ConsenSys partners with Hitachi for Japanese enterprise blockchain sales

Yesterday, ConsenSys announced a partnership with Hitachi Solutions to offer PegaSys Plus in the Japanese market. PegaSys Plus is the enterprise version of enterprise blockchain Hyperledger Besu. And Besu is a competitor to JP Morgan’s Quorum.

Hitachi Solutions is the core IT subsidiary of Hitachi and will offer PegaSys Plus in Japan from April 1. ConsenSys and Hitachi will work together to provide services and solutions for decentralized application (DApps) built on PegaSys Plus. The duo will collaborate on proofs of concept, development, operations and client education for the enterprise blockchain applications. Hitachi has previously been involved in another Hyperledger blockchain solution, Iroha.

“We think Japan has the potential to be one of the fastest growing blockchain markets in the world over the coming years, and I am eager to drive that growth with Hitachi,” said ConsenSys Founder and CEO Joseph Lubin. There’s certainly significant activity, particularly within capital markets.

Hyperledger Besu was previously known as Pantheon before being open-sourced. Last year it was announced the technology would be adopted by Liquidshare, a blockchain Infrastructure for SME stocks, supported by Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, Euronext and Euroclear. 

Meanwhile, PegaSys Plus incorporates all of Hyperledger Besu features, with some additional elements such as enhanced security configuration and monitoring. The solution is designed for both public as well as private blockchains. 

ConsenSys is an Ethereum development studio and offers developers blockchain infrastructures such as Infura, METAMASK wallet, Codefi digital assets as well as PegaSys and its blockchain protocol. Two months ago, the company announced a restructuring to separate its technology business from venturing activities. Sometime later, it spun off its health division

Japan has been actively experimenting with blockchain and has several initiatives in the works especially in capital markets and payments.

SBI, MUFG, and Nomura all invested in tokenization firm Securitize. It recently unveiled a real estate tokenization platform in Japan. Partners MUFG and Nomura have each initiated separate research consortia for exploring security tokens. 

Meanwhile, SBI has partnered with RippleR3 and OneConnect to establish joint ventures in the country. 

A few weeks ago, Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) announced the launch of the Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN) to enable collaboration and dialogue between stakeholders. 

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