I visited an old friend - arboreal fungus - My Actifit Report Card: April 27 2023

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In the case of many mushroom species, old age occurs very quickly. One of these mushrooms is the Flaky Flake, which has a shelf life of a week.

W przypadku wielu gatunkow grzybow, starosc nastepuje bardzo szybko. Jednym z takich grzybow jest Zagiew Luskowata, ktorej okres przydatnosci do spozycia mija w ciagu tygodnia.

Exactly a week ago I found this specimen and it was suitable for the kitchen table. Today it's just to admire and take pictures. It's still a miracle that he survived the hordes of weekend walkers and stress-free kids.

Dokladnie tydzien temu znalazlem ten okaz i nadawal sie on na kuchenny stol. Dzisiaj juz tylko do podziwiania i do zdjec. To i tak cud, ze przetrwal tabuny weekendowych spacerowiczow i wychowywanych bezstresowo bachorow.

The park alleys were deserted, because the unfavorable weather chased away the Sunday tarzans.

Alejki parkowe opustoszaly, bo nieprzychylna pogoda przegonila niedzielnych tarzanow.

Changes in the Silesian Park are quite significant. Huge construction site, and they even replaced my favorite bench with a new one. I must admit that it is definitely more ergonomic. Birds have a problem because they don't really know what's going on.

Zmiany w Parku Slaskim dosc spore. Wielki plac budowy, i nawet wymienili moja ulubiona laweczke na nowa. Musze przyznac, ze jest zdecydowanie bardziej ergonomiczna. Problem maja ptaki, bo nie bardzo wiedza co sie dzieje.

This report was published via Actifit app (). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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