Want A Job? Great, Do You Have 8 Years Of Experience??

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Why I'm Mad:

The other night I was feeling pretty productive, so I decided to apply for a handful of jobs that I thought were "entry level" in the cryptocurrency space. My end goal is to not work a "job" in the traditional sense of the word, I'd like to be an innovator in the space, create my own company and help us move to a world without rigorously timed-out jobs.

That being said, I am broke. So I was looking for something to do in the summer months coming up to make a bit of money before going through more schooling.

Despite the fact that these jobs are "entry level" the barriers to entry are anything but that. To get a job in any "skilled" position nowadays, it seems you not only need a degree in a relevant field, but also numerous years of experience in a relevant field.

Well... If I am looking for an ENTRY level position... I logically have yet to ENTER that field. How can I possible have numerous years of experience if nobody will hire me until I have that experience? It is so backwards and broken.

Employers want the best employees, who can blame them. But if they are not willing to give the inexperienced applicants a chance and train them, we are heading towards a time where there will no longer be any applicants with the desired experience.

An Example:

I applied for a position at TrustSwap just a few days ago. Here was the response I received:



Now, for this specific job I was likely not the best applicant for the job. I am not bitter that I did not get an interview or the job because there are very talented marketers out there that have likely offered their services.

That being said, what bothers me about this is that they want someone with more "senior experience". If all organizations are thinking like this, how is a student that is just coming out of university expected to get a job? The herd mentality of rigorous requirements for hiring will leave a lot of very talented and deserving people in a position of frustration as they are constantly turned away for applicants who have "more experience".

What Can Be Done?:

We need a new generation of businesses to come to the forefront of commerce. My dream is to create a company of some sort that does not hire based on "experience" or education level, but rather through a series of hands-on tests.

Why should some dork who sat in school for four years (unfortunately myself included) at a T-15 school get a job over someone with a higher level of social intelligence that may have had to skip schooling to support their family.

We should be hiring not through application processes, but through try-out processes.

In athletics we don't take the player who has been on the team for 4 years over the player who showed up last week and is objectively better at the game.

In musical theater we don't take the mediocre singer who has been showing up for 3 years over the new singer that has an unmatchable vocal range.

We need to pick the best candidate...

Now, I am just expressing my opinion knowing that there are certain jobs that I could do just as well as an older applicant. That does not mean that experience does not matter. Someone with a lot of experience should be able to do that job better than me if they have been absorbing knowledge and improving themselves over their career... BUT I am not naive, I know that experience does not always equate to being better at the job.

We need objective ways of measuring applicants in EVERY job market.

What do you think? Am I just a babbling fool who is mad that he needs 10 years of experience at age 22 to get a job after college? Or is there really something to be said about implementing objective measurements for new job openings?

Links and Connections:

Follow me on Twitter: Rob_Minnick23

LeoFinance/HIVE : rob23

Join me on Torum: https://www.torum.com/signup?referral_code=robminnick23

Join Cake DeFi and get $30 in $DFI as a new user: https://pool.cakedefi.com/#?ref=187314

Noise.cash: rob23

Read.cash: R23

Join me on Publish0x: https://www.publish0x.com/?a=M7e587xqd2

Who I am:

My name is Rob and I am a college student doing my best to get involved in the crypto world. I have enjoyed blogging thus far and thank you for reading my article! Give me a follow and let’s build the community together through consistent engagement.

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