We all know that the internet was created by the government, and we all know that the privacy based "Tor" browser was also creat

We all know that the internet was created by the government, and we all know that the privacy based "Tor" browser was also created by the government. These systems always seem to have back doors or vulnerabilities. So lets say you were the government and youre able to foresee a future where digital currencies will replace physical currency, what would you want to do? You would want to jump on the opportunity. If you control the currency and it gets adopted worldwide you will have the upperhand on basically everything especially if theres a built in backdoor (vulnerability). How would this get implemented? Well the creation would be anonymous since the government wouldnt want people to know that it created this currency it would use a pseudonym such as Satoshi, next it would let it run its course since adoption of new technology takes time. After some time, the government would create a period of uncertainty and scarcity of goods by way of inflation. Less people will be able to afford things which means these people will need "assistance" in getting their nutritional needs met (Universal Basic Income). Similar to the "assistance" that was given out during the pandemic. Once they are dependant on the government to have their basic needs met such as health, food and shelter. You then roll out the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). This would basically make all other crypto currencies obsolete and the ones who invested in them have had their saving wiped out, which now makes them dependant on the government "assistance" as well. Now you have whole populations using CBDC's which obviously has back doors(vulnerabilities), just like the internet does, and just like Tor does. The people that initiated protest on the streets were told that they couldnt gather in groups and this was for their own safety. There were some that didnt listen so an executive order was signed similar to the one that stopped the Trucker convoy protests in Canada. Im sure this wont happen but it sounds like a good Pilot for a dystopian TV series am I right?