How to add RADS and ZOMB Tokens to your WAX Cloud Wallet

Game tokens are the hottest thing happening in the NFT world, and Tales of the Crypto (TotC, NeftyBlocks = are reminding us how creepily awesome the WAX blockchain is. They just recently released unique stakable NFTs of Happy ZOMBas Santas and an incredible line of Necrotic Warfare Extractors that will tickle your FOMO nerves like no other. Stakable TotC NFTs can be staked on their "Wen Steak" website: The game tokens associated with Tales of the Crypto are RADS and ZOMB, and you can swap for each token directly on Alcor Exchange. The current exchange rate is 1 RADS = 0.00008375 WAX (Alcor Swap, 1/17/22), and the rate for 1 ZOMB = 0.02018247 WAX (Alcor Swap, 1/17/22). Since you plan on extracting enough RADS tokens to be the shroom king of the world, wouldn't it be nice to see your RADS gains on your WAX Cloud wallet account directly?

1. Go to and sign into your WAX Cloud Wallet.

2. Scroll down to "Tokens" and click on "Manage".

3. Click on "Add Custom Token".

4. On the popup window, you will have to manually enter the Token Symbol, Decimal Places, Token Contract, Token Name, and Token Image. 

You can copy and paste the information from this post directly into the fields.

Here is the information for RADS:

  • Token Symbol: RADS
  • Decimal Places: 4
  • Token Contract: radshroomers
  • Token Name: RADS
  • Token Image: QmTuNLx4n1pr6i1ZbuegGq8f3p2MYUcc5giWbNZ1PkRgBb

If you enter in the information correctly, a green check mark will appear in the upper right hand of the entry window. Click this to save the token.

And here is the information for ZOMB:

  • Token Symbol: ZOMB
  • Decimal Places: 4
  • Token Contract: zombietokens
  • Token Name: ZOMB
  • Token Image: QmQQX5v7jMTxuk8hs9mmvSnXzz56yQYzJEkzHzfG2STFwM

5. Click on done, and the new RADZ and ZOMB Tokens will now show up on your WAX Cloud Wallet nice and proud!

So, now you can monitor your stakable profits and watch those shroomer stakes grow in your WAX bag!! I don't know about you, but I keep asking myself "Wen Steak" every day, and I just get hungry. Love these rotting NFTs so much that I often join their Twitch streams! Be careful thought, it can get addicting!

Here is a running list of other tokens to add to your WAX Wallet (clickable links):

I appreciate any constructive critiques and shill good vibes!

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Important claims: I am not a financial advisor. Please do your own research before you invest any money. Crypto currency is not FDIC insured. I am a $VYGVF shareholder. I own an air fryer.