when Babs wanted to sell and move (never there, paying high maintenance $$$)  - the coop refused every single prospective buyer for a decade, lol.  Thought was the Babs effect!!  Funnier still - a neighbor/friend/bondsman  grew up in her building, he and his pals used to use Bab's elevator lobby / foyer as their party hut clubhouse. 

The king hell horrorshow lawyer monkey biz funny is MUCH more ludicrous than the above monkeyshines.  In actual flying monkey level lawyer evil, we have the powerful Cryptoleaks story (link below):

In a complete gaming and perversion of the legal system, Roche Freedman lawyers kinda went on tape on their strategy, which is next level Dr. Evil. 

took early & large  action from Avalanche for extra special lawyer powered deviltry. Then started around 25 class action lawsuits against Solana and other AVAX competitors. 

But yet, it's funny.  What's the name of the guy caught on tape!! Wait for it YES!!!! It's !!  AH ha hah ha ha ha KYLE!!!!!Class action lawsuits, which only require one monkey to be a plaintiff to start, are protected free speech.  Things you couldn't say in the paper you can pop into the public eye through seemingly more legit litigation.   Here lawyers started a research firm to publish ONE hatchet job report, then used to start the lawsuit. A funny - the bogus research shop was called Intelligence, lol!!   

Roche acted like a super evil anti-PR firm, tagging rivals with legal FUD and defense fees, plus deliberately attracting the SEC to attack them.

Even THAT banana behavior is peanuts compared to the real prize - discovery.    would like, file a suit that Sol is an unregistered security ( hey lookit SEC!! lookit!! ) and then demand, and RECEIVE, insane internal information from the target.  Here's And of course an evil denouement - is getting yanked off the lawsuits, but the LAWSUITS continue.  Binance, Tron, Tether, Bitmex, Bitfinex.    Torte reform has eluded the USA for many decades.  Evil monkey lawyers know even if their suit fails, they never have to pay legal costs.   Therefore the attacker's exposure is limited.  Defenders face unlimited possible costs which must be defended as an existentialist threat. Great news for defense lawyers, but  shoulda LOST MONEY, NOT JUST FACE??  Should be SOME kind of frivolous suit gas fee in there somewhere...

Plus, if X lawyers get paid a million but cause a million and one in damages to Sol, that's a win!!  If you think sickly enough. Aiee funny, man funny.  Well, if ya zoom out far enough.  Kyle says they just got him intoxicated, that's funny.  Now we think Kyle's on drugs as well as being a real lowlife... and yet..... lol... he's an innovator man, blame the system not the player awwoooooo ohh... that's funny!!!

Funny as Kyle is, our boy Emin Gun is next level.  The evil of his lawsuit calling Sol a security is helping make all chitcoins securities - cmon funny.  The Goon and Kyle show sued Craig Wright for claiming to be satoshi - Craig is therefore in breach of contract!!  Hilarity!! Drove down BSV prices is that funny?   Kyle and Gooner made a trophy! A nice headhunting crosshairs Zodiac killer trophy VERY FUNNY but scary. 

tags some poor bastard reporter from Turkey with a lawsuit in the Miami airport, the first use of tag law in federal court in ten years.  Goon watches the tape like a snuff flick over and over. 

Goon also claims he's the father of blockchainhas a whole army of twitter bots who say so lol!!  Gun tried to drop a paper from his team as if it was anonymous which is funny. 

The CryptoLeaks article keeps on digging deep for laughs, and gets some big ones!!  Goon always calls himself a Cornell Professor, he's out now but he was an assistant and an associate professor, never a full prof lol!  We feel for ya on that one did not properly back Karma, your 2003 crypto miss.

Here's a - Gun led followers in Simon and Garfunkel singalongs for Avalanche!!! Tweeted right after!! TBF tells him never to boast about price actions, during rallies,  like he did here.   Now THIS is funny.  Why the ($#*$#(*&!!  would you replace the word "" in a pop song with your brand???  WWWWOW now we know, AVAX is darkness.Ya can't make this stuff up. 

 Not THE Darkness, we like them. Don't listen if you are feeling serious.  Or do!! 

Dear readers will remember the Macalinao brothers, Dylan and Ian of Saber.   They are now thrown out from the VC firm they founded, that's funny.  Saber claimed four BILLION locked up on Solana, nearly half of everything.  But the cool part there was Saber's competitors on Solana - Sunny, Quarry, Cashio, Goki and Tribeca (lol.). Turns out they ALL were fake, ALL mirrors held up by  Dylan and Ian. Double, triple, quadruple counting, who knows what lying their ass off about volume baby, it's a THING.  THAT's funny!!! 

broke the peg.   Waves sez ya, y'know, adjustments, we are NOT LUNA as USDN hit 90 cents.  Say it again !!!  it's funny WE ARE NOT LUNA that's the best we got??? lol

lawyers getting paid heavy coin to debate angels dancing.  Some pure custody, pure holding, very few clients will get paid some money sometime, oh but are you a PURE client?  No, you once was doin 55 in the 54,  we hold YOUR funds to pay lawyers.  Funny except for all the skin lost in the game.

Kyle versus Kyle for monkey of the year.  How do we judge them?  Broken arrows Kyle blew billions.  But Kyle Roach may have fouled out the entire industry and destroyed even MORE market cap!!! We'll have to zoom out in time to see this one.  Not tonight tho