A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin CannaBCoin (CBDC)

 CannaBCoin (CBDC)

Blockchain: N/A using algorithm N/A

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CannaBCoin (CBDC) mission is to build our brand on the core values of customer service and care hospitality, highest standards of quality, honesty, integrity and community outreach. CannaBCoin is backed.CannaBCoin Ecosystem: To provide Seamless, Fast Secure and Immutable payments for Worldwide Cannabis Industry.CannaBCoin (CBDC) will be using the Blockchain Technology and) is based on POS Blockchain Technology. CannaBCoin would achieve transparent, fast, secure and immutable payments worldwide enabling rapid growth for Cannabis businesses in terms of a number of customers and partners through the common CannaBCoin Ecosystem.Whitepaper

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Courses, exchanges, trade CBDC

Blockchain, hashrate, mining CBDC

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