"Sniping with Chaos (Dragon)" Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge CENTAUR

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Here's Centaur, our very own Neutral Little League sniper, many love him, many hate him.

But one thing's for sure, he hits his mark.

First, some info on 

THEMECentaurEditionALPHA/BETARarityCOMMONSplinterNEUTRALAttack TypeRanged

The Centaurs of Anumun can skewer a squirrel from further than a human eye can see. Their arrows are thick, their bows are long, and they are extremely territorial. In close combat, they require no weapons, having the fury of a man and the strength of a horse.

Keeping in line with many of the Beta cards, Centaur's stats are quite simple, with only 1 ability across his entire 10 levels. At level 1, he has 1 Range, 3 Speed, 4 Health, and  and costs 4 mana.

Level 4 is his first good power spike, into Silver league, where he gains +1 Range, and eneds up with 4 Speed and 4 Health, making him a fairly bulky, fairly fast, and fairly hard hitting sniper for the mana!

It's not until Level 8, in Gold League, where he gains an additional +1 Range, and has 3 Range, 5 Speed, and 5 Health.

His final stats at Level 10 are 3 Range, 6 Speed, 6 Health, and 

He costs about  per BCX in his Beta variant

**LEVEL COSTS**Level 4 costs about $36, this is where he gains **+1 Range**Level 8 costs $516, this is where he gains, surprise, another **+1 Melee**Max Level costs $1515 (based on 1 BCX prices)*Keep in mind that higher BCX Cards come with discounts, this is the math for purchasing 1 BCX Cards, which you should NOT do if you're planning to level.*

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Okay, so you want to use a Centaur, and you want her attacks to matter, you really wanna hit hard with your ranged snipers... Who do you choose? Luckily there are some easy choices, since this monster is a Neutral monster, it can be used with any Splinter, so I'll be sharing a few more than usual.

The first two are from the newest selection of Summoners:  offers a simple +1 Range, turning Centaur into a very powerful sniper even at level 1, and even more powerful at level 4. This is a great choice, and mirrors some of the other older summoners I will be touching on soon.

 offers Centaur +1 Speed and +1 Armor, making her a dangerously fast sniper, with an added point of armor to allow her to tank a few sneak or opportunity attacks! This also further increases her defense by giving her an even higher dodge chance as well. (Fun fact: Kelya is my favorite of the new summoners in terms of strength, not Obsidian

Wanna go Old School? Selenia Sky Offers the same +1 Range bonus as Sloan, along with being 1 mana cost cheaper and introducing some powerful dragons to the equation! There's not much to say here. Meanwhile, Prince Rennyn offers that same +1 Range bonus along with additional speed and Health, offering a sort of fusion between Kelya and the other 2! What's not to like?

And of course...

Most of you love him, I hate him (at least in Bronze/Silver... he's fine in Gold) it's your boy Yodin. +1 Range, +1 Health and Blast, on a  is devastating. She hits fast, and, at level 4, deals 3 Damage to 1 target and 2 Damage to each target next to it... That's 7 damage a turn for 4 mana!

I'll keep my opinions of Yodin out of this: This is undeniably the best summoner for Centaur. There's simply no competition here: if the mana allows, Yodin is king of the Sniper cards. That rings true for every Sniper available to Yodin. (and even the ones not available!)

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Position 3-6

Outside of Close Range, you want Centaur in the backline, far away from melee attackers and position 1.

Depending on your Splinter and options available, Centaur is extremely versatile, and her positioning moreso depends on the needs of your  cards, rather than her. She will do fine anywhere, but does best when she is protecting or enhancing another card's survivability.

She's also a good backline as her high speed can allow her to dodge some crucial attacks from slow sneak cards like Sandworm, Kobold Miner, and Tenyii Striker!

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  1. Armored Up is sort of a double edged sword, you gain more defense, but it also hurts Centaur's damage. This is not recommended at all though if a common Magic splinter is available (Water in Wild, Earth in Modern)
  2. Little League is where Centaur works best, as many of its 'better' ranged options are higher mana cost, with the exception of Child of the Forest in Earth.
  3. Even Stevens allows the use of Centaur as opposed to other odd numbered snipers (like the previously mentioned Child of the Forest!)
  4. Rise of the Commons is a good space that allows Centaur to reek more havoc as a sniper, taking out squishy ranged and magic attackers.
  5. Close Ranged allows Centaur to attack in position 1, this is great in case your team starts to fall apart, but as a sniper, you really want him to remain in the back positions.

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  1. No Range, No Centaur.
  2. Odds = No Centaur
  3. No Abilities basically makes Centaur just a fast ranged attacker, with better options.
  4. Fog of War also removes snipe, making Centaur just a fast ranged attacker.
  5. Snipe ruleset basically makes Centaur a worse pick than most other common ranged cards level for level.
  6. Earthquake: Centaur lacks the health/armor to survive Earthquake long enough
  7. Poison: Same thing as Earthquake.
  8. Reverse Speed makes Centaur a very slow card with poor accuracy.

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Opportunity, No Melee Monsters, 29 Mana, Death, Earth, Dragon

That snipe really did work here, allowing me to quickly eliminate his Soulstorm, Theorosa, and Ancient Lich before they became a problem.

Chaos Dragon was also a huge help, acting as a very strange front tank in a situation I was not expecting, and even doing quite well despite being magic reflected left and right. This comp would NOT have worked without Opportunity, as it allowed Chaos Dragon to just eat through the front line, and not get bursted down turn 1 by all of that ridiculous magic damage.

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Wanna sniper fools' backlines with Centaur too? Join me on SPLINTERLANDS and play with him in the Starter set before he's gone, or buy one for $2 now so you don't have to miss out on this Little League tank!

if you use my link, here:


I'll send you 100 DEC when you sign up and get a spellbook, (as long as you show up as referred) which should help you get started via renting! Also, feel free to message me, I can answer any questions, give tips, etc.

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