Stone x satoshi club ama session 18 jan 2021

Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Today we talking about a project that helps you sleep well at night, because, this is the yield aggregation protocol that earns crypto for you.

Stone designs the first liquid POS farming strategy in DeFi, with staked ETH 2.0.

The plan of AMA session:

  1. Part?—?Introduction and preselected questions.
  2. Part?—?Live questions
  3. The Quiz about Stone

The reward pool is 1500$

Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:

Mary | Satoshi Club?—?@madamlobster and D. | Satoshi Club?—?@Cool_as_Ice

The Representative of the project:

Alex Stone?—?@Alexlam2013?—?Project lead of Stone. Have been in Crypto for more than 7 years.

Sara | will never dm u first for funds?—?@cryptooosss?—?community manager at STONE

Stone Golem?—?@Stone_Golem?—?A crypto guy since 2016, based in Singapore and US.

Introduction of Stone project


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Stone! Welcome to Satoshi Club

D| Satoshi Club:

Hello everyone

@Stone_Golem @cryptooosss @Alexlam2013 @PJ:_WN hey guys! Welcome!

How are you doing?

Stone Golem:

Hello! @Cool_as_Ice thanks for having us here

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Welcome to Satoshi Club

Alex Stone:

Hi everyone, it’s a warm family.

Stone Golem:

Pleasure is mine.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Today we want to know about the Stone project as much as possible

But, guys, let’s start with your intro

Stone Golem:

I got my pillow with me beside my laptop. Happy to share what we are working on!

Mary | Satoshi Club:

We won’t let you sleep

D| Satoshi Club:

So guys please, introduce yourselves

Alex Stone:

this is Alex, project lead of Stone. I have been in Crypto for more than 7 years.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Seven years, it’s a solid term

D|Satoshi Club:

Yeah 7 years, it’s a lot, almost since the beginning.

Sara | will never dm u first for funds:

Sara here

community manager at STONE, any AMA proposal or project-related could reach out to me

Alex Stone:

Yeah, just experienced cycles of the market.

Stone Golem:

Hi guys, my name is Stone Golem. A crypto guy since 2016, based in Singapore and the US. I am one of the early backers of Rockx. Together with Rockx and a few other guys, we came up with the idea of Stone to help all DeFi guys like us to sleep well at night, get rock solid yield and explore new yield-bearing assets in DeFi.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Yes, a nice idea

I can tell, that I still have sleepless nights) how Stone project plans to help us?

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Do you still mine BTC?

Stone Golem:

STONE is the only yield management protocol focused on creating a “Rock Solid Yield” for all the users in the DeFi ecosystem. Stone is positioned as the anchor yield aggregation platform that aims to expand the current DeFi yield market and include the yields from the staking assets. As the beginning of yield market is positioned at erc20 assets, which still takes a small portion of the whole crypto market cap, Stone is uncovering the opportunities into phase 2 at the Proof of Stake (“PoS”) assets, and Stone has the vision to be the global yield marketplace with the inclusion of multi-chain PoS assets.

To leverage the capability of substrate and Polkadot, Stone is also looking to provide more innovative products based on a wide range of yield-bearing assets to users across multiple blockchains.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Nice plan. What about its realization?


Hey, this is PJ, am part of the stone builders and helping coordinations! look forward to discussing more with you guys!

Stone Golem:

Alex and I have been mining BTC for years, where we see a lot of similarities with Defi, the hates and the loves

Stone Golem:

In simple terms, I like to tell the community that stone is introducing the long-waited rock-solid yield to the crypto world, through new assets (yield-bearing assets), new strategies (like cross-chain strategies, liquid staking strategies), and new products (something we look at interest product in the future)

D| Satoshi Club:

Do you have big plans to work with other blockchains as well? not only with Ethereum?

Stone Golem:

Yes, we are still mining BTC in an industrial manner, professional farms, proper trading strategies to hedge risks, etc. It has been a nice ride for us

D|Satoshi Club:

Cool, cool the real BTC miners in the chat

Stone Golem:

To really deliver rock-solid yield to our community, the first thing we are going to do is to introduce stablecoin strategies without IL and other risks with curated partners. Then we are going to expand our yield farming horizon by tapping into liquid staked markets. This is a market bigger than the current DeFi space.

