YSL.io x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 21st of June

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Welcome to another episode of our AMA series. Today we are glad to tell you about the AMA session with our friends fromYSL.IO, a cutting-edge DeFi tool designed to OPTIMISE & AMPLIFY returns from yield farming platforms through sophisticated techniques. The AMA took place on June 21 and our guests was Hardev Dhillon, the Co-Founder of YSL.IO.

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.


Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with ISL.IO! Welcome to Satoshi Club.


?YSL.IO: Hello @madamlobster! Great to be here, thanks for having me!

Mary | Satoshi Club: We are happy to see you here as well! We want to know about ISL.IO as much as possible.


?YSL.IO: Look forward to sharing insights of YSL.IO with the Satoshi CLU? Community!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Could you tell us more about yourself and your role at ISL.IO and of course introduce us this awesome project.


?YSL.IO: I’d be happy to! I am Hardev Dhillon, the Co-Founder of YSL.IO

?I’ll begin with a brief background on myself; I’m a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) with a professional background in Finance, Accounting and Business, specialising in Financial Risk Management and Advanced Taxation (I love numbers!). I have broad experience across banking/accounting (HSBC, Westpac, KPMG, and Deloitte), which has allowed me to appreciate the importance of driving error-free standards for compliance, develop strategic plans for transformation, and create risk frameworks for the evaluation of a range of sectors/functions.

Simran Dhillon (@simran_ysl), is the other Co-Founder of YSL.IO. Just to give you a quick background on him; Simran has diverse professional background across IT and Business, and has notable industry experience with companies such as Microsoft and HSBC. More importantly, he is a crypto veteran that has garnered significant experience within the crypto space, both as a programmer and working in the background as an advisor for a number of Blockchain projects including Zencash (which is now known as Horizen).

In addition to @simran_ysl and myself, we have a dedicated team of 7 blockchain developers + 1 UI/UX designers that are focused on the development of our smart contracts and platform. Each of them are experts within their respective fields and are all busy working their magic behind the scenes

to ensure we can deliver the best possible version of YSL.IO for our11k+ community. We also have a marketing team that are hard at work, drumming up informative materials that will help spread awareness of our unique concept. Here’s a quick overview of what YSL.IO stands for and some of our stand-out features:


= [

Yield +

Staking +

Liquidity] =

YSL.IO is a cutting-edge DeFi tool designed to OPTIMISE and AMPLIFY the returns from yield farming platforms, whilst maximising the benefits of LOCKED LIQUIDITY to create a truly unparalleled token economy.

  • ?Zero Platform Fees?—?YSL.IO does not charge a Deposit fee, Withdrawal fee or a Performance fee
  • ?Novel Tokenomics?—?The governance token of YSL.IO (sYSL) is correlated to YSL-BUSD Locked Liquidity
  • Continual Growth in Locked Liquidity?—?Our protocol autonomously creates YSL-BUSD Locked Liquidity
  • Automated Buy-Backs?—?sYSL token holders and YSL-BUSD liquidity providers can stake their tokens to earn a share of the monthly buy-back.
  • Maximized APR (%)?—?Our protocol will OPTIMISE positions (held on AMMs) by 300%.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you, very detailed intro did you develop ISL.IO for a long time?


YSL.IO: We’ve been working on YSL.IO since the beginning of 2021.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Why did you decide to create cutting-edge DeFi tool? Why this direction?


YSL.IO: The idea for YSL.IO initially started after of the emergence of number of product-focused systems popping up in DeFi, and @simran_ysl and myself found ourselves drawn to the inner-workings and mechanics behind these systems, inspiring us to build one of our own. We both had a good understanding of the yield farming space, being ‘farmers’ ourselves, and decided early on that our concept had to not only be unique but also be able deliver real value to the BSC ecosystem. Our ethos was simple; provide value to a DeFi farmer and ensure long-term value for our native token holders. After months of trial and error, testing countless hypotheses and perfecting models, we created the unique protocol design of YSL.IO.

Q1 from Telegram user @Highpee

The private and public sale of $sYSL starts on July 1st and you said there will be no whitelist as everyone is welcome to participate. What token will user deposit in order to buy $sYSL and how long will presale last? On what platform will it take place? And since the first month of launch is tagged the Price Discovery Phase, which means $sYSL will have no price during presale, how will investors know the amount of $sYSL to receive and what will you use to differentiate private and public investors? How will you set the presale fund to be raised? And lastly, I read that bought $sYSL will only be released to investors 30 days after presale. Does it mean that there will be no way investors will able to interact with your protocol for the first 30 days of launch since only $sYSL can act as the governance token that grants access to your cutting-edge yield optimisation services and reward?


