ZT Global

ZT trading platform completed the first round of multi-million-dollar financing. The financing was led by SoftBank Group (UK), followed by Cabin VC, Candaq, and Dealean (German Neighbors).

The investments will be used to further strengthen the global operation of the ZT trading platform, deepen the depth of the underlying transaction business, and enhance the scale management capabilities of digital assets. At the same time, in the near future, ZT trading platform will cooperate with SoftBank Group to establish a multi-party resource system with outstanding industry builders such as Cabin VC, Candaq, and Dealean to improve the ecological governance mechanism of the ZT Smart Chain (Zenith Smart Chain) and the business structure of the primary and secondary markets.


It is reported that Cabin VC, Candaq, and Dealean (German Neighbors) are all well-known important investment institutions and construction parties in the industry. Cabin VC was established in 2018. The founding team originated from the early supporters of Ethereum technology. It is an important investment institution and builder of digital securities and open financial infrastructure. It has participated in the creation of the first compliance order in the history of global digital securities development and Polkadot, Projects such as Injective Protocol. Candaq originated in Berlin, Germany and Silicon Valley in the United States, focusing on entrepreneurial incubation in the fields of financial technology and blockchain, and early participated in Etheruem, Polkadot and other projects. Dealean was established in 2017, focusing on investment in technology-driven and innovative blockchain projects, and early participated in the investment and incubation of projects such as Polkadot and Litentry.


ZT trading platform was established in 2018 and belongs to ZT Global. It is an independently operated digital asset trading service provider. It is committed to promoting and developing digital asset management services related to asset digitization based on the global digital asset trading business. The current ZT crypto trading platform is positioned among the top 20 globally.