What is Cloud Mining? How To

Cryptocurrency mining attracts many people who are aware of Bitcoin. As a society, our desire to make money the easy way causes this interest to be more fueled. This situation inevitably causes questions such as what is bitcoin, what is mining, what is cloud mining, what is cloud mining, how to make cloud mining fly in the air. For this reason, in this article, I would like to talk about Cloud Mining, the easiest way for cryptocurrency mining for those who are interested in the subject. Usually, we all have standard sized desktop computers. But these computers we own are not very suitable for mining. To be more precise, these computers cannot do this job very efficiently. In my previous article, I mentioned that mining is done with CPU or GPU. Commonly used in mining is the method of obtaining coins using powerful graphics cards and their GPU units. You can make coins by using the codes of the pool you are a member through the programs you download. But unfortunately, it is not possible to make big gains in this way. Especially in countries like us, where the cost of electricity is very high, you are making a loss by saying let me profit. For the real return of cryptocurrency mining, you only need to have devices called asic miners made for coin mining. Although these devices are more expensive than regular desktop computers, you can get a few thousand dollars and you can earn income in Mhs power of the purchased device. However, even if you have these machines, you will still have electricity costs. In addition, a separate knowledge will be required to operate these devices with the correct configuration. Even if you buy an Asic miner device, you can make hundreds of TL electricity bills in return. At this point, we come across Cloud Mining. What is Cloud Mining? We can say that 2013 and 2014 were the golden years of cryptocurrency mining with the valuation of bitcoin. In this period, cryptocurrency mining farms increase very quickly. Many of them had to close because they could not afford their increased costs. Some of them tried to continue their profitability by selling their profits. This is how Cloud Mining came about. The principle of the system we call Cloud Mining is the process of earning crypto money by getting a share in the rate you pay on the servers equipped with equipment called asic miner that allows you to mining. Since the computers of the farms you contract are constantly open in the datacenter environment, you are constantly mining, and as a result, you are a partner in the profit of this farm from where you sit. You can find many companies operating on the internet in this regard. I should also point out that many of these are located abroad. Hashflare, Genesis Mining are among the most important of these. In cloud mining, users lease a processor power by contracting for certain fees and receive daily, weekly or monthly payments in line with the crypto coins produced. The fact that earnings are so easy brings along question marks.