Stone Golem:

Think about how many ETH have been staked for ETH 2.0. If we unlock that liquidity, make use of their inheritance yield. that’s a rewarding market for users

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Got it

Stone Golem:

you are absolutely right. While other yield aggregators are developing riskier strategies on new protocols on Ethereum or taking more leverage, in order to get a decent yield. Stone is avoiding the rat trap, by tapping into Non-Ethereum assets, like liquid staked assets (Dot, Solana, Oasis, etc). In this way, Stone will create a decent yield for users without taking too many risks.

Our first partnership with Ramp was true to forge that technical force to tap into non-Ethereum staking markets.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you, guys, for your intro

it was informative! Ready to go to the questions from our community?

Stone Golem:


Preselected questions about the Stone project.


D| Satoshi Club:

Let’s go it!

Q1 from Telegram user @nata_jakarta

Your first strategy to be implemented will be regarding Ethereum 2.0 How would put this strategy into practice since ETH 2.0 blockchain is not fully functional yet?

Stone Golem:

A really great question! ETH 2.0 is indeed still at a nascent stage. Why we are tapping into it? because it’s a natural extension of DEFI on Ethereum and it is the trend for the future (Ethereum will become POS gradually).

How do we achieve that? We approach it through two steps. First, we work with partners we are liquid staking providers to get users to stake their ETH for ETH 2.0, and in return get an ERC20 token as a representation of their staking assets, say aETH or vETH, etc.

This is the first step to have a record of the staked assets onto Ethereum.

Once that is done, Stone will establish pools to make those liquid staked assets useful on Ethereum. If aETH has no trading market or lending market on Etheruem, it won’t have any value. That’s what Stone is providing value to the community

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Which partners you are liquid staking providers too? Can you name them?

Stone Golem:

Our partner list is growing really fast. simply because we are solving one big issue for liquid staking providers, their tokens need to be liquid for trading or lending. That’s where the yield farming part of Stone comes in.

By rewarding the community on liquidity provision for liquid staked assets, we will make it a real liquid asset like ETH on Uniswap.

The public announcement we have made for partners include Ramp and Ankr.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Good partners

Stone Golem:

One philosophy Stone has adopted is tirelessly curation. We have looked closely at these providers and make sure we only work with the good ones.

But this is only the very beginning for ETH 2.0. we will onboard more partners for ETH 2.0 and gradually for other assets like Polkadot and others. that’s gonna be a long list

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Off-topic question. what does your logo mean?

Stone logo - Postimages


Stone Golem:

You mean this?

Mary | Satoshi Club:


Stone Golem:

Or my beautiful profile pic?

Mary | Satoshi Club:


But your picture is nice.

Stone Golem:

HaHa, just kidding.

D| Satoshi Club:

Will you have your own token? because I didn’t find any information about it.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

I don’t know why, but pos and your logo remind me about posw project

if someone remembers it.

Stone Golem:

Our logo is a hollow S on a stripped stone pattern. Yes, there will be a token STN for sure. Why does Stone need a token?

Mary | Satoshi Club:

And sale?


D| Satoshi Club:

Good question

Stone Golem:

The Stone token (“STN”) is the native utility token of Stone Protocol, which acts as the central part of the incentive structure of the Stone DeFi ecosystem and interests of all ecosystem participants.

STN As Cornerstone: STN token is the governance token that will play a crucial role in the Stone ecosystem. STN’s primary function is for protocol governance and it is further empowered to reward liquidity provision during the bootstrapping (each pool would have its dedicated STN rewarding scheme to build up sufficient size) and more interestingly, STN will be used to incentivize portfolio rebalancing (for example, STN reward may be higher for the certain pool to attract more funds there in order to maximize yield farm), pay transfer fees for the cross-chain execution and act as the security deposit to safeguard funds in the liquid staked assets.

The stone platform will launch multiple vaults and strategies, the way to maximize users’ returns is through STN to rebalance the TVL of each pool

And to ensure that liquid staking providers can cover slashing risks, we will require them to put STN as a security deposit on Stone

And ultimately, Stone will pass on the control and future direction to the community, hence STN will act as the governance token for people to vote on protocol level decisions and vault level as well

D| Satoshi Club:

Nice, I see you have lots of functions for your token and how you will distribute it? will you run a presale or airdrop?

