Episode 14 - The wealth of knowledge

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Hello, I think the moment has to come together to create sayings that transmit and cultivate a renewed positive energy, an energy that offers more than optimistic features. We as a nation need a rebirth of positive suggestions, and now we attract it, we manifest it. Their energy will dry up all the sayings which were negative suggestions, the ones we accepted when we were little. So now we feed the optimistic wolf and we woke up from the deadly sleep.

I believe that we can rise above any program that doesn't help us grow we can confidently make an optimistic leap into the unknown and constantly develop only positive suggestions, our wealth is a spiritual and material treasure when we look from the right perspectives. Start your morning by igniting the train of optimism, add positivity in this energy train of the day that has just begun, then choose what activities you want to undertake and give yourself a few minutes in which to imagine them already accomplished, easily completed. Such exercises will increase your confidence in your abilities and thus generate your faith in your own strength.

Dream only greatness and strengthen yourself within, mobilize all your creative energy and solve everything with unprecedented precision. Choose to mobilize your life by stimulating it positively, you can most easily do this by self-suggestion when working with yourself or by encouraging suggestions when working with others, just like I do here.

You can improve in any situation you set out to, it is a matter of choice, will, and perseverance, together they create the belief that you will succeed and you have already succeeded. When you strongly believe in what you set out to do, it will manifest itself. In the moments of success, I suggest you build on more positive suggestions. Formulate as accurately as possible what you set out to do, the more polished the clarity, the easier it will take root. As I mentioned in previous episodes, the most direct and precise way is to write your wishes as if they had already happened.

For example, instead of saying: I want to buy my house. You can say: I moved into the house I just bought. The effect of desire will take root in the subconscious. Make self-suggestion a daily ritual, either before bed or when you wake up, read what you wrote, recite them in your mind, repeat them. This procedure will help you get what you want, when you trust the unknown you free yourself from doubt and gradually become aware of its effectiveness.

Take care of these desires you planted as you do with some seeds which were planted in the ground, have the patience to let them grow and from time to time water them. Through repetition, you know that everything will work out, constantly inventing positive suggestions to pass on, to the next generations. Need confidence, courage, give them to thyself with clarity as they have already happened. In time you will be amazed by the progress achieved, I tell you from my own experience, three years ago I started working with self-suggestion consciously and I managed to finish writing three books and working on the fourth. The suggestion is the ultimate tool, you can tell the subconscious through repetition the desired result.

Here is an interesting example, in a psychiatric hospital in France, a psychologist decided to tell their patients to repeat ten times a day: I feel better and better. After only a few months, the results were amazing, the patients were more and more lucid, active, and healthy - just from the daily repetition of that sentence.

We are in an era of hope, in this era of Aquarius we sow in ourselves and those around us pure and strong intentions, today everything around us is a suggestion, my suggestion is to promote only the positive ones, for at least four times more than the negative ones, that's how we make an optimistic garden from our minds. When someone encourages you, enjoy that positive suggestion and add it to your ritual to strengthen it daily. Prepare the field you choose to play on, you can't play football with someone who brought a bowling ball, for example, carefully discover that it is the same with negative suggestions.

Remember the example mentioned in the previous episodes, when 100 people come and suggest that you can do what you set out to do and then come another 100 who suggest you can't, notice how all of them are suggestions, you choose which one to you let them grow in your garden. Smile at everyone knowing that you understand that you can let something grow or not grow.

Make positive suggestions on every occasion, whether you are with someone or alone, you will discover that you will attract many joys and satisfactions in your life, a great future awaits you. When you build it with positive suggestions. Use your words to make everyone's day more beautiful, let's revive kindness and honor, that we do not respect the nation through optimistic suggestions, through the power of the word, we are the flourishing hope.

It is very clear that any negative suggestion that someone sends you is not about you, so you will not let it take root, you will not pay attention to them and you have rised above.

Sincerely, next time,

We are brave, we are persevering, we are responsible.

I am Emanuel Sorin Vass and I am a Self-Development Conunselor.

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With love from the heart of Romania, Bra?ov!

Feel free to check the other Episodes full of empowering information just for you.

Regulation and Society adoption

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