Its 2024, and the last physical united states dollar has found its way to the federal reserve

Its 2024, and the last physical united states dollar has found its way to the federal reserve. In several other countries, the governments have been running a digital currency for over a year with great success.  

Many citizens of various countries have been denied certain rights because of their preferred political party. And others who say anything against the civil rights abuse doled out by the gov. thugs, are also abused and thrown into jails, and prisons.

Crypto has been restricted by the World Economic Forum who has taken control of the governments of the world. There are no longer any crypto to fiat exchanges. The use of crypto is not outlawed, yet, but several countries have forced users underground.

The crypto holdouts are now doing transactions underground, and the governments too have plants watching thier every move, and transaction. If anyone tries to cash out to the local CBDC, they are arrested and stripped of everything they own. 

Websites have popped up everywhere promising the ability to exchange crypto for products, and the ability to trade or barter. But several of those are run by government agencies looking to catch folks dealing in crypto. 

A new sidechain internet was developed in late 2023 to sidestep the regulations, and internet police, but with every new innovation, word of mouth turns out to be a double edged sword.

Several times, hackers working for the gov. attacked the sidechain internet, and introduced trojans to seek and find those who traded crypto for goods and services. It was a strange new world, that forced people to become "criminals" who were only looking to feed their families.

The time had come, and in early 2024, an uprising was about to take place, but the WEF shut down the electric grid, and the resistance faded...

Its December 25th, 2022, and this scenario is something that we see taking shape. It may never happen, and it may just be me jthinking the worst when it comes to the WEF and how they are actually pulling the strings, but i see this as a serious thing. I am not going to fall victim to their regulations, and I will not comply. 

So, there are a few solutions that can be introduced and implemented. 

Sidechain Internet. Yes, in the scenario above, the WEF has found out about it, and tried to destroy it. But, this is a needed tool. We need to find a way to sidestep their coming regulations. This may be a huge task, and will need to be upgraded to stave off attacks, but it is something really worth thinking about.

Crypto Barter/Trade/Buy/Sell Websites. I wrote before about this, and it isnt a bad idea. What will happen to transactions when the CBDC is introduced, and Fiat cash is no longer in use. How are you going to trade crypto for CBDCs? This kind of transaction more than likely be done away with, as I can see, when each country has their own. This is where we need to go back to the mentality that 1 BTC = 1 BTC.

Gold and Silver. There is always a need to keep some gold and a bunch of silver on hand. Even though the current governments of the world say that gold and silver are not real money, they are lying to keep you and I away from it. One ounce of gold, and 50 ounces of silver is the key.  

These are only a few ideas to keep ourselves away from outright tyranny, when everything goes south. I see that there will be problems with the transactions from crypto to fiat in just 10 to 12 months in many countries when the CBDC is introduced there.

Lets not get caught in their traps, and ignore their threats, and just make a society that will prosper and be around in 50 years to also keep our children free.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this made sense to you. Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on the future of CBDCs and crypto...