There Is Life In This Old Yet

How is it that I have always sidestepped this one particular old dog of the faucet, airdrop and low profile betting facility world until recently?

I am building an inventory of trustable little dust earners... Most of which you can find via my sponsors and invites in the links at the bottom of this page - enough with the fluffy plugs...

One faucet, or should I rephrase, rather entertaining concept, that over the years has progressed from the days pre-2018 crazy, to become a candidate in my dust earning faucet list. has been around for many years and can press a great argument for being one of the longest running, if not 'the' longest running Bitcoin Faucet of them all.

One thing that brings longevity to a faucet and any community happily earning from the potential pot of gold - hey look, every 1-Satoshi will be worth over USD$1.00 on the near future... Never look a gift horse in the mouth - is fairness and a great owner and development team that is unselfish, ungreedy, and just downright a pleasure to deal with should any questions arise to support... THIS is what makes a faucet and community great.

So this last couple of weeks I have been tinkering on occasion with the Faucet format, having a few spins here and there, and a few flutters in the betting arena... I have got it sussed out and I am more than happy with a more than fair rolling for free crypto, but not only that, bonuses from betting, staking and playing the games, also if you wish completing survey tasks. Not a survey person myself, but I have found the rest of the Faucet to be more than adequate to fill up a time filler role.

Darn... I have won a couple of flutters on the EPL Football (Soccer USA)... And look to be doing just fine via the 'Multiplier Game'... So much fairer than some faucets that manipulate algorithms in games. A pleasure to play...

Flip... I don't mind losing so much as my bonus is building quickly per roll, and in-house via the 'Rewards' a couple of bigger losses have been soaked up  into the rewards scheme and percentage per roll bonus... Shit I am that giddy I seriously am half cooked to invest more into the FUN token stake on offer...

There is so much going on over at the faucet I could badger you here all day... But you don't want that... 

Even if you sidestep as I do usually, I think you may actually tune into what have achieved over the years... Speedy payouts to wallets are also vouched for by myself. 

Go check out and sign up to at this invite link... Click here

Also please check out my main sponsor StormGain who have a great welcome package for you. See the invite link below. 

StormGain - Wallet - Free Cloud Mine - Fun way to trade and invest with many perks.

*** More Useful Invite Links ***

Join Speed Satoshi via my invite link below. Use just the one login for all faucets... 

Your link to Speed Satoshi

Express Crypto - Multi crypto faucet, tasks, games, chat, support - huge community - massive crypto and faucet inventory and micro wallet. One of, if not the best and longest running crypto earner - In house exchange and quick withdrawals - Build your own faucets and link - Click here to join

Also two great long running faucets can be found at links below... 

Faucet Crypto - Multi Cryptocurrency Faucet - Tasks and Daily Bonus structure chat and support. Low withdrawal threshold - Click here to join.

Free Bitcoin - Old faithful... The oldest running free Bitcoin faucet - Click here to join

Bee Coin Early Entry Mining App

Like Pi Network - Get in early and start mining BEE before it trades on exchanges. 10-million already joined - use xtrm as your code to download and use the app. 

Join BEE here - BEE Mining App