YSL.IO: A user can provide WBNB or BUSD, there is no presale only a private sale + public sale that lasts a total of 30 days. Public sale participants have a higher bonus multiplier and a higher min deposit. The sYSL will be available for withdrawal immediately after the price discovery (when the platform launches) not 30 days.

sYSL tokens will only be available to purchase after 30 days. Remember that sYSL is tied to YSL-BUSD liquidity, so once the platform launches and the TVL on YSL.IO increases, YSL-BUSD liquidity will increase, this will cause the price of the sYSL token to increase. SO DONT MISS OUT ON THE PUBLIC + PRIVATE SALE!

For all the details, please refer to our Gitbookhttps://docs.ysl.io/ysl-io/ysl-core-protocol/price-discovery-participation

Mary | Satoshi Club: Everything will happen on your site?


YSL.IO: That’s correct!

Here’s a preview of the sale page.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Got it! I like that everyone will have a chance.


YSL.IO: https://t.me/Satoshi_club/932002

That’s right! Our private and public sale is open to all, there’s no whitelist and everyone is welcome to participate! We are also running a referral bonus program during the price discovery phase, where you can earn 10% on the contribution made by those you refer. So if you were to refer someone that had a $60k contribution you would get back $6k worth of sYSL tokens at the end of the discovery phase.

Luis Merino

| Satoshi Club: Can you share your tokenomics with us, please?


YSL.IO: Sure, so there are 3 key components to our token economy:


YSL token?—?Utility

sYSL token?—?Governance

YSL-BUSD liquidity pool?—?Held on ApeSwap Finance

The key thing to know about our tokenomic model is that the price of the sYSL token is tied to YSL-BUSD locked liquidity, and we have designed the YSL.IO protocol to create YSL-BUSD locked liquidity whenever a user interacts with the platform. In other words; as users begin to use YSL.IO, the TVL of the platform increases, the more YSL-BUSD locked liquidity is created, and the greater the price of the sYSL token!

YSL.IO TVL = YSL-BUSD locked liquidity = sYSL token price

The initial token supply for YSL & sYSL will be determined upon the conclusion of the 30-day price discovery phase.

The initial supply for the sYSL token will be dependent upon the amount of bonus value created from the bonus multiplier, the sum total of the referral bonus and the sum total of BUSD collected.

The protocol will mint YSL tokens equivalent to 50% of the BUSD collected (sent as liquidity to establish the YSL-BUSD pool on ApeSwap Finance), so the initial supply of the YSL token will be dependent upon the sum total of BUSD collected at the end of the price discovery phase.

All the details on our unique tokenomics model can be found in our Gitbookhttps://docs.ysl.io/ysl-io/ysl-core-protocol/tokenomics

Q2 from Telegram user @orlemys

You have mentioned that YSL.IO will be fully operational at launch. Can you walk us through the steps for using your platform? You have also mentioned that there will be zero platform fees, zero deposit fees, and zero withdrawal fees. This is a bit confusing. How will you generate income for your holders? What are the exact benefits users get from holding your token long-term? Why haven’t we seen zero% fees like this from major protocols? What kind of methods/technology are you using?


YSL.IO: We have dedicated a lot of effort to ensure the design of our interface is not only engaging but is extremely user friendly to even the most novice of DeFi users.

JUST DEPOSIT AND EARN?—?A user simply needs to deposit LP tokens into any of our active vaults and our protocol will handle all the heavy lifting of maximising your returns by 300%, it’s that simple!

TUTORIALS?—?We have created guided tutorials that provide easy-to-follow steps and walk you through how to use the platform


Our protocols revenue is sourced from four aspects:

  1. Optimisation?—?An equivalent of 2% collected from the APR (%) of the token being optimized.
  2. sYSL exit fee -An equivalent of 2% collected when sYSL is sold.
  3. sYSL entrance fee?—?An equivalent of 2% collected when sYSL is purchased.
  4. Inflation block reward?—?20% allocation, distributed on each block.