Stone Golem:

Late last year we received fund contributions from a few funds deeply involved in DEFI, including Arrington XRP Capital, Signum capital, long hash venture, and hyperchain capital, to name a few the fund is used to develop the alpha version of Stone and ensure everything is safe and sound in the future, we will launch a small public sale to distribute the tokens to community members, but more importantly, it will be mined through the launch of the alpha version. Users will be able to get STN by mining with Stone and without IL or concerns of losing funds!

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you, it’s clear

Ready to proceed?

Stone Golem:


D| Satoshi Club:

Q2 from Telegram user @daviessss

It’s everyone’s wish to have low fees, and there are already a number of projects that promise this. Please tell us exactly how will you ensure low fees, since the product that you’re building will work on Ethereum network?

Stone Golem:

We feel the pain as everyone else about the high gas fee. We have seen a lot of projects exploring layer 2, to make most transactions off-chain. We are not in favor of any centralized solutions to aggregator funds and deploy them elsewhere. it’s not safe for user funds!

Mary | Satoshi Club:

So, what is your solution?

Stone Golem:

Our ultimate focus is to ensure user funds safe and yield as rock-solid as possible. We are looking at layer 2 and also building on the substrate to leverage the cross-chain capabilities and low fees in the future

I’m not saying a low fee will take place on Stone in the first version. because the first version of Stone is for the community to feel the security of yield farming. We think that is more important in the DeFi space than new technical advancement can lower gas fee. Meanwhile, Stone aggregate capital deployment by tranches, the stone will monitor the gas fees, actually, we also plan to compensate the partial gas costs from the business income of stone in the future. Therefore, if TVL gets big on stone, the gas fee will be lowered for every user.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Stone webr - Postimages


I visited your site and found it there.

Can you tell us if coming soon have any timeframes?

Stone Golem:

Okay, we have shared in our recent medium post that we are going to deliver rock-solid strategies to our community. In fact, the stablecoin strategies have been ready for quite a while, and it’s now under internal testing. and a few liquid POS strategies are being built.

D| Satoshi Club:

Will Stone be working with layer 2 since the start? or you will add this function later?

Stone Golem:

Layer 2 will come later. We are taking a more conservative approach and focus on fund security and yield sustainability first.

We could launch it anytime but we decide to grow the community to a decent size before launching it. this allows us to cap each user’s fund (to limit risk) and deploy a meaningful size of funds to farm. If we can reach 5k to 8k users in our community, maybe you will find that website updated.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Do you have competitors?

Stone Golem:

There are many yield aggregators in the space, YFI as the most well-known one. However, we have not seen one protocol that has prioritized rock-solid yield before anything else. Most protocols are trying out risky strategies for high yield while risking funds.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

I see, thank you

Stone Golem:

And we have not seen yield aggregators tap into liquid staking assets as Stone does. Stone is the first one to announce such an innovative strategy.

Stone will compete with YFI and others for stablecoins and ERC20 AUM.

However, none is there to compete with Stone for liquid staked assets, like DOT, ETH 2.0, etc. Done

Mary | Satoshi Club:

So, I think you have to launch as soon as possible


Stone Golem:

Yeah, with the help of the Satoshi Club, we might hit our target very soon.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

It will be an interesting competition. or start, or both

Stone Golem:

Our view is that the overall DeFi space is much bigger than the current one. We have right now stablecoins yield farming and ERC20 yield farming. these are like FOREX yield farming and stock yield farming.

But liquid staking market is like bond yield farming. In a traditional market, the bond is a much bigger market than stocks. and worth tapping into that in DEFI as well. Bond has a much more stable yield as well.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Satoshiclubbers! Join @stonefortress !

Stone Golem:

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Ready to proceed?

Stone Golem:


Mary | Satoshi Club:


Stone Golem:

POS market cap over 200bn USD. No one shall overlook it. the average reward is close to 10% as a basis. DeFi TVL is at around 23bn USD.

|D Satoshi Club:

Q3 from Telegram user @reidman_rosa

I have read that users will be rewarded on the platform with tokens + interests from lending. Please explain more about this process. Is it similar to the Venus app?

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Incredible numbers

Stone Golem:

How Stoneworks is like this, the user deposits his/her fund into a specific strategy. Those funds will be deployed into a lending platform or another DeFi protocol for interest income. We do not touch trading pairs because of the unpredictable IL (it does not fit into the rock-solid yield principal). And to reward users using the Stone platform, STN will be rewarded to the user as well. STN will be reserved for each pool to balance AUM across the portfolio. Done.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

As I understand platform is ready. What about its safety?

