The Telos Website New Look - Ready For Mass Adoption

Most successful business start with great-looking website. Whether to catch attention that would draw more customers or just simply let the people get amazed with it, something that community members would be proud-of!

It just feels amazing that the most powerful, fastest and scalable blockchain in the world has a fresh-looking website.

We are by far the busiest blockchain in the world. Thus, we need to attract more Decentralized App developers to use the network. How can this be possible if we don't even have a developer portal that can leverage to the similar chains in the Top 50.

During the impromptu voice chat that several admins have joined in the Telos Official Telegram, it was discussed that we need to have a website make-over. This was already been a plan before and finally, after providing a deliverable date for this to be accomplished, it is now ready for everyone. From here, this will already be a basis if there would be any improvements from then on.

The website before is composed of the astounding infographics from each updates that the network is having. Thanks to our most amazing content creators Stelios and Angus whom are super active in providing the juiciest updates with eye-popping artistry and creativity shared to us.


Telos Website Parts


The Home Page:

The Website has home page with 7 sub-pages that you can hover your mouse with which will then show sub-categories.

  • The Technology sub-page which will show you the 2021 Road Map. I must say that if EVM is already on mainnet (since it is still in testnet) it should be seen from here.
  • The Tools. You will see here the Telos Wallet, The Block Explorer (, and Media Kit.
  • The Ecosystem. You will see here several sub-categories such as Learn Telos, Explore Apps, TLOS Tokenomics, Community Resources, Governance, Blog, and the FAQ.
  • The Developers. You can find here Developer Benefits, Documentation, and TestNet Faucet.
  • The SignUp which will prompt you to create a Telos account. Prepare to save your keys here when you click "Get Your Telos Account" button.
  • The Buy Button. Which will give you a lot of options to choose from: Buy With Card, Buy On Uniswap (ERC20), Buy on 1INCH (ERC20), and with the Exchangers which will route your to Congecko TLOS Markets - just consider the trust score in purchasing Tokens.
  • Log In. This will prompt you to log in using your wallet. Username is the 12-digit alphanumeric account name you have provided and your private key, which I have advised your to save.
  • The Start Now is also the same link as the Log in.

The Learn More Major Button will route you to anything that you need to know why Telos is a great choice of chain and as a token. Anybody who was able to read this will start loving Telos instantly.


Let's Go to the Second Page:


The left part of the screenshot focuses much about the blockchain's mission. Real World Use-Case and Mass Adoption.

We are proud that NFT's, Social Blogging, Gaming, DeFi, Retail and Smart Contracts are already existing in the Telos Network.

We have recently proliferated the hash-tag #RealWorldReady because of being proud that we are currently enjoying every moment of it.

The EXPLORE PROJECTS BUILDING ON TELOS button will route you to the DApps dwelling in the chain.

The right part is showing us the network's prowess in bridging popular chains and tokens integrated to our ecosystem too. This is the amazing T-Swaps.


The third page:

This will show us the edge of the Telos Network among its competitors which makes this blockchain stands out from the rest!


If you will click the BENEFITS OF BUILDING ON TELOS button then you might be a DApp developer looking for less expensive mode of information transfers, then Telos is the best choice! Aside from a whole lot of awesome factors to consider.


The fourth page

will look like this if you scroll down a little bit:

Indeed a game-changer! all dapp user experience to a world-class level. Imagine the most powerful blockchain software technology plus the deployment of Ethereum Virtual Machine will definitely be colossal in all aspects.

If you will click on the TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP button, this will lead you to the Q2, Q3 and Q4 future products and services that anybody could integrate to their existing dapps on Telos for users to enjoy.

This includes the Telos Decide - Voting Mechanism, dStor - Cloud storage, Telos Private - Privacy Option, Telos ID - identity privacy verification, Telos Location - cryptographically provable location data.


The last but not the least, the extreme bottom part of the website:

This shows how the Blockchain's token TLOS both native and the ERC20 are undervalued in terms of the marketcap and trading volume. It needs to get listed to top exchangers. Compared to the 4 top chains in the ranks today the Token's Platform leads in terms of performance, technology and innovation.

Someday, we will all look back to know our humble beginnings being outpowered by these 4 chains.

The right part is showing the top reasons why we do have these 100 dApps existing on The Telos Blockchain.

The START BUILDING button, will lead you to more features that we haven't shared yet such as the background, resources & essentials, Architecture, tutorials, contracts, software manuals, protocol, references, community developer tools, and glossary.

Indicated here are the advanced features and governance too which is really interesting for a dapp developer to look at.

The widgets will lead you to the social media handles of the Official Telos pages and groups.

We would like to thank Justin Giudici for making this website possible. The whole Telos Community is super happy for this!

His pinned tweet on how the Telos EVM works and how fast it is while on the TestNet.

There will be a lot of modifications and improvements in the future so let's all be patient and stay hopeful & positive.

Just to share the End-Of-Month (March 2021) Report of all the achievements that the Network hit, please check my post here:

March 2021 - Telos End Of Month Summary Of Major Activities.

A milestone involving the token of the most powerful blockchain in the world:

Telos (TLOS) Hit $1.35 Million Liquidity On UNISWAP

I am Fycee, an APPICS dApp Senior Ambassador and one of the Telos Community Marketing Team. Not sharing a financial advice but let's always Do Your Own Research (DYOR)


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