Whale Wallet Analysis - Origin Protocol

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Hello guys, I am back with another Whale Wallet Analysis for your pleasure and research.

I have previously conducted a similar analysis for AMPL, SNX, BASED, LINK, YFI, YFV, UNI, and WBTC - and they were quite well received, so I would love to continue this series for you.

The OGN rich list is accessible on the Etherscan page for anyone to see. 

As always, I have ignored all the contract addresses or any exchanges that might have holdings. In addition to this, I have ignored whales solely holding OGN as I am more interested in what other DeFi tokens they might be holding. 

In this analysis, I had to include a number of whales that hold less than $100K OGN but hold substantial amounts of other assets.

Following is a list of hand-picked OGN whales that I found - I hope you find it interesting;

#1 Whale 

Rich List: 13th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 991K/ $161K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.0991% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 399K $OMG: ~ $1M - Purchased September 2020.

- 2.4M $BAT: ~ $527K - Purchased September 2020.

- 1.18K $ETH: ~ $482K - 

- 1.28M $ENJ: ~ $181K - Bought in October 2020.

Whale #1 bought his OGN in early October through Binance. He is quite a large whale with a total of $2.3 million in crypto assets. The largest of his holdings are OMG with the rest spread between BAT and ETH. Surprisingly, this whale had not lent any of his assets to lending platforms and is not farming anything.

#2 Whale 

Rich List: 19th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 600K/ $97.6K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.06% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 858 $ETH: ~ $347K - 

- 246K $USDT: ~ $246K - First purchased USDT in September 2019. He has been buying/selling many times since then.

- 148K $PAX: ~ $148K - Bought in August 2019 and continued to purchase since.

- 641K $ENJ: ~ $90K - Bought in September 2020.

- 5 $YFI: ~ $69K - Bought in September 2020.

Whale #2 first purchased his OGN in September 2020. In total, whale #2 has $1 million in assets with the majority of it being split between ETH and USDT. Although this whale holds some YFI and AAVE ($45K) he is also not lending nor farming in DeFi.

#3 Whale 

Rich List: 20th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 579K/ $94.3K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.058% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 6.1M $RCN: ~ $255K - Purchased Ripio Credit Network tokens in December 2018.

- 182K $KNC: ~ $167K - First purchased in July 2020 and has continued to trade back and forth ever since.

- 6.1K $wNXM: ~ $166K - First bought wrapped NXM in September 2020 on Binance.

- 57.9M $KEY: ~ $138K - First purchased July 2018 on BINANCE and is still buying until today.

- 1M $CRO: ~ $107K - Purchased CRYPTO.COM in July 2020.

- 264K $STORJ: ~ $105K - Bought in July 2020.

- 974 $COMP: ~ $99K - Purchased August 2020.

- 10.2M $CND: ~ $96.5K -  Bought first in July 2020.

- 429K $PPT: ~ $87.1K - 

Whale #3 bought is OGN tokens in March 2020. His assets total $1.1 million with a quarter of this in the Ripio Credit Network. This whale owns some COMP but is still not lending anything to any DeFi lending platforms to earn interest.

#4 Whale 

Rich List: 25th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 416K/ $67.6K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.0416% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 155.5K $REPv2: ~ $2M - First received his Reputation tokens in August 2020. Since then, he has sold some but ended up purchasing the 150K back a couple of days later. 

- 1.24K $ETH: ~ $505K - 

- 155K $MKR: ~ $421K - First bought Maker in October 2018. He recently sold a small proportion of tokens in August on 1INCH Exchange.

- 8K $NMR: ~ $210K - First received June 2017 and he bought some more in December 2017 on Bittrex.

Whale #4 received his OGN in September from the team distribution. In total, the whale has $4.4 million in assets, the majority of which sit in his wallet with $2 million in REP and $500k in ETH.

On top of this, Whale #4 also has $1 million in staked ZRX and has a small $1.7K in the LINK/USD Curve liquidity pool.

#5 Whale 

Rich List: 30th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 241K/ $39.2K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.0241% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 70K $LINK: ~ $842K - First purchased LINK on Binance in January 2020.

- 733K $UBT: ~ $295K - Bought from Hotbit at the end of January 2020.

- 195K $RLC: ~ $180K - Purchased on Binance in January 2020.

- 239 $MKR: ~ $143.7K - First purchased at the start of January on KuCoin.

- 2.4K $XOR: ~ $119.7K - Bought August 2020.

- 2.4K $REN: ~ $114.5K - Purchased on Binance in April 2020.

- 583K $ENJ: ~ $82.4K - Bought on Binance in January 2020.

Whale #5 bought his OGN in January - around the same he purchased the majority of his coins (or maybe transferred everything to a fresh wallet). He has a total of $1.85 million in assets with the majority of his holdings in LINK. 

