My Dynamic Duo - Wim Hof & Crypto

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We all have our approach to just about anything whether it is learned or self developed, which let's face it. Is a compilation of what we have learned. Here's My Dynamic Duo, Wim Hof & Crypto.

The Backstory

I know what you're thinking, what do these two have to do with each other. That's interesting. In one timeline you may say absolutely nothing.

In another... It is everything.

So what's the true backstory. After many years working in an office and managing programs, I was done. The bell had chimed and it was time to change.

Oddly enough, to amazing topics, opportunities and situations appeared about the same time. More importantly it was when I was ready to receive them, much like you are for whatever is happening in your life at the moment.

You manifested it.


The Wim Hof Method

Not exactly sure how I came across Wim Hof. More importantly, I don't know I have been alive on this planet for more than 40 years and not heard of him.

Actual that is the affliction affecting most of us on this spinning rock. We haven't awoken to what is happening outside of our own little sphere whether it is family, work or whatever else may be capturing your attention.

So I came across WHM when I had been connecting with a friend on social media and the conversation was something like, "have you ever heard of....". Of course my answer was; No.

That moment several years ago started this journey to where I am today. The power of the breath. The ruthlessness & elegance of the cold combined with the agility and determination of the mind are something to marvel upon.

During that time, something else was happening as well.


What is Blockchain Anyway?

I distinctly remember in 2011, someone in my office had said something to me and my response was; What is Blockchain Anyway?

The answer I received blew my mind. It was something out of a fantasy and bible all at the same time. It was one of those moments that I knew something was changing, but couldn't put my finger on what.

During that time I had just come off of several projects that were focused on geospatial platforms and managing large datasets. Large as in when terabyte sounded like a big number.

The point is that the solution blockchain was and still is today would have alleviated many of the problems we had, if only we had spent a little more time on implementation.

Here's the kicker. With a few years under my belt, I have learned a few things.

  • the first innovator in line usually takes a disproportionate share of incoming.

  • even with a beyond strong business case, course corrections need more.

  • money for money's sake doesn't always change the direction, emotion & energy is also required.

All of this to say, that had I known then, what I do now, I probably still would have made the same decisions. Hence the beauty of the human condition.


So again, how does WHM and Crypto go together?

What I have found over the last couple years as I have engaged on both of these endeavors is that one supports the other in ways that I could not hav imagined.

Let's elaborate and look a little deeper at what I am talking about.


Whether you are directing energy on your breath or sitting in the ice OR facing down the FOMO, FUD and everything else that Crypto will throw at you, discipline is required.

Without the focus and dedicated attention and discipline to carry out your plan, then your results will remain elusive.

Long Term

In the fast food age we live in right now we expect outcomes immediately. Two hour delivery from Amazon versus same day is something of a major distinction for most.

Like many I remember when a trip to the brick and mortar was required so two hours or during the same day is a delight in my book.

The same holds true for increasing your vibration, enhancing your lymphatic and ultimately your immune system. It takes time. Just like I couldn't sit in 33 degree water for 10 minutes when I first started, it took time.

First it was 15 seconds. Then 30. Followed by 45 and ultimately 1 minute. From there the jumps were a little bigger. But the point remains it took time and focus.

Last, when I think about my experience with crypto, the top subject that jumps out is, when in the history of civilized society have the workers been able to enter an asset class before bankers of financiers? Never!

Even with that small data point, it serves to point out that many seek to increase their position by multiples rather quickly. Sometimes even in the same day.

After you have been through those ups and downs as well as lateral holding patterns, you build the true grit to stomach just about anything that comes your way.

Anything short of that and you will falter, or at least have the potential.

See a trend here? Focus, determination, grit and just down right sticking with it. It's all connected.


Wintertime and Crypto Bulls

I have known for a while that 2021 would start out strong. Expecting the sub freezing temperatures to arrive as well as the crypto bull market taking off, I have been ready and prepared.

After all winters come the thaw just like the bears follow the bulls. Even knowing those dualities in life, I'm ready and can apply both skillsets equally and efficiently.

While my dynamic duo could seemingly be from opposite ends of somewhere, the mere connection has highlighted many other areas of my life as I am sure it will do for yours.




Regulation and Society adoption

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