Lurking Danger

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Beneath the shiny, polished facade, Of corporations that we applaud,

Lurk the dangers that we must see, The power they wield, the cost of their fee.

For in their quest for wealth and gain, The dangers they pose are not in vain,

Exploiting workers, polluting the earth, Their insatiable greed, an endless thirst.

Their reach extends far beyond the norm, As they manipulate and twist the form,

Of governments and laws that should protect, Their actions leave the world so wrecked.

They hold so much power, too much control, As they dominate, and take their toll,

On the lives of those who are oppressed, Their greed and power cannot be guessed.

So let us be aware of the dangers at hand, And rise up to take a stand,

Against the corporations that would exploit, And fight for what is right, without being co-opt.

For in the end, it is up to us, To stand up for what is just,

And hold corporations accountable, For the dangers they pose are so formidable.

Payed to make Memes

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