The revenue collected will go towards ongoing operational expenses, including maintenance/development of the protocol, remuneration for engineers/developers, and to cover expenditures for ongoing audits and marketing. The mechanism behind how these are collected can be found in our Gitbook (


It’s important to note that those that stake in the sYSL vault & YSL-BUSD vault will also benefit from these four aspects:

  1. Optimisation?—?An equivalent of 8% collected from the APR (%) of the token being optimised?—?Contributed to the MONTHLY BUY-BACK.
  2. sYSL exit fee -An equivalent of 8% collected when sYSL is sold?—?— Contributed to the MONTHLY BUY-BACK.
  3. sYSL entrance fee?—?An equivalent of 8% collected when sYSL is purchased?—?Contributed to the MONTHLY BUY-BACK.
  4. Inflation block reward?—?80% allocation (50% to the YSL-BUSD vault & 30% to the sYSL vault), distributed on each block.

So all sYSL holders that stake their tokens in the sYSL vault will benefit from the automated monthly buy-back, as well as YSL-BUSD liquidity providers that stake their LP token in the YSL-BUSD vault.

These are the benefits of holding the sYSL token in the long term:

Block Rewards!

As mentioned before, those that stake in the sYSL vault and/or YSL-BUSD vault will earn a share of the AUTOMATED MONTHLY BUY-BACK and INFLATION REWARDS that are distributed on each new block!

sYSL is tied to YSL-BUSD locked liquidity!

As the TVL of the platform increases with more users, the more YSL-BUSD locked liquidity is created, the greater the price of the sYSL token!

Not only that, the increase in locked liquidity will also create a progressive price floor for the token and mitigate its exposure to price volatility!

YSL.IO TVL = YSL-BUSD locked liquidity = sYSL token price

Cross-Chain Airdrops!

Each time we launch onto a new chain we will airdrop 15% of the new token supply to those staking in the sYSL vault.


YSL.IO: strategy 2 however will require the user to have a certain amount of aYSL tokens. Here’s a great article by BSC times that explains everything you need to know


Q3 from Telegram user @victorogb

YSL through it innovative and novel optimization and amplification features offers a user breathtaking returns on third party tokens up to 300%. With emphasis on YSL’s amplification feature, where a user’s optimised returns can be amplified via two strategies; 1% APR optimization for Strategy 1 and an additional 100% APR optimization for Strategy 2, can you explain how the protocol effectively carries out these operations, and why is there a huge disparity with optimised APR returns with both strategies, why is the amplification token (sYSL) only issued to users who utilise strategy 2, and can a user simultaneously utilise both strategies?


YSL.IO: I’ll keep my answer brief this time

. Strategy 2 consists of different tiers which will see a user’s farming APR boosted by a minimum of 2% to a maximum of 100%. Activating strategy 2 however will require the user to have a certain amount of aYSL tokens. Here’s a great article by BSC times that explains everything you need to know


Mary | Satoshi Club: Which will be minimum amount of aYSL to apply for strategy 2?


YSL.IO: The amplification APR (%) for Strategy 2 starts at 2% APR.

To attain the +2% APR a user must hold aYSL tokens equivalent to 8% of their TVL held on YSL.IO (excluding the sYSL and YSL-BUSD vaults). So for if your TVL is $100, you’d need to hold aYSL tokens equivalent to $8 for the +2% APR If a user provides a lower amount, the protocol will activate Strategy 1 by default.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Will users be able to get aYSL tokens only with WBNB or BUSD in liquidity pool or you can add more currencies?


YSL.IO: We have a guided tutorial on how to obtain aYSL tokens for Strategy 2 here https://docs.ysl.io/ysl-io/more-information/tutorials/how-to-amplify/strategy-2-amplification

Q4 from Telegram user @Asela1112

I read about a big partnership with Peanut trade platform on your medium article, gives an airdrop to $NUX holders and autonomously creates YSL-BUSD locked liquidity. Only 9 days left to YSL.IO vaults to go live. So what are the limitations & eligible Conditions to participate NUX community airdrop on 30th of June? How will NUX community earn sYSL optimisation block rewards? As well as I’m curious to know, why did you give this airdrop to $NUX community besides your own YSL.IO community? How do you deploy innovative methods & strategies to be well established platform with peanut trade platform? How do YSL.IO community feel about this great Partnerships? Will there be more partnerships in future within YSL.IO platform?


