Dormant BTC wallets are becoming active

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     For a few days now, inactive Bitcoin addresses from the Satoshi era have started to become active one after the other. The situation has led to speculation in the crypto world as to who could be the person who activated the wallet.

hat Satoshi?

     The sudden reactivation of wallets that have been inactive for years is not a new phenomenon, but this time around, addresses that have been inactive since the Satoshi era are suddenly reactivated, reactivating the Satoshi Nakamoto era in the bitcoin sphere. It is believed that so many bitcoins either belong to Satoshi or to someone close to him.

Or Some Hacker

     Another possibility is that, someone or some group hacked the old wallets, and is draining the bitcoin. There are already several hackings, some people even think North Korea is involved. However, there is no complaint about hack.

Just another One

     It may also happen that the person activating the wallet is a common man who got his wallet address back, or a petty criminal who got out of jail. Many guesses can be made, but arriving at a conclusion is not easy. But whatever, HODLer of such Bitcoin addresses are whale 

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