Stone Golem:

The overall platform architecture was inspired by YFI a lot. we totally agree with the idea of using smart contracts to control fund flow and set authority clear. Before launching, we have been using our own funds to test out the platform.

Meanwhile, we have been speaking to a few code auditing firms (e.g. slowmist and peckshield) to make sure the platform is safe

D| Satoshi Club:

Those are respectful firms.

Stone Golem:

If our community is too eager to try out, we may launch an alpha try out before code auditing, while limiting each person’s fund, and of course, each user will be rewarded with STN in the future

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you, your answer was faster then my question

Stones are fast nowadays

Stone Golem:

It keeps rolling, that’s why.

D|Satoshi Club:

Thanks for the answers! ready for the next question?

Stone Golem:


D| Satoshi Club:

let’s go!

D| Satoshi Club:

Q4 from Telegram user @Mark_mitroglou

Your main idea regarding the index services is to have a risk optimized strategy and to be Sharpe ration efficient. How would you describe this strategy in a more simple way, for simple users which are not experts

Stone Golem:

We introduce the concept of Sharpe Ratio, by looking at both the yield itself, and also the risks associated with that yield. That includes the longevity of yield and also the risks of the platform itself. Stone won’t go into new protocols because APY is high, but will assess it’s credibility and how sustainable that APY would be.

We introduce an index to hedge the risks of single assets, and Stone will be able to deploy the underlying assets to generate additional yield for index holders. Done.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Do you have any articles which describe Sharpe Ratio?

D| Satoshi Club:

Thank you for your clarification. Yes, the article would be helpful.

Stone Golem:

To make it simple terms, the sharp ratio is one guided tool for risk adjust allocations, don’t only look at APY but overall assessment. We will publish an updated litepaper soon, with more mathematical explanations of Sharpe Ratio and portfolio rebalancing

Welcome to discuss with us in-depth if anyone is interested.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you, I see our members from some local groups are really interested in this

Ready to go to the next question?

Stone Golem:

To throw a new idea for Sharpe ratio, maybe we can look at time dependant Sharpe ratio rather than static, we are working on some new Algos haha

Stone Golem:


D| Satoshi Club:

Q5 from Telegram user @sato_nakamo

You say that you are a DeFi platform-agnostic to liquid staking providers. What does agnostic to liquid staking providers mean?

Stone Golem:

let’s take staked ETH for ETH 2.0 for example. a few liquid staking providers have been working on it, let’s say they are aETH, bETH, cETH. Stone can support all these providers so users can deposit these tokens onto Stone. in this case, Stone will help to grow the liquidity of aETH, bETh, and cETH respectively

And to make it more interestingly, these tokens have fragmented liquidity for trading, Stone will have a mechanism to consolidate these liquidities into one trading pair and let people trade it easily and with confidence. Done.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

It’s a really interesting concept, will be really interesting to see how it works. Btw, will your platform be friendly to users who don’t have a lot of funds?

Or it will be just for large investors?

Stone Golem:

Yes, Stone helps users with small funds as well, as we explained previously, we will deploy funds by tranches, meaning we will aggregate small funds together and deploy in one shot, in this way, we will save on gas fee, and individual users will be rewarded fairly based on their funds. Done.

D| Satoshi Club:

Thank you! let’s do the final question from part 1


Q6 from Telegram user @piccoloclub

How will your DAO governance work? Can you tell us more about it, especially I’m interested in how will it provide protection from users that will hold a lot of tokens and will try to influence the decisions unilaterally? Thanks.

Stone Golem:

This is a really really great question. Every blockchain governance is a social experiment. All DAO governance are facing the same issue with the strong influence from whales, that is how we will take this question, first of all, Stone is backed by some selected VC partners that we have alignment to work for long term horizon to do good for the community secondly, for our launch, we do think to implement a cap on the funding deposit per user to widely distribute the tokens, thirdly, we do our best to coordinate and open discussion to address this.

This is why we have not launched the token but engaged with so many AMAs to grow our community and also with a capped alpha test for users to start the process

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Will you reward your users for activities?

