Handshake - decentralized root naming system

Handshake is blockchain based, p2p, decentralized and permissionless naming protocol where every peer act as validator and manage a root DNS naming zone. Projects goal is to offer alternative to existing Certificate Authorities and naming system. So, Handshake is actually an extension of the existing centralized naming system and in a way creates a collaboration with it. Unlike its predecessor (Namecoin, Blockstack, ENS ...) Handshake focused on solving the problem of one component of the existing naming system - expand the root zone file and the root servers.



Handshake solution


Existing naming infrastructure are owned by big corporations like Verisgn, Google, Facebook, Twitter and DNS root zone is controlled ICANN. With created naming system, there are 3 problems:

  1. Users can only rent a SLD (second level domain)

  2. Users do not actually have full control over the rented domain names

  3. Current centralized naming system is less secure, because single point of failure

The Handshake project seeks to solve the following problems by acting as an extension on root zone file where TLD (top level domain) ownership information is stored and the root servers with a distributed and decentralized blockchain-based system, which nobody controls and anybody can use. This allows the root zone to be uncensorable and permissionless without centralized third party (ICANN in this case).


Comparison of Handshake DNS with traditional DNS


Blockchain consensus mechanism


Handshake blockchain is based on the POW consensus algorithm. Unlike most blockchain protocols whose services require high scalability, which is why they migrate to alternative consensus, Handshake has no need to increase scalability. This is because the HNS (Handshake native token) is used exclusively for bidding at auctions, transfers and annual renewal of domains, so there is no need for a huge TPS metric.Handshake uses Blake 2B + SHA3 mining algorithm. Handshake ASIC miners are produced by the Goldshell company, and they also offer devices for home mining (less noise, cheapest) so that even "average users" can mine HNS. This is a big plus when it comes to protocol decentralization.



Goldshell HNS miner - GUI


Business model


The Handshake native coin -HNS is used by users to transfer, register, and renew domain names. The coin is necessary to prevent spam on the peer-to-peer network.

In addition to mining, customers can purchase the HNS coin at the Namebase exchange – TLD name registrar. Namebase is onramp for Handshake where you can easily buy and sell HNS as well as bid on, and use. Handshake Currently, it is possible to buy HNS only with Bitcoin, and only for US citizens with USD.

Handshake TLD names can be acquired in several ways depending on the current status of a particular name:

  • Bidding for name on auction for available names

  • Purchasing on secondary marketplace where seller determine price

  • Make an offer for already acquired names

  • Start auction on your own – make first bid for name you want

A Vickery auction is being conducted for available names. Users bid offer has two parts:

  1. Bid amount – your real offer for name

  2. Blind amount – this amount is for purpose of user strategy

Bid and Blind amounts together presents a lockup amount. In the auction process, only lockup amount is visible to other users competing for the same TLD, which is an excellent prevention of bots and brings a strategic element in the bid process.

After the auction is completed, the users with the highest bid (Bid amount) win the auction and receive a domain name at the price of the second highest bid.

During the auction, all users who are active in the auction lock their HNS (Bid + Blind) and after reaveling results it is returned to their wallets. Only the user who wins the auction pays the achieved HNS price.


Handshake usecase


Handshake has access to cooperation with the current Certification Authorities and starts as a certain extension to the already existing system, but from the position of root server and registration. Since ICNNA charges around $ 200,000 for TLD registration, which is very expensive for average user and most companies register that aim solely to monetize SLDs.

However, another advantage of such an approach is the variety of options that Handshake provides to the user of the purchased TLD. While the current infrastructure is based solely on website TLD extensions, Handshake gives users a choice of an additional set of options:

  • Create Website

  • Create dLink

  • Login with your domain name(ID)

  • Redirect your name to other domain (URL-shortener)

  • Sell or gift your TDL domain name

  • Selling subdomains of your domain name

  • Create a emailm address on your handshake name

  • Social networking with your handshake name as username

Handshake has expanded TAM beyond the scope of traditional business domaining (domain trading) and thus enabled the multifunctional use of this digital asset.

However Handshake allows the use of domain names for a wider range of activities in the digital world. Linking Handshake TLDs to social media accounts or logging in to websites is a true innovation, mostly because ownership can be verified on the blockchain. 




Handshake coin (HNS) is a native currency on Handshake blockchain and all transactions, offers and auction bids are performed with it.

The HNS coin can be obtained by contributing to the platform (mostly devs), mining or purchasing through the Namebase exchange.

The initial distribution of HNS is very interesting and completely different from other crypto projects. The vast majority of the initial coin supply was granted to the open source community via airdrop while 33.3% was intended for HNS miners.

Project creators are provided with 5% of the total supply which is below the average for the crypto industry.

Interestingly, 10% of the initial bid is reserved for existing TLDs, the first 100,000 websites according to Alexa ranking, Certified Authority and Registrars. With this move, the Handshake project has justified the claim that it wants to work with the current central entity while at the same time providing users with an option.


HNS Coin supply structure


Regardless of the large pre-mining part of the total supply, the token economy seems to be planned according to the needs of the crypto-system itself.

The protocol’s monetary policy also has a lock and burn mechanism. In auction bidding, the entire offered amount is locked for a certain period (the period depends on the block time), which consequently slows down coin velocity. Decreasing velocity in the token economy consequently increases the value of the coin/token.

Paid HNS amount at auction is burned. Burn mechanism reduces the coin supply and also has a positive effect on the value of the HNS coin.


Team and Investors


The people and teams behind the establishment and construction of the Handshake project are all veterans in blockchain technology behind which are many successful projects:

Joseph Poon - Creator of Lightning Network Protocol

Andrew Lee - CEO and Co-founder of Purse

Christopher Jeffrey - CTO at Purse and contributor at Handshake

Boyma Fahnbulleh - Bcoin and HNS contributor

Handshake Alliance

Namebase team

The list of investors in the Handshake project is quite long and the most important VC funds and individuals are:

a16z VC fund

Sequioa Capital

Boost VC

Pantera Capital

Polychain Capital

Draper Associates

Hashed VC fund

Meltem Demiros

Bobby Lee


Useful sources about project



 Knowledge Base



