Users Beware of Rebranded Scam Project Kylin Mining! Affiliated with the Now Gone that Scammed Countless People

Well I guess it didn't take that long after all for a good article topic to surface and this one I couldn't let slide by because I don't want people to have to go through what I did so this article is to warn people to prevent them from incurring any loss.

I'm sure many of you will remember Mining Center, Ltd the so called cloud mining company that was supposedly based out of the UK and popped up sometime around the end of 2019. I'm sure most of you have at least seen their banners or if any of you claim from faucets the annoying affiliate pop-ups that occur every time you click your mouse button.

When I first came across Mining Center, Ltd I signed up for a free account and got the 100GH/s free SHA-256 mining promo but didn't immediately put trust in the site as I have a long IT background and am used to combating scams and malware etc. So I took $1 of a Crypto that I had and deposited it as a test to see what happened and after a short bit on the cheaper coins mining I submitted for a withdraw and received it.

I waited a little bit until I could make another withdraw and I received that as well, so I increased my deposit amount to $20 to see how that went and after reaching withdraw amount on more expensive coins I received those as well.

Finally after several tests and gradually working myself and building trust in the platform I took a huge leap and sold $2,000 worth of my belongings and invested 100% in mining power.

I received a few Bitcoin withdraws and a few Ethereum withdraws and a few others only worth a few dollars then weeks and finally months started going by and not getting paid as I quietly watched their telegram channel for people having similar issues. The day I spoke up and provided screenshot proof I was immediately kicked from their channel and my mining account banned.

That project was so cleverly developed it played into the Psychology of users and as I discovered is a scam tactic going around on many cloud mining sites. If your going to invest in Cloud Mining do yourself a favor and go with Dual Mine. They are the first company that I chose and I've received all my payouts since last December and they have been very good to me and very trustworthy. Even better, take your money and invest in a small Alt Coin that has huge upside potential like Stellar Lumens XLM and don't put yourself in the position to be scammed.

Needless to say after what happened to me I was furious. I'm not the type of person that seeks out revenge but that pushed my big red button with me selling my belongings to invest in them. The 1 single message I got back from the so-called "Admin" was an animated GIF of cartoon characters giving me the middle finger. How mature...

In my rage for being treated that way I didn't want anyone else to go through that so I registered 7 new domain names as close to as I could get and I ripped their Homepage and rewrote the entire page to alert people that it was a scam. Less than 2 months later their website is gone and they have abandoned the scam project and as I was well confident would be the case had given birth to a new scam project under a different brand to do the same thing all over again.

For all that we know these sick people that feed off the innocent probably have a whole portfolio of scams running at the same time but I've been keeping my eyes open and watching out for the reincarnation of Mining Center, Ltd to appear and today I found it, Kylin Mining

When I saw the ad for this today I knew something was fishy so I created a free account and began reviewing the code to the website to look for similarities with the now gone scam project Mining Center, Ltd and boy code doesn't lie.

They did a good enough job making the design of the website different enough to where it didn't resemble Mining Center, Ltd. at all and the only real visible red flags you can immediately spot is the online time of the site is just a little bit before, maybe a month before Mining Center went offline for good. I decided to do some more investigating even though I was already convinced this was the replacement scam project for Mining Center and I looked up the WHOIS records for just as I had when I got taken for thousands of dollars and guess what? Both domains are registered with the same registrar as well!

There are thousands of domain registrars available to choose from, as you'll see it was hardly a coincidence.

I knew if I was going to try to warn everyone while this project was still in its infancy I would need all the evidence I could get so I joined their Telegram channel and read over some of the posts and proceeded to send the message "so this is just a rebrand of right?" and in less than 60 seconds I was kicked from the group and banned.

Lets think about this, if you were a legit company and not doing any wrong and someone asked you if you were related to a known scam would you not take up for yourself and your company and say absolutely not?? They did the exact same thing Mining Center did to me when I posted proof in their group that I hadn't been paid in months because their either ran by the same guy or affiliated.

I don't want anyone to have to suffer the kind of losses I have so I wrote this article as a warning to the community to get the word out while Kylin Mining has just barely launched. I hope this doesn't get taken down because I'm just trying to do the right thing. Hardworking innocent people don't deserve this and if I have to register another 7 domains to get this guy to get a job then I will. I'm a one armed handicapped guy that you don't s#*w over. 

Take care everyone and stay safe out there!