JETCOIN(JET): Lets have a seat on Jetcoins rocket ride to the moon!

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I took this screenshot on friday january 7 2022 around 11:20 am UTC.


It made me happy to notice that Jetcoin Institute retweeted a tweeted article, written by a publishox writer.

In fact it was this article and the retweeting of it by Jetcoin Institute that gave me the motivation and the inspiration to put myself to start writing this article  for the contest , two days before the end line.

To participate in a contest can be really motivational in  several respects: 

  • Improve our writing skills and overcome our laziness as there is that conscience to be participating in a contest.
  • Learn much more about the values of the project we are writing in favour for, and we can really feel the inside motivation that is living in the community of the project and its history and development after years of hard work for all the skilled people working on the project.
  • Experience some kind of "winners instinct" and starting to read every article yet published from other competitors.
  • Feel that participating in a contest can give us a real boost of spontaneous creativity. 
  • Progressively built trust  in the project , depending on the factors as security , skilled dev team, tokenomics , branding....and as that trust is growing , we can feel even more motivation to be part of the project and not only to write an article for the contest.

and then there is  the renumerative aspect to possible win a nice price , but also learning about things we otherwise wouldn't learn.

For example:

How the proces of creating a pop art portrait is going?

Jetcoin Institute

 has a specialist that has every knowledge and experience how to do this, he creates the NFT's for the Jetcoin Institute following the WPAP style:

WPAP is a Cubist-inspired style of geometric pop art that has been lurking around the internet for quite a while. Popularized in the late 1990's by Indonesian artist Wedha Abdul Rasyid, Wedha's Pop Art Portraits or 'WPAP' for short, are easily recognizable by their sharp lines and wild, vibrant color schemes.

Using the PRESEARCH ENGINE to perform searchings related to writing this article and earn some PRE fractions was also motivating.

We can enjoy the power of the followers of the project in favour of our project running,as for example the hope to gain a lot more followers in twitter and publishox because by the article we gain visibility at a lot of new people, that can go to follow our twitter or publishox account also.

Imagine a Huddersfield Town supporters read this article and decides to start following @xcelencia1 and/or

Being a part of this project is so easy, as the price for a Jetcoin is still bearable, even for a newbie in crypto:

Snapshot taken on friday, january 7 2022 at 11:28 am UTC

Let's all become talent scouts for "our" Jetcoin!

If we all can buy a Jetcoin, how many writers and readers in PublishOx will as a consequence going to profit from the rise of Jetcoin?

Who is going to win this match?

Are you already beginning to feel that supporter feeling?

Do you like to watch football and supporter for one or both of these clubs , giving the best they can tomorrow at 13:30?   



Looking at the number of followers of the twitter account of Huddersfield Town and Burnley FC, I became curious to know the number of Jetcoin holders as of today:

What if each of the 222.4K Followers of the twitter account of Huddersfield Town own a Jetcoin or even some Jetcoins?

What if each of the 627.2K Followers of the twitter account of Burnley FC own a Jetcoin or even some Jetcoins?

How can we pump as PublishOx Fanatics the Market Capitalization of Jetcoin ?

How can we help in the process of learning supporters to use  Jetcoin and taking part in the success of their club?

How many writers and readers are in the PublishOx community?

What if we all become talent scouts and fans and supporters and owners of some Jetcoins?

Now, we really can feel the impact to own Jetcoin for our motivation to pump the price , to promote the clubs for Jetcoin ...

Now you can read an ama transcript from an interview with the CEO of Jetcoin:

This tweet


made me have an idea :

To take a picture of  upcoming talent together with a bunch of early sympathizers, eternalizing them together with their idol, propose the talent to The Jetcoin Institute. If the Jetcoin Institute decide to engage with the talent , they wil provide an NFT card of that picture and sell it to help start the career of the talent and dedicate also part of the revenue of the sale for the fans.

Finishing this article, feel free to explore relevant links around the Jetcoin Project:

Wigan get a boost from Jetcoin, a crypto currency living on the edge of TPO





SM audit-1:

SM audit-2:

Regulation and Society adoption

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