Day 6 - Finding New Places In The Crypto World

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Hello everyone and welcome to another post in Vendata's journey into the crypto world! Yesterday I was unable to create a post and to make it up for it, I will create one this morning for yesterday and I tonight for today. Before I begin with this post, I want to thank all who have been reading, following, and tipping my posts. It is very supportive for me and encourages me to continue writing, which I enjoy doing, especially for the crypto world with all its majestic wonders.

Last post I went out to look for some potential crypto investments with good results that I shared to you. After that, I began to move on from crypto investments to crypto services, looking for ways to make more crypto to begin my crypto trading adventure. I have to say that I have found so many different crypto services out there that it is unbelievable. Each have their own type of rewards and tasks, all of which are enjoyable and compelling. To name and explain all of my findings for crypto places would be impossible - there are so many out there! However, I will jot some of the crypto places I found and describe some information on them. Some of the places I name here I most likely would not use for various reasons, but I hope they are useful to you looking for different ways to engage and make crypto in the crypto world. I am also planning to make more detailed posts on each of these that I mention, so do not worry if you do not find all the information on each because I will go deeper later on.


Many of you may already be aware of Brave, which I have to say is a great application. You may argue that it is not a crypto service at all, only a browser aiming for greater privacy in internet surfing, but there is crypto associated with it through the rewards that it brings, and hence is a crypto service, but not to a full extent. For those who do not know what BRAVE is, it is web browser that is free and open-source which aims for a fast, private and secure experience in the World Wide Web. It has a variety of features to meet its aims, including ad and track blockers, which is not available in many other browsers. 

What makes Brave unique to other browsers is its reward system. Brave has made its own cryptocurrency called BAT (Basic Attention Token) which is rewarded for each advertisement sent to a person through their service. The advertisements are not personalised and influence by a user's data, and so is completely private. Advertisers are unaware of who they are exactly sending their advertisements, the only information they have is Brave users. The BAT that a user gets is quite rewarding, about 0.005 BAT per advertisement, which is about half a US cent at the current price of BAT (? 1 USD). Many of the advertisements I receive relate to crypto services, some of which I am sharing in this post. The BAT rewards can also be sent to verified content creators, which is another great feature of Brave.

If you do not have Brave, click here to begin using Brave!

GALA Games

GALA Games is one of the many crypto game providers in the crypto world. It is special because it aims to give rewards to those who play their games in an interactive and engaging format. The rewards GALA Games give are in the form of their own cryptocurrency called Gala (GALA), which sits at the time of this article just under 2.8 US cents. GALA Games mission is said from its team to be best summarised by its CEO, Eric Schiermeyer, which goes as follows:

Our mission is to enable freedom for anyone on this planet through play.

If you want to find out more on GALA Games or begin using it, click here.


EtherCards is a NFT service which allows its users to purchases interactive and unique NFTs in the form of trait-allocated cards. These cards have separate rarities, currently going OG, Alpha, and Common in order of most rare to least rare. The rarer card you own, the more traits you own, which enable more versatile and power in the interaction with EtherCards. Traits are randomly first selected when purchased, many more being established over time as the NFT is held. EtherCards enables a unique initiative with NFTs, beneficial for both artists and its users.

However, after looking at their prices, I have to say it is very expensive, but that goes for all NFT. The cheapest price they have is 1.75 ETH for a Common card, which is over 3000 USD at the time of this post. According to EtherCards, the NFTs they sell are excellent for profits since they have just begun, which I am not sure to believe or promote. Do not take my word for EtherCards being good/bad because I do not know enough. It is just a service I found on the crypto world, which I am sharing because it seems to have good potential.


To find out more or begin with EtherCards, click here.



There you go, some of my findings on potential crypto places. It was another great experience to be writing another article on the crypto world, and I once again hope you enjoyed reading it. The places I have found are almost infinite, so many available that it would take ages to name and explain them all! As mentioned earlier, I am thinking of writing some articles in my other blog Discoveries of the crypto world, which will include the services above and more. This will begin soon, which will ensure that I not only gain more information of the crypto world, but for you as well who read my content.

I have begun to dig deeper into the options of crypto places, beginning to become more connected with the crypto world.

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