Finally it is possible to talk to the creator of Bitcoin by AI

Do repost and rate:

Cryptofans, we love you and ya KNOW IT!!   We've been cranking the love notes disguised as missives from the crypto humor every day since last June baby!!  Blasting open the crypto positive Overton window and then your MIGHTY WATCH ARMY RIDES IN!!! 

What crypto laughs for a better future do we see today?   Well, Bob Menendez with a lackey think that BTC is a threat - to their cushy Cantillon abuse of paper hanging power baby !!! 

: it's funny, by any measure, BTC is now one of the more successful South American currencies !!  Seriously !! Lookit this chart, our lower brain can't even accept it, makes no sense WHAT so everTLDR:  obviously a fake controlled exchange rate version of the real exchange rate!! but even so, it do seem to say that the Bolivar, for example, went from 15 cents to - ??? Zero??   Yeah, -100% !!  Now, Bobby Menendez has been in office for twenty years.  Does anyone remember Bob  worrying how the Bolivar was doing ?  Ah HA HA HA HA !!!

In a similar vein!! Fentanyl has been produced by state sponsored facilities in China for the last decade.   It's hard to make and requires some high tech facilities.   Did $#($#(*& LIz Warren even ONCE launch some noise, let alone legislation, about pressuring China to quit that chit??? $#($#$ no she did not!! 

BUT abput TWO years ago some percentage of payments for fent now go thru crypto, so we have to hear from LIz.  @(&*$#(!*$&#$(* !!!

TLDR: $#(&$#(*$#& !!!!  sorry.  We lost a niece to fentanyl.  Posing like she cares. OK then reading music time TLDL: powerman - or woman !! 

We reckon Merica is sad.  But we bet Gary is feeling all pumped! 

: the rats are leaving the sinking ship!! TLDR: Six foot twin caterwauling rats!! but hey... if the West doesn't want the crypto power, the new new world will take it!!

We gotta sleep!  Take care, safe home, keep the faith with your mighty Watch Army!! Please find a recruit, we ride and we ride and we RiDE baby!!!

Peace out, 

@davidsawyer follow us we will follow you!! 

Regulation and Society adoption

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