Leveraging AI and Blockchain Technology to Reimagine Content Delivery Networks with AIOZ

With demand for high-speed internet, massive amounts of data, and fast, high-performance servers growing exponentially, traditional content delivery networks (CDNs) cannot cater to – or even meet – consumer demand. The pioneering decentralized CDN proposed by AIOZ offers a robust and cost-effective way forward. Read on below to learn more.

What Are Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)?

Content Delivery Systems are built using a system of high-speed servers strategically positioned across the globe to provide streaming data to large populations. Media content can be delivered more quickly without compromising user experiences by physically storing data closer to users. When a user sends a request to a website or service, the nearest server, a POP (Point of Presence), handles the request and delivers the requested data to the user. The closer you are to the POP, the more quickly your content will load.

With high user expectations in terms of load times and seamless delivery of content, it is no wonder that large-scale CDN providers such as Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure invest billions of dollars every year to serve the growing demands of the internet-based data industry. This is especially true for growing, high bandwidth industries such as video streaming.

These CDN providers can sell storage space and bandwidth to other content providers such as YouTube, Hulu, or CrunchyRoll, usually at a significant markup. Unsurprisingly, the global content delivery market is currently valued in the tens of billions of dollars. This figure is expected to double within the next four years as expectations and requirements regarding bandwidth, video quality, and the burgeoning online content creation spaces continue to dominate the online activity. Amazon, the world’s largest retailer, generates most of its profits from reselling web services via AWS – Amazon Web Services, and this trend is expected to continue into the indefinite future.