2020 - 2021 and so the stupid burns further

Did you come here expecting a crypto piece? Lol... Nope... Despite all the ATH's being achieved, and the historical but funny drops in value in Bitcoin - and the multitude of happy, fantastic, wonderful and joyous moments earning a nice amount of crypto over at the likes of StormGain and earning tidy interest on hodled stashes at Nexo (a clear plug for the bottom of the page) - I need to vent some more in relation to the current planetary state of affairs... and the absolute burning stupid via usually normal, savvy human beings, elites and government, that has turned last year 2020 into a historical WTF, Aand continues to prevail into present day 2021. (This is not the opinion of PublishOx or PublishOx staff, lol not that I know of) 

You may not have the same opinion as I but here is a touch more to what I have stated before in previous tippy tappy moments on the keyboard - Warrior that I am and it is of my opinion that the elites have already struck the first blow and now since they have been getting away with murder, they continue to push further - via the rebranding of the common cold virus - Let's not get into where Bill Gates comes into this, but I think many of you many honestly deep down already know. 

Something once said by some famous guy from way back in the day in the USA. .." No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority." 

It's a clear and fundamental human right to live freely. The police have forgotten who give them the power of authority and who pays them... The public.

A simple solution would be to stop paying taxes in the masses, right away. Just stop everything... Bankrupt them and turf them out of power, start the reset on our terms - not the terms of billionaires.

Matt Hancock - UK Health Secretary was again laughing at the British people as he shirked questioning on, and giving an apology for his criminal activity he has just been convicted if via his local pub landlord and friend suddenly acquiring a government contract to find and supply ?30-million in PPE. He should be sacked... These people are thinking they are jetting off to some island in the sun. Video via ITV on YouTube below... Try not to cringe too hard... Now surely you when you see this - you must realise something sinister is going on... One guy on YouTube recently named Matt Hancock a "snivelling shitweasel"... Too funny, but I agree - period! 

Do the public not realise that these elites knew time was coming close to their fall?

So many protests had been happening globally, Hong Kong, Paris, London, New York, many Latin American countries and so many more - many regarding government and corporate corruption -people in my option should also add this factor into the current oval shutdowns - shutting down protests instantly via lockdowns and sometimes very brutally...

Now the governments around he world, in particular UK and USA, also know that as soon as any form of election comes that they are finished. The political elite have fingers in pots of many lobby friends. It is an intricate spiders web of financial planning to help fund early retirement and an escape... Especially if the public erupts into civil disorder before any election.

You can bet your last Satoshi on these elites and politicians jumping in and cashing in on Cryptocurrency also to help aid their champagne sipping, CNN watching, jet setting, lavish lifestyles... While telling you citizens to sit at home because 'we are all in it together.'

Hands up if you think for one second any of these rich or powerful people would step a single foot outside of a bunker inside a mountain, or under city, if they knew a killer virus was out there...

Maybe it is time to rise up and sack these politicians, bankers, dodgy spending rackets? Shut down the undemocratic lobby cash and favours... And bring back our freedoms from tyranny that has rebranded the common cold for an agenda. Just like the people of Iceland did after the last big financial sub-prime and investment scandals of 2007 and 2008.

The Woke, and the cancel culture are other things... Let's leave that for another time. 

Many questions still remain... I am very unsure just how far people, humans, are prepared to go in having life and liberty... Freedom and employment... Entertainment and lifestyle... Let alone the loss of family members to suicide.

I wonder just how far? Vent below in the comments if you wish... Be my guest. ??

Links - Mentioned in this article

NEXO - Earn Interest via P2P, earn extra with Nexo Token. 

StormGain - Wallet - Free Cloud Mine - Fun way to trade and invest with many perks.

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