Kryptomon — An egg for everyone

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Hello trainers, welcome back to the wonderful world of Kryptomon. If you’re one of the top 10,000 trainers who will be receiving an egg, congratulations! This article, however, is not aimed at you but rather at everyone else who wasn’t able to secure a spot on the leaderboard.

We’ve got a surprise in store for you, but you’ll just have to keep reading to find out what it is ??. There’s quite a bit to cover so let’s get cracking!


Why we’re doing this

This was not a decision that we made lightly. Following the sudden closing of the leaderboard 10 days in advance, we’ve received plenty of feedback from trainers who had set plans in motion to climb the leaderboard but were unable to do so. We’ve also heard from many a disappointed trainer who didn’t manage to hear about us in time before the leaderboard closed.

In addition, we also wanted to stay true to our vision of creating a world where anyone can become a Kryptomon trainer. When we first started Kryptomon, we never expected that we would get 130,000 sign ups. With only 10,000 initial eggs, this would mean 120,000 trainers would be stuck in the waiting list till Phase 1 is released.

We were also deeply moved by the number of people who joined our first live session on Discord and gave us amazing feedback on how we can further improve the Kryptomon design. That is precisely the kind of community we want Kryptomon to have.

So for all of you who joined despite not having a spot on the leaderboard, contributed ideas in Discord and helped make the Kryptomon community what it is today, this is for you.


40,000 more eggs!

That’s right! So that everyone can join us in becoming a Kryptomon trainer, we’ve decided to increase the number of eggs we’ll be releasing on the 30th of June — to a total of 50,000 eggs.

40,000 Kryptomon eggs, coming right up!

There are various benefits associated with this move, specifically

  1. The game gets an influx of new trainers which builds a stronger community
  2. The Kryptomon team has some additional funding that can be put towards product development/marketing/better Kryptomon designs and giveaways!
  3. An amazing opportunity for later trainers to get an egg when you normally would not have been able to. You also get it for cheap!


Why 50,000?

Now some of you might be wondering why we decided on 50,000 eggs. Why not 20,000? Or 30,000? While there were 130,000 sign ups on the leaderboard, quite a few were bots or cheaters who signed up multiple times. In reality, the number of users in our Discord or Telegram would be a more accurate judge of the number of real trainers.

We have a huge community in both Telegram and Discord today, with an influx of new trainers every day as word starts to spread about Kryptomon. In the time leading up to Phase 1, we want to ensure anyone who wants to join us can.


Tiered fee structure

In our whitepaper, we promised that the first 10,000 trainers will receive their eggs for free (except paying gas fees) and we stand by that.. with one small twist. As a reward for the top 100 trainers (now that we’ve cleaned the list and know there aren’t any cheaters amongst these 100), we’ll absorb the gas fee cost for you!

For anyone who didn’t make the top 10,000, we’ll be charging a small fee in return for an egg. Again, we wanted to reward early adopters for standing by us and believing in the Kryptomon vision, so we’ve come up with a tiered fee structure.

  1. Egg 1–100 — Free
  2. Egg 101–10,000 — Free + gas fees
  3. Egg 10,001–20,000 — $5 + gas fees
  4. Egg 20,001–30,000 — $10 + gas fees
  5. Egg 30,001–40,000 — $15 + gas fees
  6. Egg 40,001–50,000 — $20 + gas fees

  How this will work

(Update) On the 7th of July 2021 for 24h, we’ll be releasing the functionality where you can buy the 40K extra eggs. These extra eggs will be sold on a first come first served basis so once they’re gone, anyone who didn’t manage to get an egg will just have to wait for the next batch. Please remember that the sale is open ONLY to those who have registered by June 1 and are not in the top 10K.

After these 24 hours, we will never produce any more eggs. All eggs after this point will be up to existing trainers breeding their Kryptomon and with 50,000 initial eggs out in the wild, we expect that future trainers shouldn’t have too much trouble buying one on the marketplace once Phase 1 is released.

A guide with more information on where and how you can buy the extra eggs will be released soon so stay tuned!


Gen 8 and Gen 9

We will not be changing the existing generational structure so all additional Kryptomons will belong to the Gen 8 and Gen 9 bracket.

As we’ve mentioned before in this article, while the generation of Kryptomon won’t affect its battle strength, earlier generation Kryptomon will be rarer and thus be more valuable from a collectors point of view. It’ll also have a lower probability of mutation, a factor that people might want to consider when it comes to choosing which two Kryptomons to breed.


Ending Thoughts

While product development, design visuals and gameplay mechanics are undoubtedly important when it comes to a game, we also realize that for us the community it’s far more important. It’s the reason why we’ve placed so much emphasis in listening to community feedback.

With these extra eggs, we want to give a large number of potential trainers the opportunity to enter the Kryptomon World. A stronger community = more ideas, more people to play with and more word of mouth, which will only serve to make Kryptomon a better and more popular game.

Besides, $5 — $20 per egg is a small amount to pay as an early adopter. Once Phase 1 and Phase 2 are released… who knows how much an egg will cost?

Signing off for now. See you in game, fellow trainers.


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