Normal internet OR NOIA internet?

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We surf the internet; almost every day. While most visit the internet, others live on it and spend most of their active hours on the internet. A bigger percentage belongs to the former, a good number makes up the later. Regardless of which class you belong to, the internet is a general utility. An average human spends over thirty minutes on the internet daily. This statistic may differ due to a couple of factors.

Depending on the infrastructure available to an internet user, our internet experience may differ and our perception of the internet’s efficiency may vary. This is normal considering the difference in regional technological advancement. However, sometimes, this could be general.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp experience periodic downtime in their service. ‘WhatsappDown’, a twitter user must have come across this hashtag a couple of times. Popular video streaming service YouTube also ran into issues recently. Due to the technical capacity of these firms, these issues are often fixed within a short time and the service returns to normal. Nevertheless, this short downtime period often infuriates users who usually run into losses due to this service crash.

Apart social media platforms, network issues plague the normal internet. In extreme cases, the internet is ‘unusable’. This is largely due to the efficiency of the infrastructures powering the internet. Efficiency of the internet in a region is highly influenced by the technological advancement of the region in question. While technologically advanced regions are already upgrading to 5G services, others seem stuck on 3G network.

Moreover, a sluggish internet is the least issue an internet user has to worry about. In today’s internet, safety and confidentiality of personal data is always hanging on a thin thread. Intentionally or unintentionally, personal information are leaked from an internet platform. Social media platforms are caught in this most times but other platforms such as flight booking services, e-commerce platforms…almost every internet platform are vulnerable to data breaches.

A data breach is a security violation in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by an individual unauthorized to do so. Data breaches may involve financial information such as credit card or bank details, personal health information (PHI), Personally identifiable information (PII), trade secrets of corporations or intellectual property. Most data breaches involve overexposed and vulnerable unstructured data – files, documents, and sensitive information.


In cases of data breaches, affected users may run into huge financial losses culminating in millions of dollars and administrational issues could also emerge due to spillage of confidential information. The internet is a ‘wild wild west’, I guess.

The normal internet albeit a masterpiece is plagued with a number of issues. In a flashback, you could name a few times the internet seemed so ‘inefficient’ to you.



A slow network? Low quality videos? Security breaches? Most times, these issues are tracked down to the internet service provider or the content provider, the technology of the concerned platform also takes some of the blame.

Apart from weak security technology responsible for data breaches, the current routing technology also accounts for some issues experienced by the internet user. To transfer data through devices connected to the internet, data packets travel through routers, taking the shortest available route, a process governed by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

Internet service firms are constantly working on improving the internet. As a matter of fact, the internet gets better every day, and the internet as we know it is always under construction!



In a very unique way, NOIA network is offering solution to the biggest problems of the normal internet. NOIA is not just working on modifying the internet, it is creating a new internet – THE NOIA INTERNET.


NOIA internet is powered by algorithms and technologies built by NOIA, the blockchain project revolutionizing the internet.

NOIA network is building a ‘programmable internet’. Simply put, a programmable internet is an interactive internet which solves the routing issues by selecting the most efficient route for data transfer. The most efficient route is the least crowded route. NOIA network combines the concept of a Software Defined Network (SDN), Segment Routing (SR) and the developing Internet protocol V6 (IPV6) to build a programmable internet which selects least crowded route in contrast to the currently used Border Gateway (BG) protocol which selects the shortest route. Sending data via the least crowded route ensure a more efficient transfer as data transfer is done with ease hence solving the internet latency issue.

A Software Defined Network brings agility and flexibility to a network. Through a centralized control console, a network engineer can direct traffic without needing to access individual switches in the network. This means that congested paths, or paths with low capacity and speed, can be bypassed and avoided in favor of available and underutilized paths, resulting in improved performance.

programmable pathway selectionpng.png

Image shows alternatively routed data transfer(Using the DARP) and an impressive reduction in data transfer time Source

NOIA’s infrastructure also features a Distributed Autonomous Routing Protocol (DARP) which determines the most favorable route for data transfer. The DARP protocol employs a very clever algorithm to determine the fastest route through which a data packet could travel at a time. In contrast to the Border Gateway Protocol which simply selects the shortest route, Distributed Autonomous Routing Protocol makes a couple of considerations before selecting the most efficient route (automatically) for the data travel.

NOIA employs blockchain elements to its technology with running nodes serving the purpose of data paths and NOIA’s routing data packets through these nodes.

For data security…

On receiving a pulse packet (a test data packet used to test path congestions) and estimating its one-way latency, each node also automatically creates a public/private key pair in order to connect to another DARP node for later participation in a secure mesh network. These keys are propagated across the secure mesh thus enabling applications to dynamically create ad hoc VPNs and secure channels using these propagated public keys.



If this DARP mesh network is adopted for traffic between content sources and sinks, one can envision a world in which in which all Internet traffic is encrypted and traverses the best possible path.

In NOIA internet, the advanced routing protocols and algorithms furnishes the internet and speeds up data transfer over twenty (20) times. With the border gateway issue solved, the NOIA internet is over 20 times faster than the normal. The DARP data encryption technology also protects individual data and offsets attempts to intercept data transfer processes and data storage services. NOIA is thus way more secure than the normal internet.

NOIA internet is the desired advancement from the normal internet to a more efficient internet. It is built on emerging technologies and powers the needs of the future internet users.

Normal internet or NOIA internet? Guess you won’t have a hard time making that decision!

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