Crypto-Friendly Opera Browser Now Supports .crypto Blockchain Addresses

Opera, the chromium-based web browser, has announced its integration with Blockchain domain provider “Unstoppable Domains” to make decentralized web access to its users.

Users don’t have to download the browser extension but can directly access Blockchain websites via IPFS, using popular .crypto NFT addresses in Unstoppable Domains. Users can also browse using Android, iOS, Mac, or Linux. Opera, in 2019, added a crypto wallet on all platforms of its browsers, which currently has more than 320 million active users.

Unstoppable Domains was launched in 2018, offering a complete list of domain names to users without any charges.

Maciej Kocemba, Product Director at Opera, mentioned that the company aims to provide users with full access to the web, irrespective of the technology. He further stated that making Unstoppable Domains access to users in Opera to help them try Blockchain technologies. Moreover, it is a significant step to register your crypto domain, which belongs to users. Also, it gives them a chance to own an NFT.

Significant Milestone for the Browser

For Opera, which has a market share of 2.13% and currently the leading browser, adding Blockchain domain into share will be a milestone.

Crypto domain names are non-fungible tokens granting token-holders a complete set of rights in the domain name. These domains act as Cryptocurrency wallets, replacing the complex name.

Kochemba said the company has been supportive of web innovation, and the Web3 is a natural wave.

Last year, Opera took a step ahead by launching the mobile browsing support for Unstoppable Domains. It was a significant step in having a domain name system and is not a part of Domain Name Service (DNS). This integration added with a desktop browser will support its active users.

Until now, the Unstoppable Domain has more than 600,000 Blockchain domain names. This year, in March, the company closed the most expensive deal by selling a domain name NFT. Similarly, domain names like gambling. Crypto, hotels. Crypto and others are having a value of $100,000.

On the other hand, Opera reported that its monthly number surged with 16 million in the first quarter.

Opera, which has its headquarter in Oslo, Norway, is indeed opening doors for Blockchain enthusiasts and gaining more active users. Unstoppable Domain has earned positive credentials over the years with the backing of Boost VC and Draper Associates.