Although the whale is not lending/farming, he does hold quite a few assets that are relatively new or unknown. For example, he has $284k in Unibright and over $100k in Sora coin.

#6 Whale 

Rich List: 37th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 150K/ $24.4K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.015% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 100K $SXP: ~ $104K - Bought Swipe from Binance in August 2020.

- 10.1M $XDCE: ~ $78.6K - Bought XinFin XDCE in August 2020 on IDEX.

- 1M $NOIA: ~ $67.2K - Bought NOIA in September 2020.

- 175K $LAYER: ~ $58.5K - Purchased UNI Layer on Uniswap in August 2020.

- 1M $ZAP: ~ $50K - Bought Zap in August 2020.

- 350K $ENJ: ~ $49.5K - Purchased in May 2020 on Binance.

Whale #6 purchased his OGN in August 2020 on Binance. He is a much smaller whale in comparison to the others on this list with just $600K in total assets. He also owns a handful of unknown coins such as ZAP, XDCE, and NOIA. 

#7 Whale 

Rich List: 43rd  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 134K/ $21.8K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.0134% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 12.9M $DAG: ~ $136.9K - First bought Constellation in June 2018.

- 258K $OCEAN: ~ $106K - Purchased in September 2020.

- 2M $QSP: ~ $52.7K - Bought Quantstamp in November 2017.

- 172K $REN: ~ $52.6K - Bought in February 2018.

Whale #7 first purchased his OGN in April 2019. He would later purchase some more from Binance in September 2020. In total, this whale has around $311k in assets with the majority of this held in the OCEAN token.

In addition to this, the whale has $89K deposited into protocols. He has around $60k staked into FARM (unfortunately) with $21K staked in PICKLE/ETH on Uniswap. As a result, the whale is farming PICKLE, sUSD, and FARM.

#8 Whale 

Rich List: 46th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 115K/ $18.7K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.0115% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 440K $SRM: ~ $479K - Bought in September 2020.

- 25.4K $LINK: ~ $307K - Purchased in August 2020.

- 12.451M $SNT: ~ $295K - Bought in September 2018.

- 64.6K $OMG: ~ $215K - Purchased in February 2018.

- 4.4M $AERGO: ~ $203K - Bought in September 2020 but has been selling slowly ever since.

- 20.6M $CND: ~ $194K - Bought Cindicator in January 2018.

- 285M $HOT: ~ $144K - Purchased in March 2019.

- 42.5K $UNI: ~ $118K -  Bought September 2020.

- 845K $CRO: ~ $82.8K - Purchased December 2019.

- 123K $ENG: ~ $71.3K - Bought Enigma in January 2019.

- 314K $BAT: ~ $69.2K - Purchased BAT in March 2019.

- 2M $CVC: ~ $58.9K - Bought Civic in January 2019.

- 62.7K $KNC: ~ $57.6K - Bought in June 2019.

Whale #8 purchased his OGN in February 2020. This guy is a mega whale with over $33 million in total assets on Etherscan. 

The majority of his holdings are in FTX ERC-20 token positions that are tokens designed for trading. For example, he has a $3.7 million position that is called 3X Long ETHBULL which tracks the price of Ethereum. He also has another $3.2 million position in LINKBULL which is fairly similar but for Chainlink.

#9 Whale 

Rich List: 53rd  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 99.9K/ $15.2K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.01% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 43.7K $LINK: ~ $527K - First purchased in May 2020. He purchased 1.7K more in August 2020. 

- 305K $ZRX: ~ $115K - Bought in May 2019.

- 3.8K $MLN: ~ $86.7K - Bought in May 2019 and purchased more in September 2019.

- 1.1M $LEV: ~ $67K - Purchased in May 2019.

- 2.1K $NMR: ~ $57K - Bought in September 2019 on Poloniex.

Whale #9 purchased his OGN on Binance in May 2020. In total, he has around $1.1 million in assets with over half of this locked into LINK. Interestingly, this whale does not have any farming/lending positions. 

#10 Whale 

Rich List: 79th  

Wallet Address: link

OGN Holdings: 53K/ $8K 

Total OGN Supply: 0.0053% 

Other notable DeFi Holdings: 

- 294 $WETH: ~ $113K - Bought in July 2020. 

Whale #10 is a much smaller whale to the rest on this list with just $121K in total assets - the majority of which is in WETH.


Origin Protocol whales are extremely interesting to me. First of all, the majority of them are not lending to earn interest nor are farming any sort of DeFi protocol. On top of this, they seem to have a wide range of different tokens that they are all investing in. The typical coins here seem to be $NMR, $ENJ, $LINK, and $ZRX.

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