Upland Virtual Trading Game | #UplandPublish0x

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Being a blockchain virtual properties trading game that allows you to own digital assets that's are also linked to real physical addresses, Upland sparks the interest almost in everyone who deals in blockchain and crypto. Upland is too interesting in that you actually own the assets, you have to interact with the community as you build your empire. Which can be stagnated if you are not able to buy more UPX which are the games currency. More UPX more buying power, you can buy anything to make businesses and building stronger and bigger to earn you even more UPX. 

I got on the upland train last year around October, after I read an article cover on upland. I am not the type to click links because of how spammy link can be but you get those interesting ones, and upland was the one. To anyone thinking of joining the upland train, get onto upland.com and sign up download the app and start building. 


When you start, you get welcome UPX to start with, if you sign up with the PUBLISH0X link from Igor's latest upland article, you can get an extra 6000UPX Good for the newbies, check out Igor's article for the link A bit of advice when you get in there, buy some properties. When you get your UPX, there's an initial 3000 UPX you get upon joining, I do not know if they will add up the 6000UPX to make 9000UPX, but what I know is that if you buy within a thousand you will have a lot of properties,it's best you buy three properties on one street before you buy all over the place. I'd say keep to a routine of three properties per street and grow them. That way you are king of the street all over the place, in New York, California etc. 

That'd all. The article posted by Igor gave everything away ??


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