My crypto-youtube routine

Everyone who has fallen into the crypto rabbit hole and is living crypto understands that every minute of the day should be used to a high standard. Such things got into my routine and I became addicted :) :) :)

Below I will list a few in my opinion the highest quality crypto related video streams.


1. The Daily Gwei - a podcast focused on the Ethereum ecosystem. The host of the podcast is Anthony Sassano, a person who has been in the Ethereum community for years and is actively working on several projects or advise them (Gitcoin, SetProtocol. Polygon/Matic).

To me personally, “The Daily Gwei” podcast is the first choice before all because Anthony responds to comments and DM (Direct message). He would also say that he is a crypto agnostic even though his work only applies to Ethereum.

The structure of a podcast is to cover current topics and news in the crypto community. Mostly these are relevant twitter posts and medium articles from experts in the field. The Podcast is held every working day and lasts about half an hour with the exception of once a week when are analyzed Ethereum on-chain metrics.


2. Bankless - another Ethereum focused podcast. The hosts of the podcast are Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman, people who have been in the crypto space for a long time and understand the whole concept of decentralized finance very well. The podcast is structured so that current topics and progress in the development of crypto projects are analyzed once a week, and on average they have a guest (crypto expert) twice a week. The

podcast lasts an average of an hour and a half (minimum 1 hour, sometimes it can last 2 and a half hours).

I watch Bankless regularly and I like that the conversation is dynamic, the hosts try to make the conversation clear to all users and do not hesitate to enter into a debate with the guest if they do not agree on something. It is worth mentioning some of the guests: Vitalik Buterin (several times), Kain from Synthetix, Rober Leshner from Compound, Joe Lubin, Stani Kulechov from Aave, Chris Burninske, Justin Drake, Anthony Sassano etc.


3. Coin Bureau - it falls more into the domain of crypto educational content than podcasts. The head of Coin Bureau is “Crypto Guy” (behind the project is the team) and they cover all topics related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The content is very dynamic with a lot of information related to the topic being covered. The team behind the project does a very high quality due diligence about crypto projects, they are not biased and do not hesitate to criticize anyone. They are also very up-to-date in answering comments and questions, and you can find additional content on their website


4. Ivan on Tech - one of the longest-running crypto shows. Ivan is a programmer and crypto analyst who has been running the stream every day for more than 4 years. The show is a lot of fun because of the relaxed approach of the host (it still went through several bear markets) and the interaction with the viewers. The show is structured in three parts. First, the market and current events are analyzed, then potentially quality altcoins are analyzed and the final part is reserved for question and answers. Ivan and his team run an academy for beginners who want to work full-time in the crypto sector by holding free webinars several times a month.


5. Anthony Pompliano - another Anthony but this one is Bitcoin maximalist. The podcast is focused on Bitcoin, global monetary policy, VC strategies and development and business development in general. Pompliano is co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital – asset management company that provide digital assets for institutional clients and former Facebook employee with strong technology knowledge. It is also worth mentioning that the largest share of its portfolio - Bitcoin.

This fact is very important to me personally because it brings a “skin in the game” dimension in conversation with podcast guests. Although the podcast is not 100% crypto related the “Pomp podcast” is a quality source of knowledge.


The listed videos are of proven quality. Surely there are still quality youtubers who intend to be constant in creating content regardless of the state of crypto market prices.

Who are your “gurus”? Feel free to recommend.

I’m also interested in what you think of the above video channels?