The Followers of Ezekiel the Mighty Oak of UPLAND. Mission Statement/Introduction of our Leader and a letter from the Great Oak

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Mission Statement:

We are the Followers of the Mighty Oak, we are dedicated to fulfilling the goals set by the Mighty Oak. By the decree of Ezekiel the Mighty Oak, highest tree of the Followers of the Mighty Oak, boss of the Great Oak Organization, leader of the Oaklings, all focus of this organization will be directed on buying and collecting properties to collectively form an Oak tree on the Upland map. We love our little oaklings and foster them on their early investments and stay with them until they become a Great Oak and join the Great Oak Organization.


An introduction of our leader...the origin story of Ezekiel the Mighty Oak:

Ezekiel the Mighty Oak was born in a rural town in the middle of nowhere Iowa. He had a run-of-the-mill experience growing up, pretty much the same as anyone else who grew up there. You go to school K-12, in middle school you hangout at the quarry and in highschool you hangout at the deli/malt place or the hardware store on mainstreet on the weekends. After highschool you either go to trade school or work at the factory. Ezekiel was confused after highschool, he didn’t know where to go. Rather, he was confused why people only chose between the two. He disliked the trade school because the only trades they taught were how to be an Ocularist and how to be a Funeral Service Manager and he disliked the factory because it paid low wages for the amount of work it required. Ezekiel was conflicted on what he should do after highschool, it brewed in him for a while. One day he decided to go on a walkabout into the massive forest that began on the north-west side of town, to ponder over his choices. When he got to the edge of the forest, he walked directly in and within minutes, was completely surrounded by woods. He wandered for a while constantly thinking about what he should do. Trade school or factory…trade school or school or factory, he said back and forth. 

Almost like a dream, like how you get put right in the middle of one with no beginning, Ezekiel found himself right in front of an Oak tree. It started whispering its little secrets to him. He stared at it in a trance. Suddenly, a vision came to him, a vision of the future. A future based in Upland. He saw a map of cheap, low grade trailer home rental properties that collectively formed an Oak tree on the upland map. Well, long story short, he’s been working towards that goal ever since. Him and his trusted Great Oaks and perspective Oaklings are constantly striving towards that goal everyday!


Letter from the Great Oak Organization

  Here at the Great Oak Organization, we constantly strive to fulfill our Mighty Oak’s goal to create a collective Oak tree on the upland map. Recently, we have been seeing some oaklings that are straying away from that plan wanting to “Buy apartments” or “Buy homes” or “Break away from the collective oak tree structure and buy more prime real-estate” this is absolutely unacceptable. You must stay the course. WE BUY CHEAP, LOW GRADE TRAILER HOME RENTAL PROPERTIES THAT COLLECTIVELY FORM AN OAK TREE ON THE UPLAND MAP. If any oakling is caught, buying an apartment or home, will be shamed from the collective root system until they rip their own roots up from the ground and leave.   



Potential Property Purchases:

All respective Oaklings are required to deliver their Potential Property Purchases, or PPPs for short, of rental properties they think will be a good fit to add to the Oak tree structure. Here is an example of a PPP of an Oakling, (Who is now a great oak:) 


  • 151 Santa Ana Ave, San Francisco, Ca.
    • UPX Price: 14700
    • Up^2 size: 49
    • *And write a personal message on why you like the property* or risk your roots shamed from the collective root system.

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