5 Bitcoin Scam Activities You Should Watch Out For

Although there are benevolent initiatives that focus on help, such as protection and security promises in Bitcoin startups , as in almost every industry , some initiatives in the cryptocurrency universe have been set up for fraudulent purposes. For this reason, users related to crypto money should not be a tool for such malicious purposes. Because of this, in this article, we will tell you about the most used fraud methods in the crypto money world and how you should take precautions.

Fake Cloud Mining

Within the scope of fraudulent activities, fake cloud mining is at the top of our list. Generally, this type of fraud occurs as follows; People who define themselves as cloud mining initiatives try to attract the attention of users by announcing that they are performing mining operations without mining equipment.

In this type of fraudulent methods, high profits are promised to paint the eyes of users. They are constantly on the lookout for sales and leases without the space or devices to store the data. However, the result is always the same. As in the Ponzi activity, which we will explain a little later, the systems collapse and the investments of the investing users disappear.

For this reason, users should realize whether their mining companies are real or fake. 

Attention to Phishing!

Second on our list is Phising, a fraudulent method that can be easily trapped. Those who make such fraudulent transactions are cryptocurrency platform, online sites, etc. They produce exactly the same sites. These sites, which are built with the same URL addresses, enable users to log in using their blank and then log in with their username and password, allowing all information to be handled by them.

Your assets on the site you want to enter may disappear in an instant when you log in to a fake site. For this reason, you can get rid of this type of fraud by becoming aware of Phising sites.

Bitcoin Wallet Applications

Bitcoin Wallet Applications are the third type of fraud to be aware of. In the cryptocurrency world, every user aims to keep their assets in a highly secure environment. In these times when cryptocurrencies are on the agenda, bitcoin wallet applications and websites that are far from security have emerged.

As with other fraudulent methods, they express to users that they will make secure storage conditions at very low prices or free of charge. Then they disappear and make the users victimized. In order not to fall into such fraud incidents, you can thoroughly research the history of the site and the company, you can check the wallet application or site you want to use by browsing the comments on the crypto money forums.

Ponzi Chart

The fourth place on our list is ponzi, which is a very intense type of fraud. In order to paint the eyes of the user in such fraudulent activities, a planning based on the reference system has been made. When logged-in users call new customers, their income increases, but customers who are later called refle do not understand that they are defrauded.

In this method, the tables presented to the customer in general are as follows; By showing the rising revenues of users who log in with a very low amount, users think they will earn high profits. For this reason, it wants to attract more people to the site with reference, and in this way, the fraud site begins to become popular. Few users profit on the Ponzi scheme, while the other majority loses assets.

Crypto Currency Exchanges

At the end of our list are crypto money exchanges. Users should not invest and trade in unreliable cryptocurrency exchanges. You can make your transactions on the stock exchanges that are mentioned in the market and you are sure of their reliability.