Rallies, Corrections, ATH Conundrums and 20 Crypto Jokes

This past week in crypto, bitcoin made a strong move and surpassed USD 19,000, but not before coins below USD 1 had their own rally as the best performers among the top 100. Speaking of BTC climbing, we wondered what exactly is bitcoin’s all-time high. Then, BTC dropped below USD 17K and altcoins turned bloody - so, the usual. As ETH rallied, ETH 2.0 deposit contract reached nearly 60% of staked ETH needed for the Phase 0 launch, with whales and smaller stakers sending all the needed ether to the contract right before the deadline. And as this was all happening, BTC fees dropped and ETH fees rose. Meanwhile, Ripple posted a job ad that shows company’s increased focus on CBDC-related initiatives on XRPL, the interest in 'XRP' reached its highest point in two years while its price doubled in a week, and SBI VC Trade announced plans to start allowing XRP holders to lend their tokens back to the exchange. Also, limited Libra might be launched in January.

Coinbase Pro decided to disable its margin trading product, and COINBASE CEO warned of a rushed self-custody wallet regulation in the US. OECD said it's working on a crypto tax reporting standards for 2021, and as the Lithuanian taxman sold millions in crypto, the US DOJ may have ‘overlooked’ USD 500k in forked crypto in a bitcoin bust. In South Korea, the parliamentarians were pushing Seoul to postpone a crypto tax reporting act, and a major commercial bank is co-creating a “digital asset management company” with leading blockchain players. Furthermore, Pendal Group thinks government bonds could become a "dead asset class," while investors are being pushed to BTC, while MicroStrategy shares accelerated on the announcement of a new bitcoin-focused strategy, and it’s said that Argentinian hotels are preparing to accept crypto payments. Meanwhile, as Oxford and Cambridge get ready for a crypto-off, a letter from Queen Elizabeth II’s office sent the crypto community into a meltdown of speculation about the British ruler’s bitcoin interest, and the son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono declared his faith in crypto’s capacity to change the world for the better.

And now, your special, weekly, crypto treat. Enjoy!


How does everybody feel this rallying week with a bit of a correction?


Where are our hodlers who're waiting for that ATH?! Raise your hands!


And how are our bears doing? Must be feeling a bit better in the second half of the week.


Nicely done. Such a strategy!

Source: Alan, chartneverlies / Twitter


As we wait a bit more for that ATH, let’s look back at certain individuals’ statements, and collectively prepare to utter: ‘I told you so’.


And then there was a correction, and rarely anybody was bothered. In that honour, here’s a dipku.


Cryptoverse knows: not the time to worry, time to pick your outfit.


Because what comes after the dip…

BTC is making its come back! from r/Bitcoin


Nay, sir, you were wrong. They unlocked it a few hours before.


Higher prices, lower fees, ETH 2… elixir of life.


ETH devs have to take this factor into account.


The passage of bitcoin.

Source: Dan Held / Twitter


And who else are you gonna trust if not very dead people? It’s science.


They have to refuse this particular service from now on due to a thing.


ETH camp's commentary on Coinbase re: an event that is yet to happen. Crypto IS the future!


Jokes, people. Remember, jokes.


Aaand off he goes for some load & dump.


"No, really! True story. We said we'd normalize it!"


Mr Bitcoin, bring me moneeey!


And lastly, your thrilling BTC movie for the weekend.

Bitcoin is now an atomic bomb from r/Bitcoin