Stone Golem:

Yes, we have reserved a number of tokens for community contributors, and also marketing & partnership. In addition, a large part of tokens is reserved for DAO governance in the future.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Got it, it will be a good insensitive for your members

Ready for a storm of questions? Let’s see how strong is a stone

Stone Golem:

let’s let the party continue!

D| Satoshi Club:

Stone De Fi - Postimages


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Let’s go

PART 2.Questions about the Stone project from the live chat of the telegram community.


In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Stone crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 15 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 150$.

Q?—?1 from a telegram user @PyaraLarka

Is #StoneDefi is safe for crypto investors?

Stone Golem:

Sure we are focusing on Rock Solid Yield.

Q?—?2 from a telegram user @eberthFC

I really like that they involve the community to create a great project. How will you reward these brilliant minds that contribute their bit to the project? … obviously apart from having at your disposal an incredible platform?

Stone Golem:

We will release a plan for contributors soon. for example, you can work with the team to develop new strategies, contribute to code development, help grow the community, working on marketing initiatives. there will be plenty of ways to do so. becoming active on governance issues.

Q?—?3 from a telegram user @Amila19932

How this “SOLID” word came to the STONE project? Is there any special meaning for SOLID? Or any other reason to use the SOLID word?

Stone Golem:

Stone stable returns - Postimages


Q?—?4 from a telegram user @leixagarcia

I didn’t get your roadmap information on your website. What are Stone Protocol’s plans for this year? When will your app launch?


Thanks for the question, as previously mentioned, Stone has done the development of the stable coin strategies (passive income vaults), and currently working on the liquid ETH2.0 strategy development, we expect to launch the alpha version of the App either at end of Jan or early Feb. in the meantime, we are talking with other partners to conceptualize the new products. For this year, Stone will have another significant milestone to build products in the Polkadot ecosystem to integrate with the substrate. Stay tuned for our website, we will also update the website with more information on the roadmap!

Q?—?5 from a telegram user @feranno

What kind of partnerships can we expect from Stone with different platforms or projects in the future? How can other platforms and projects benefit from Stone?

Stone Golem:

Starting with ETH 2.0, let’s build the Liquid Staking Yield Farming market together

What we are describing here is a new type of yield generating assets and new types of strategies on DeFi. It is a “blue ocean” to grow the yield farming space exponentially. Stone calls for all stakeholders in the ecosystem to work together on this exciting opportunity

– ETH stakers.

If you are an Ethereum supporter, who have or plan to stake ETH for Ethereum 2.0, please follow Stone on the latest strategies on how to create yield for your staked ETH.

Join our community to let us know how we can create additional yield and bring peace of mind to you

– Ethereum staking providers

Stone can design strategies to make yield for the liquid staking tokens issued by staking providers. By working together, we can jointly ensure the security of the staked ETH. Build a standard to let various staked ETH as liquid as one.

– Decentralized exchanges

With the new type of assets emerging, let’s build a large liquidity pool for these tokens on DEXs. Just like how we grow the stablecoin trading space successfully for anyone to get access to stablecoins.

– Lending protocols

Stone and lending protocols can work together to create a lender/ borrower market for liquid staked ETH and in the future other staked PoS tokens.

– Derivatives protocols

Staked tokens (similar to an interest-bearing bond) provide a great opportunity to build yield derivative products for users with different risk appetite and reward expectations.

Q?—?6 from a telegram user @lzamg

You mention the weaknesses of other DeFi Yield Generation projects and one of them is the weak dev team. So can you tell us a little about the current members of the development team of Stone and their experience in the crypto space?

Alex Stone:

Yes, RockX engineers are part of the dev team of Stone, RockX is a great PoS platform, for instance, PolkaDot, Terra, Oasis, Kusama, Iotx, etc. RockX team delivered grants for Oasis, Algorand. Other engineers are from big tech companies, like BAT.

Q?—?7 from a telegram user @dotun001

What real-life incentives will STONE DEFI bring into DEFI and Pos ecosystem?

Stone Golem:

Stone DeFi will help to build a large trading pair for staked ETH/ ETH so that users can easily cash out their staked ETH as they wish. In addition, Stone Defi will create a vibrant lending market for staked ETH, just like how wBTC market was established on Ethereum

Q?—?8 from a telegram @rhedd

Some of the new build platforms and projects Are More determined to enhance the Mechanism of Staking, Dapps & Consensus Algorithm Work, What about the Stone Protocol itself? Is There a Plan for Stone Protocol Future Development?


