The Play2Earn Report - Quo Vadis?

Do repost and rate:

I had another great week in the blockchain world. With the current bull run, it's pretty hard not to have a great week, though. I've tried out several new games in the last days and also released articles on several of them which can be found here and here. I've also managed to write an article every day now for almost 2 weeks.

That said, I'm not exactly sure what to do with my weekly Play2Earn report. I enjoy doing it, but it has warped a bit over time. In the beginning, it was a way to keep track of the 3-4 games that I've been playing. By now, there's a dozen of games I could theoretically write about and I'm not really sure if that makes terribly much sense - who's going to read all that after all? Engagement has been rather low with the last Play2Earn reports as well, whereas I got sometimes a dozen comments or more with my other articles.

So to all of you who are actually reading this - do you enjoy the Play2Earn report as it is right now? Would you like it to be shorter, maybe only doing some highlights each week instead of going through all games every time? Please let me know in the comments what you'd like to see. There's no point in doing this if nobody is interested in reading it after all.

Alright, with that out of the way, let's take a look at my different tokens:

Wow, this has been a crazy weeks in terms of gains. Did you look at the LEO price these days? These tokens I hold are worth about 3,300$ right now and this is most likely only the beginning. There's so much coming to LeoFinance this year, LEO might eventually turn into one of my biggest crypto holdings! XTM has progressed really well, too. These 1,355 equal 67.75$ if you follow their conversion rate. Torum has been all kinds of amazing for me and I predict a huge success for the platform in the coming months and years. I know, I know, we are all milking right now but I predict Torum to be way more successful in the long run!

Now let's have a look at all of my games. To give you some ideas about what the Play2Earn report could look like, I'll go over all games I'm active in but only give more detail when I have worthwhile stuff to share. Again, please let me know if that's more interesting to you or if you'd prefer me to do less games but get into more detail on each.


Let's start with a bang! Cryptobrewmaster just announced the introduction of its own rewards pool starting as soon as next week. Now if you follow anything I write, you might be aware that I'm quite the fan of rewards pools and so I'm really pumped to see another one coming to one of my most favorite games!



There will be a total of 1,100 Hive in it in total which is quite a lot! On the other hand, the rewards only go to the top 10 players each week. That's a bit too top heavy for my taste, but then again things might work out just fine. The guys around Cryptobrewmaster already proved that they have a great understanding of how to craft a working economy. If you want to know all the details, here's the article announcing it all.

This move should certainly help to increase the value of CBM as well. Being one of the top 10 holders of that coin, I couldn't be more happy about that development. Way to go!

Rising Star

Speaking of big announcements! Rising Star had their share of amazing news as well today. In this article they announced the next big feature coming to the game: Instrument Crafting! Much as with Cryptobrewmaster, this is really huge for the game and another much appreciated addition.



If you are looking for more information, head over to the article first, but in short, Rising Star is introducing a way to mint your own instrument NFTs on Hive. To do so, you'll have to complete brand new missions. Instead of paying out Starbits, they will actually require you to pay Starbits in order to complete them. In turn, you'll earn instrument parts that can be assembled into brand new instruments. There will be different levels of rarities and even gold parts (foil).



This is a brilliant move as it will help the game's economy twice. It's a much needed Starbits sink but at the same time, it will reduce the amount of Starbits introduced to the economy. Instead of just farming more Starbits, now you have to decide whether to earn Starbits or spend them on missions like the above. Thanks to the way the rewards pool works, owning as many unique cards as possible is super important, so these new cards are bound to be sought after a lot. That said, the prices per mission are going to be changed before release and I don't think they'll stay as high as in the screenshot above.

Speaking of the rewards pool, I've bought 24 more packs since my last article and I've been a bit more lucky and got several Epics from them. I'm now sitting at #39 and I won't stop there, it's Top 10 or bust!


I've been doing pretty good at SPLINTERLANDS this week, winning about 8,000 DEC from tournaments these weeks. As I had noted in my Season Report Card, I realized that my win rate and overall play quality had deteriorated a bit because I tended to grind a bit too much some times. So I tried to play the game a bit less but more focused when I do. This move certainly payed off, as I've found myself moving through the ranks a lot more smoothly, sitting in #47 of the leaderboard right now.


No news on eXode yet, but @elindos announced a blog post for this weekend that should contain some juicy information about the upcoming release of colonization. I for one am certainly ready to finally sink my teeth into eXode full blast. Despite all the games I'm playing and all the stuff I'm trying, this is still the game I'm most looking forward to among all the titles out there!


I'm not too happy with the way things are going in dCity at the moment. For a while it seemed like I could slowly advance towards rank 300 simply by reinvesting all my SIM. This brought me to #350 within a few weeks but ever since December, I'm slowly bleeding ranks, sitting at #362 right now.



I'm not really feeling like investing more Hive into the game right now, though. There are just too many interesting projects going on. But alas, it's an investment game so if you don't invest, you'll fall behind eventually. If I get too close to #400 I might go ahead and calculate how much I'd have to spend in order to get to the Top 300 right away. Until then, I'll just reinvest my SIM and try to not fall behind too far.


I've cashed out of Rabona, making slighty more in return than what I payed in the first place. I really love football managers and I still think their concept is awesome. That said, ever since I forgot to renew my contracts at season's end, I couldn't get back into the game. Without any indication of why my players are winning or loosing, it just got frustrating and I eventually stopped playing it. I've sold all my RBN for now but I'll watch the game, down the line I might get back in if some more features are added.

Alien Worlds

Damn, Alien Worlds is one of these games that I never expected to grow on me so far. There's literally nothing to do in the game other than mining every few minutes and for what ever reason, I still enjoy it. Not only me, though, it seems they found a lot of players in these last weeks and they are growing fast. I've invested some WAX into a better mining gear (of still the lowest level) and I now can mine once every 10 minutes.



This new tact feels a lot better than the 2.5 minutes it was before and I remember to mine a lot more regularly now. In the 3 days of mining I've made ~720 TLM which equals about 28 WAX. Not bad, not amazing. I've also found about a dozen of NFTs by now and I'll just keep accumulating everything for now. Chances are I might be able to brute force my way into this, if I get lucky and find a rare NFT some time this could really take off for me.

Ocean Planet

The recent new release I was most excited about. I just yesterday did an article on the game so I won't repeat myself here. The game is still in a pre-alpha state and there's not much to do there right now. That said, I think it has huge potential plus I really love the art style. Give it some more months to mature, but this might become one of my favorites!



Guild of Guardians

And then there's Guild of Guardians. I basically have nothing on that game yet because they don't give away much. It seems to be a Diablo style ARPG played on mobile with full blockchain and Play2Earn support. You can pre-register with your mail on their site, but there's nothing else there yet. As soon as there's more information available I'll get it to you right away.


And that's all from me for today. Please remember to let me know whether you want to read more Play2Earn reports of that style or if you'd prefer me to mix things up a bit. Either way, thank you all for reading and see you next time!

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