Splinterlands - Battle Library Five - Fun with Melee but superfluous rules..

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Once in a while you get a ruleset that just cries out for you to use one type of attack method.  Sometimes you'll get burnt, sometimes you'll have lots of fun with it.

First things first, feel free to just go to their website directly but if SPLINTERLANDS interests you I'd be very happy if you joined up with my referral link:

https://splinterlands.com?ref=silver-edge In Battle Library Five I'm posting about a battle I enjoyed because it had a fun ruleset for playing with Melee.  This was despite the rules not making any sense together!

https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_b187d234fc567dd85acd412d48264c48&ref=silver-edge The rules that applied to this battle were:

- Mana cap of 34 - A decent cap that allows some quite large cards to be used.

- All splinters EXCEPT fire and life

- Equal opportunity - all cards have the opportunity ability

- Melee Mayhem - Melee cards can hit from any position

So an odd ruleset - The Melee Mayhem rule is almost superfluous as Equal Opportunity means Melee cards can attack from any position as well - though it does change the targeting to the lowest life card (which is often a good thing!).  In any case melee can be very powerful as the cards can have strong attack and decent life but can't always use their power due to positioning.  This sort of ruleset fixes that.

As far as scouting goes, my opposition had used a lot of fire and life coincidentally so it was hard to see what they'd go for since both Fire and Life were out of the question.

I went with:

Summoner - Mylor (3)- for the thorns of course!  If my opponent went melee heavy he'd be hurting!

Failed Summoner (2) in front just as a speedbump to fill out the team and if there was a lot of magic involved.

Unicorn Mustang (8) in second slot as my real "tank" and for the void armor in case I encountered a magic (water) team!

Nectar Queen (9) in third slot for the big four melee damage and as a backup tank since with two speed, 10 life and flying the nectar queen can tank a few shots.

Rexxie (7) in fourth slot for the big four melee damage.  Rexxie also has a decent three speed and solid six life so can take a few shots and deal some good damage.

Harvester (5) in last slot.  Harvester has two damage which is handy and a solid life of seven so can take a few shots.  I almost never use this card but this is one time I can!

This team used my whole mana quota. The team is solid defensively with decent life on all the cards and thorns hurting any melee attackers.  The line-up also has some magic mitigation in case there are some magic attackers.  With the whole team being melee if the opposition went with Mylor too that would hurt though!

The opponent went with:

Summoner - Owster (3) - Death team with reflect - Perhaps expecting a magic heavy water team?

Shadowy Presence (1) in first slot - as a cheap tank.  Wont last long but with four life can take a hit or two!

Gelatinous Cube (6) in second slot - As another tank.  Won't die due to thorns and has eight base life so can take several shots.  Even more if it survives long enough for other cards to die due to the scavenger ability!

Gargoya Devil (7) in third slot - A solid two ranged attack card, with flight and close range so can hit from first slot if necessary.  Also has one armor so between that and its three life can take a shot or two.

Twisted Jester (4) in fourth slot - while the Jesters snipe ability is basically negated by Opportunity he is a fast two ranged damage attacker which is always useful!

Grim Reaper (6) in fifth slot - A strong ranged attack of three makes the Grim Reaper quite powerful. That being said he is a bit of a glass cannon since he has no armor and only three life!

Mantoid (6) in sixth slot - A two ranged attacker with five life makes the Mantoid quite useful.  His snipe ability, like the jester is negated by opportunity though.

The opponents team doesn't quite use the whole cap but could be a solid team as it has a fair bit of damage output (nine ranged damage).  It also has some life blockers at the front to theoretically protect the rest of the team.  However it is a risky team with this ruleset because the tanks are less useful due to opportunity and the attackers have fairly low health compared to a team with many tanky melee cards... like mine!!!

And so let the battle begin:

Turn One - Mustang hits Gorgoya Devil first due to opportunity taking out its armor.  Jester hits the Failed Summoner for two.  Rexxie kills teh Gargoya Devil and the Grim Reaper kills my failed summoner.  The Mantoid hits the Mustang for two taking him to eight life while the Nectar Queen kills the reaper and the Harvester hits the Shadowy presence for two.  The turn ends with Mustang on eight life and the Shadowy Presence on two life.  

Turn Two - Mustang kills the Shadowy Presence but takes a hit from the Twisted Jester.  Rexxie kills the Jester.  Mantoid hits Mustang but gets killed by the Harvester and Nectar Queen.  This leaves the Mustang with four life and his team with its last card standing the Gelatinous Cube which has quietly amassed a health of 14 over the course of turns one and two thanks to the bodycount!

Turns Four and Five are a formality as his cube has no offensive ability and my melee cards take him out.

So thorns were countered by his team not using any melee so maybe his team made a bit more sense but it was no match for massed melee attackers that were all quite tanky!  

And that's a wrap, hope you enjoyed the battle and if you found it interesting and are not into Splinterlands yet give it a go:

https://splinterlands.com?ref=silver-edge and if you're interested other programmes I use are:

https://rollercoin.com/?r=kllr6oflhttps://betfury.io/?r=6067f01e4ffcd4435b75588bhttps://splinterlands.com?ref=silver-edgehttps://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=silver-edge Faucets and Mining

https://cryptotabbrowser.com/20403596http://cointiply.com/r/Xz4x1https://faucetcrypto.com/ref/850168https://larvelfaucet.com/ref/7Yye5ckjhttps://cryptominer.finance?ref=0xEcD2d4BEd7eFC7Ad63a7448FaED35db7E5CeF996 (Hex, Cake, Tron)

https://busd-minter.finance/index.html?ref=XXE+8KK37XokErgmiKBkYykbJrxWQxYTLNM+i1mNfA/3erAwL5TMtBXalwVPSozevohttps://biswapminer.co?ref=0xEcD2d4BEd7eFC7Ad63a7448FaED35db7E5CeF996 Exchanges

https://biswap.org/?ref=1260029f8c4e8a7259f3 Have fun and keep on Battling!

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