Thanks for the question, this is definitely common in the current DeFi market while many projects are launching the staking & locking mechanism first or even only for the community, Stone is to launch the first passive income vaults around stable coin strategies, where users can start putting funds into for yield farming while we will also reward users for the fund deposits, thus our approach is product first but then we definitely will also launch the STN token taking and liquidity provision incentive, but we are moving forward in the organic growth between products and platform tokens.

Q?—?9 from a telegram user @alptrader

You created the Stone project on Ethereum ERC-20 blockchain but there are more blockchains growing rapidly right now. Are you creating any bridges for them for higher coverage?

Stone Golem:

We are working with liquid staking providers to bring assets onto Ethereum. In the future, Stone will build more functionalities on the substrate, where we leverage the cross-chain capability to bring in even more assets. We are keen to work with interlay on the substrate to bring BTC onto Polkadot.


Just to add, we will also explore the products that may fit into the Parachain auction soon within the Polkadot ecosystem.

Q -10 from a telegram user


Stone Golem:

1. A platform focusing on rock-solid yield to safeguard your hard-earned profit. 2. bring in cross-chain assets onto DeFi. 3. unique farming strategies to make sure of yield-bearing assets.

Q -11 from a telegram



STN As Cornerstone: STN token is the governance token that will play a crucial role in the Stone ecosystem. STN’s primary function is for protocol governance and it is further empowered to reward liquidity provision during the bootstrapping (each pool would have its dedicated STN rewarding scheme to build up sufficient size) and more interestingly, STN will be used to incentivize portfolio rebalancing (for example, STN reward may be higher for the certain pool to attract more funds there in order to maximize yield farm), pay transfer fees for the cross-chain execution and act as the security deposit to safeguard funds in the liquid staked assets.

Q -12 from a telegram user @leixagarcia

Is the $STN an ERC-20 token? What blockchain will you work with?

Stone Golem:

STN will be ERC20 as the first version of Stone protocol will be on Ethereum. in the future, it might migrate onto Polkadot with the cross-chain bridge.

Q -13 from a telegram user @Indomiekuy

How did you convince us a community that Stone is a long-lasting project? where did Stone Project receive their fund for development?

Stone Golem:

First of all, Stone did a small round of fundraising with reputable funds, this is to ensure that the contributors and the tech team (rockx) have sufficient funds to build the platform and keep improving it. Secondly, the tokenomics vest the tech development token for three years, to ensure the tech team and community are aligned in interest. thirdly, over 18% of tokens will be locked for the community to decide, this is the way for the future DAO to have sufficient fund to make forward-looking decisions.

Q -14 from a telegram user @Manuanuragck1

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries/regions where English is not spoken well like Indonesia Vietnam and so on. Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand your project? And no need for this.


Yes, we are building out the local communities like in Vietnam, Indonesia, actually we are speaking with some partners to start marketing in those areas as well. in addition, we have been approached by some local DeFi projects that like to be integrated with Stone, which can also help us on the local brand building. welcome more partners to be onboarded.

Q -15 from a telegram user @MrGembel23

From technological and commercial perspectives, how can traditional companies be integrated into the blockchain? What are your plans for traditional companies that continue to exist with their own systems?

Stone Golem:

This is exactly the point of rock-solid yield, only with a strong platform with rock-solid yield, can we work with a fund of funds or insurance companies to convince them to deploy capital onto Stone. This will be a game-changer as no Defi protocols have managed to work with them.

Q -16 (Bonus) from a telegram user @KASG95

If Stone’s yield farm is totally solid, it won’t really be necessary to make changes to its structure in the coming years, right? So they won’t implement community governance either, right? why the community can vote and change what they want and when they want right?

Stone Golem:

Theoretically, you are right, however, as you know, the DeFi space is changing really fast. What may work now may not work in the future. And a lot of black swans happens along the way. that’s why a proper governance model is required to drive changes and ensure the SOLID principals are in place. in addition, with new opportunities pop up, we need a community curation to identify the proper opportunities.

A bonus answer for the lovely community.

Part 3?—?Quiz about project


In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Stone project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 1200$ was distributed between the winners.

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Our Crypto Partner by this AMA: Stone

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