Being visionaries and thinking long-term is a skill that will open many paths for us, especially in the crypto world.

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In particular, I declare myself a faithful believer that the world is made to learn, to improve and to develop ourselves, nobody came here just because, everyone who is born has a purpose that they can fulfill to the extent that they believe it possible, in addition to making an effort and working For this reason, within each one of us lies the reason for his life mission, a mission that is especially linked to two aspects, one to be happy without doing any harm to someone else and two to dedicate himself fully to his passion for what fills you, generates happiness and in turn ignites your soul, an aspect that we are obviously learning and investigating further as we grow in this field, I particularly declare myself passionate about creating as you know I am a designer but in turn thank you I have been involved in the financial field through so many minors and turns of life, learning more every day about how to take care of, strengthen, choose and grow my assets, especially in this new era with cryptocurrencies, that new financial facet that It takes us out of our comfort zone, that financial facet that breaks the schemes of those monotonous ones, but that also requires us, especially knowledge and soft skills, such as paying attention to our sixth sense, having discipline, never stopping believing in ourselves and especially in each project to which we bet.

Instinct an ability that, in addition to serving us in the financial field, will serve us in any facet of life itself, we must learn to trust, we must learn to receive and listen to advice, we must learn to learn, not keep what little we already know, not keep on the surface, also to investigate, each cryptographic project has a background, we must delve into said background many times there although we cannot declare we can speculate about the future of said cryptocurrencies, many times everything is immersed in the structure, in its organization but obviously It is our duty to undertake an investigation, just as it is our duty to be critical and analytical, not to be overwhelmed by the euphoria of the moment, there are many cases of assets that have been very successful, have been on everyone's lips, becoming viral projects , but they have also failed, a case that can be a clear example is the Terra cryptocurrency, with an ecosystem that seemed stable to many, unfortunately it had a sharp drop compared to its price, of course it is not an aspect that will It will happen with all of them, but we must try to manage and have backup plans in case at some point our assets collapse, we have minor losses.

For this reason we must develop another ability, that of being aware, being alert, nowadays especially to the news, we see how many aspects of world events can be key to alert us or they can simply be factors that alter our assets, we must be extremely detailed, knowing what are those factors that are linked to them that can break them, one thing that is certain in this world is that nothing is certain, there is no prediction or speculation that is one hundred percent true, it is a very busy world, it is not a secret to anyone that basically moves only through capital, there is nothing in particular to which it is anchored, for this reason it is a decentralized one because it is also very difficult to trace, although not impossible, another skill that we must learn to develop more is that of socializing, we must learn to receive constructive advice or take it since many opinions will always abound, many out of context but others can be enriching, they can help us and guide us in certain aspects, but obviously everything is up to you, remember that many times we want to achieve goals or objectives by expanding our standards and for this it is extremely necessary to learn to demand ourselves to expand our skills and be able to take them to another level. 

Thank you for reading!

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