Portfolio Update

Do repost and rate:

BTC - 76.71% ( Was 80.49%)

My BTC position is very heavy. Due to the current bull market the percentage ratio is decreasing. I expect this trend to follow as we get deeper into the bull cycle.


ETH - 12.98% (Was 10.62%)

Ethereum is my second biggest position and should have a slight advantage on bitcoin as the trend continues. By the end of this cycle I expect my BTC to reach levels below 60% while my ETH rises close to 20%.


ADA - 5.73% (Was 4.50%)

Cardano is one of my alternative projects to Ethereum. As you can see the bull cycle has helped increase the value of ADA more than other projects. I expect ADA to continue to rise and reach at least a 10% value of my overall portfolio.


DOT - 3.99% (Was 1.82%)

Polkadot is a lot like Ethereum when it comes to smart contracts they call parachains but also seeks to focus on interoperability with different chains through its relay chain. I expect this project to also have very healthy gains that help it reach a value of at leastb10% in my portfolio once the full bull cycle is complete.


HEX - 0.59% (Was 0.55%)

Last but not least is HEX. I can't say I'll stay invested within this project l. If the positive trend continues I expect to get rid of this coin some time this year. I haven't decided if I will simply realize the gains in cash or if I will reinvest them into one of the other projects.


Only time will tell how my portfolio changes but I am currently happy with what I see and have set my goals for 2020.

Regulation and Society adoption

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