Tectonic Movements

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There's an ongoing suppression and discrimination coming from the centralized powers against the individual, that's just like a volcano waiting to erupt at any time. The smoke is to be seen already and the great reset that the world leaders have prepared for us might be much more than what they've anticipated it to be. A couple of days ago a community of stocks traders that has been already banned on reddit and discord, on the hate speech narrativehas kicked the ass of Wall Street big time.

In the world of global suppression towards the individual and obvious direction towards the total enslavement of humanity, these guys have proven that the so called trusted funds and money makers can be put to ground the same way they're putting retail to ground and destroying small companies stocks with their shortings all the time. This group of traders calling themselves the wallstreetbets not only has managed to pump the GME stock to close to $400 at the moment of writing, from a mere $40 where it was five days ago, but also got themselves banned from reddit.

image source

I know, centralized social medias have once again proven to be the servants of the elites, the wall streets and corrupt governments. What these guys have done is basically what Wall Street's been doing all the time, just that they're the ones cornered now cryong. When Wall Street does it it's nothing bell ringing, when individuals do it as a community, it's price manipulation and they should be taught a lesson. Moreover, from what I read on twitter, Robinhood plans to delist GME stock and some others that have been pumped by these individuals proving that these apps are actually playing the rich's game meant to enrich them more and not the average user.

The subreddit wallstreetbets group reaction was obvious: you delist, we uninstall your damn app from our phones. Finally, the masses are waking up and the individuals start to crave decentralization, the ways towards circumventing governments and banksters are being woven as we speak and plebs are gradually searching a way out of the centralized systems, be it any system you can think of, and embrace decentralization served with a full glass of freedom of speech.

The fact that centralized social medias can shut down individuals and even large communities existing on their platforms, doesn't mean that they can shut down the internet. After using it for so many decades it has become part of our lives almost such as oxygen is and it has indeed opened the gates towards endless online possibilities for almost endless ideas. Hence, when a door closes, a window gets wide open for the phunks thrown out through that window.

I've said it a few times in my previous posts and will say that again, consciously or unconsciously, humanity is seeking a way out of this crooked system. It's too obvious, weighing to heavy on our backs, has become too disturbing and they can't keep us cornered for too long. We've had the president of the US permanently banned from twitter, crypto youtubers purged and demonetized about a year ago on Youtube, manipulated news going on for years now in the media, and examples of how the whole society is getting more and more constrictive could fill a few more pages.

There are alternatives to their currencytheir governments and their medias and two of those we are quite familiar with: cryptocurrencies and the Hive blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are a clear superior alternative to both the financial system we are currently drowning ourselves into, and for the classical Wall Street manipulated stocks trading system meant to be used mostly in the favor of Wall Street and not the individuals. Freedom of speech shall be given by decentralized blockchain based social media apps and not the revamped twitter or reddit that they're working on.

From what I read today in a tweet from @leofinance it seems that we are weeks away from the release of our brand new microblogging app. That's epic and it's so in time with all the chaos we currently witness in the traditional social medias, the app presenting itself as the perfect alternative for crypto twitter and some subreddits that are being banned and censored left and right. We would just need a bit of massive shilling on twitter to the thirsty ones once the app is out and you'll be amazed of the number of new users it will score.

I'm probably not the right person to talks stocks, Wall Street and anything related to them as I don't have much knowledge in this field, being more crypto oriented, but what about tokenizing companies instead of listing them on Wall Street?... If NFTs are gaining so much traction why tokenizing all sort of companies wouldn't work?

Just asking... since it's clear that the world and its economies are heading towards full digitalization. Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, decentralized blockchains and governance systems, is in full swing as we speak. The tectonic moves are to be felt and it's just a matter of time until the quake will shatter and destroy the old, clearing the foundation for the new. It's not gonna be an easy fight, but this group of traders on reddit has proven that communities driven by individuals, not centralized powers, can indeed move mountains.

I might sound a bit fanatic related to crypto, especially through my last few posts, but this could be the revolution we've been waiting for. The way I see it the crypto revolution is not about Grayscale buying tons of BTC that are probably being locked for decades, taken out of the plebs hands forever, but paving the roads to financial and spiritual revolution. Getting ourselves out of a crooked financial system, out of corrupt governments influence, and being able to exercise our freedom of speech is the disruption we've been waiting for.

When you have a bunch of folks on the internet squeezing Wall Street's shorts, reddit banning them for the so called hate speech narrative and triggering the urge in them towards financial alternatives and free ways of expressing themselves online, you know we're up for something. Banksters and corrupt politicians know they're on the edge of loosing control and that's why they're trying to push their CBDCs into becoming the new money, force us to wear muzzles thus brainwashing the individuals even more into abiding to their forces, keeping the working classes on the bare minimum to survive just so they don't loose control.

Luckily small groups wake up here and there and new economies are created, see DEFI as a great example, ways of communication and expressing our freedom of speech not being threatened by any centralized power are being given birth to as well, and now more than ever, we know we've got options. Boundaries are starting to fall and I doubt there's a switch off button for the internet. Internet is double edged sword and Wall Street should have known that by now...

Source of the screenshots: all sort of peeps over twitter. No credit here for those pics and affirmations.

Thanks for attention,


Initially Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Regulation and Society adoption

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