The ama recap: stealthex & ark crypto

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Hey everyone!

On April 21st we had StealthEX & ARK Crypto AMA Session in our Telegram Community Chat

The AMA was attended by:

StealthEX Community Chat: Maria, CMO of StealthEX 

Travis: Travis Walker, the ARK Ecosystem Co-founder

And other chat participants.

Here's what we covered:

StealthEX Community Chat:

What are the special advantages of ARK to be able to defeat another competitor when the project's goal has too many previous projects doing and developing?


I think ARK's ability to be adaptable and easy to use is a huge advantage. Making everything as easy as possible for an average user and even novice developers is something we strive to accomplish.

StealthEX Community Chat:

What plans has ARK made to educate the community which would in turn raise awareness, adoption and make more people understand about ARK easily?


We have an entire platform coming called MarketSquare, with weekly content explaining everything from ARK to Doge. The MarketSquare YouTube channel is filled with amazing content. We are also partners with Major League Hacking who offers a free ARK workshop that teaches about ARK's custom transaction creation to assist in building a blockchain based store. Go to to learn more about that and follow our social media channels for the free workshops.

StealthEX Community Chat:

How does ARK differ from similar DeFi services? How can your innovative service assist the new economic and technological development? Any plan for the future?


I think we differ from defi services in that ARK offers entire blockchain creation, allowing anyone to create a completely customized blockchain and token for you to build a defi project on top of. This gives you your own chain built for you, not building on top of another chain like ETH and dealing with the fees and restrictions that come with that.

StealthEX Community Chat:

Will ARK ever compete with Ethereum?


Competing with ETH was never the goal with ARK, it was offering a simple alternative to congested blockchains and making everything easy for everyone. Scalability with ARK is much more simple and actually doable as opposed to other chains.

StealthEX Community Chat:

What strategy does  Ark Ecosystem use to convince novice traders that investing with you is effective and safe?


Well, let's address this, we do not take investments, we do not run the ARK network nor the ARK token. The ARK delegates are in control of the network.

StealthEX Community Chat:

Would you ever take an ARK logo tattoo?


I didn't know you could take a tattoo ... But me personally, no tattoo's, I don't like needles and have no tats, only scars from years of foolishness and skateboarding.

Benjamin Graham:

Thanks for this Travis ???? There's a great list of partners and projects that have joined MarketSquare - with the primary purpose being to build communities and push blockchain adoption, are there any plans to monitise MarketSquare from an ARK perspective or not?


MarketSquare has a long future ahead of it and I do believe there can be ways to monetize inside of that platform.

Benjamin Graham:

Great stuff, looks like the community should have a huge growth boost with interested parties from all of the partners ???? I watched The Blockchains of In Time yesterday (superb) - Justin has DOGE's back with regards to the inflation rate and it is similar to ARK's, is the intention for this to persist for the foreseeable i.e. no change to block rewards / burns?


Well, there are 600k doge coins created every hour, thats 10k coins per minute. ARK has 8 second blocks with 2 ARK created every block. There are currently no plans to change the reward structure, but in the future you never know. Someone could produce a block reward AIP and the ARK delegates may decide to implement it.

Benjamin Graham:

Sorry I meant from % perspective, think we’re currently running at about 5% if I’ve done my maths right so similar - was an interesting take in terms of the pros/cons of inflationary/deflationary vs e.g. NANO. Haven’t actually dug into the AIP side of things will take a look and see what sort of proposals have been made, cheers ????


I have shared the numbers in the ARK discord before. ARK is deflationary over time and even in 100 years, there would still be less ARK tokens than 75% of the projects today already have haha

Benjamin Graham:

Final Q from me: How is it envisaged that Deployer, Nodem & Protokol will impact ARK from a coin usage perspective? E.g. is the thought that existing delegates may run nodes for Deployer chains in return for ARK, of which some could then be returned to the wider community as staking rewards?


I can't speak for the delegates personally, but that would be an interesting utilization. I do know quite a few delegates already run delegates on other projects so you never know.

Benjamin Graham:

I need to hit up the discord ?? totally agree in terms of token volume, was just interesting to see the perspective and stats in the video I hadn’t thought about it like that before

Travis: ??


We know there are projects that fail due to lack of liquidity and trust. How will you build trust in investors to avoid these problems?


Once again, we do not take investments nor do we have investors.

Mars Crypto Community:

Due to several fraudulent projects, investors find it difficult to trust new projects. Could Reliance be forced to overcome this trust problem in investors, how do you solve this problem?


I'm not sure I follow your question, but let's see if i can.... ARK has been around since 2016, I do believe we have built a solid trustworthy name in this industry.


How do ARK Ecosystem plan to expand your project worldwide, and reach those people who are not familiar with technology and Blockchain?


Many ways, one such way is our MarketSquare platform. Bringing in entire communities from other projects around the world.


NFT platforms have been very successful in all their facets. Do you think about the implementation of your project in the NFT market?


Our enterprise division,, has already produced an NFT module which can be plugged into any ARK based blockchain.


Hey Travis! Could you please tell me more about Will it be able to create a really separate blockchain?


yes. completely customizable, everything from blocktime to fees to plugins and all in one place.

Loupland Field:

Is there a project you are working on that you are going to put on MarketSquare when it launches?


Yes. ARK. ??

Loupland Field:

Haha good answer! ??

StealthEX Community Chat:

I'll quickly jump in with one more question from Reddit that's pretty sincere:

What was the most enjoyable part of the project for you?


I have enjoyed everything since day one really. Making friends along the way, being a part of something truly revolutionary, there is no one thing, it is everything since day one.


How does the community intervene in your project, do they take into account decisions of the community through votes or something similar?


Through voting for delegates or becoming a delegate currently.


There is also a community project called the ACF (ARK community fund) that has a board and votes on projects or ideas to fund via user submissions.

StealthEX Community Chat:

Dropping by to remind that we have time for a couple more questions :)

Please do ask if you have something in mind fam!

StealthEX Community Chat:

Thanks Travis!

Here's one more entry from Reddit asking about the future:

Are there any additional partnerships that may come to fruition soon?

What are the primary challenges that you see ARK facing in the coming year(s)?

Benjamin Graham:

Not a question per se but just wanted to give a shout out to some of the delegates e.g. biz doing the recent Easter egg hunt - fun way of engaging, would be great to get more eyes on that kind of stuff!

Loupland Field:

Agreed. They have been doing great things for years


All partnerships are revealed to the public once both sides are prepared to release information, you can follow our blog and social media channels including discord for all partnership announcements. I can't know what the future will hold in terms of challenges, but I think overall our industry is hurting for developers. Moving faster than the development pool is growing, that itself slows down the entire industry. The current influx of devs are focused on building quick and easy smart contracts on already congested networks, this makes the entire industry grow slower imo.

StealthEX Community Chat:

Whoa thanks for all the answers @djselery!

Running out of time for our AMA today :)

So, to wrap it up – would you like to add something to the community from yourself?


we're hiring ??


Thanks for having me. You can find me at or on twitter @traviswalkerark. Please check out the ARK whitepaper, trust me it's quite enjoyable to read, Follow ARK on twitter for announcements as well and check out the for more interviews and information.

And by the way, don’t forget that now StealthEX users can purchase cryptocurrencies using fiat and we still offer the opportunity to buy crypto at fixed rates!

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