Recap of Function X Testnet 2.0 and winners



We launched FX Core Testnet 2.0 on 18th September 2020, and it has been running until 30th September 2020.

In Testnet 2.0, we introduced the following components:

  1. Scan QR code to login
  2. Build your own blockchain
  3. Set up validator nodes for both FXCore and other user-generated blockchain
  4. Upgrade FX Cloud & FX Connect — enhancing the functionality and user usability
  5. Add suspension and reactivation mechanisms to the FX Core

The results



During the 13-day period of testnet 2.0, we have:

  • Created 56 validator nodes;
  • Processed 8299 transactions;
  • 483 addresses were used;
  • Generated over 236,817 blocks:
  • 50 active validator nodes reach 100% uptime, which indicates FX Cloud operates reliably. Separately, there were 6 inactive validators (reduced from 29 in testnet 1.0). Some inactive ones are the result of performing attacks according to the testers’ feedback.

To thank the testers, Function X Foundation has allocated 35,000 FX to top 50 FXCore Validators. Also we allocated an additional rewards for top contributors.

Awards for top 50 validators on FXCore 



Top FX Testnet 2.0 contributors

We are grateful for those who participated in Testnet 2.0 and provided constructive feedback. Function X Foundation has allocated 2,000 FX tokens in total to reward top contributors in the Function X Community.

  • Top issue reporters: Dmunafo (400 FX), Crispyn (400 FX)
  • Top FX promoters: Mith_X (400 FX), BTCKing (400 FX)
  • Top FX delegators: Kroon64 (400 FX)

2,000 FX tokens are given to the top security bug reporters: Superbit123 (1,000 FX), Cryptowarss (1,000 FX).

Congratulations to all the winners! We would like to thank everyone for participating in testnet 2.0. Your feedback helps us to improve the operation of Function X better!

Next Up

Items that we did not manage to deliver during the testnet 2.0 but is currently working on at this moment:

  1. To enable cross-chain transactions capability
  2. To introduce a yield mining mechanism to the FX Core to support DeFi (Decentralized Finance)
  3. To publish Function X Core codes on Github for open source developers

Before the mainnet, we will complete the testing of FX cross-chain transaction feature. This is also one of the essential parts that a scalable blockchain network should have as well as develop the infrastructure to enable DeFi feature. Here are the features we are planning to test in Testnet 3.0.

1. To introduce Project Space Station (relay nodes for cross-chain transaction)

2. To upload source codes to Github

3. To fix bugs

The result of testing cross chain transaction will be the key to decide when we can take FX mainnet live. Last but not least, to participate in Testnet 3.0, you can follow our official communication channels (Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Reddit or subscribe to our newsletter) and beware of the scammers. Stay tuned and we look forward to your participation!