YSL.IO: That’s right! we formed our first-ever strategic partnership with peanut.trade, whereby NUX-BNB liquidity providers will be able to benefit from our protocols novel optimisation function that autonomously creates YSL-BUSD locked liquidity, and we decided to show our appreciation by airdropping sYSL tokens to the NUX community.

To be included in the airdrop, NUX token holders are required to hold a minimum balance of 100 NUX at the time of the snapshot. The snapshot will be conducted on June 25th 12pm (UTC).

I’m not sure if you had a chance to read our latest medium article


We were lucky enough to have been accepted into the ApeSwap BUIDL program! This is huge for YSL.IO in terms of increasing the awareness of our project, as they have a growing user base of over 400,000! Not only that, it will enable us to connect and form meaningful partnerships with other projects within the ApeSwap ecosystem! You can also see the announcement the most recent #BUIDL newsletter


Mary | Satoshi Club: http://peanut.trade our old friends I love this project.

Q5 from Telegram user @Ashia_24

The YSL.IO smart contracts will be deployed onto the BINANCE Smart Chain (BSC), As we all know, the majority of BSC projects are rug pulled, but why did you decide to develop on the BSC platform? What distinguishes you from other BSC projects? Have you considered expanding or developing your system on other networks such as Ethereum, Polkadot etc.?


YSL.IO: A lot of projects nowadays promise magic with just a whitepaper, but we believe in putting the horse in front of the cart and not the other way around


YSL.IO will be a full product launch! Our platform will be a fully operational with live vaults and will launch regardless of what is raised during our private & public sale, that’s one aspect that distinguishes us from other BSC projects The principal factor BSC was chosen as a prime location for the YSL.IO smart contracts, is the lower relative cost associated with gas fees. As a result, the protocol will have the capability to make more interactions and perform far more elaborate techniques than would have been possible on the Ethereum chain. Having said that, we do anticipate a cross-integration with Ethereum in the near future once the current network congestion issues have been addressed. Until then, we have scheduled for a cross-integration with Polygon in Q4 2021!

You can find more details of what we’re planning in our roadmap


Mary | Satoshi Club: What about security audits? Did you already pass one?


YSL.IO: Great question, it’s important to remain vigilant given the recent hacks and exploits within the BSC ecosystem. Our protocols core system architecture and smart contract logic will undergo MULTIPLE EXTERNAL AUDITS before launching. We plan to engage with well-known and reputable parties such as Certik and Zokyo.

Q6 from Telegram user @yellowchamp

In your roadmap, you aim to launch a YSL.IO Governance Integration, this coming 3rd quarter of 2021 in which you will have a preliminary version at early 3rd quarter and you will have a comprehensive version at later part. So, could you give us an advance idea about this Governance Integration that you are going to launch? Why you are dividing this into two versions? What can we expect with this community governance Integration with YSL? What will be the function and part of the community and holders in terms of decision-making and proposals in your platform? Do you plan to incentivise YSL holders and community if being actively participated with this community-governance integration? Thank you.


YSL.IO: The primary reason we have decided to do this is because the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) model fundamentally requires an active community, the first phase of the community-governance function requires the establishment of a ground community, and this community will take time to establish.


The chat was open for 120 seconds; a lot of questions were posted by Satoshi Club community. Our guest chose some of them.

Q1 from Telegram user @ktzieceee

I noticed that you held and will be holding multiple AMAs. What specifically are you promoting and how can the community and the AMA’s could help the YSL.IO projects?


YSL.IO: CAKE APY YIELDS (15/06/2021)

  • YSL.IO: 226.66%
  • Merlin: 200.63%
  • Beefy Finance: 111.42%
  • Autofarm Network: 110.14%

These are the sort of yields you can expect once we launch

Q2 from Telegram user @obulin

In the first segment of the AMA, you said ‘to be included in the airdrop, NUX token holders are required to hold a minimum balance of 100 NUX at the time of the snapshot.’ Where can I buy NUX token to participate in the sYSL token airdrop?


YSL.IO: You can purchase NUX form here:

Pancake: NUX/BNB

(https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6d8734002fbffe1c86495e32c95f732fc77f6f2a) Uniswap: NUX/ETH. (https://v2.info.uniswap.org/pair/0x83054b25b21d1f3a2b96e8e3803dbd4921358d52) Gate: NUX/USDT. (https://www.gate.io/trade/NUX_USDT) Gate: NUX/ETH

(https://www.gate.io/trade/NUX_ETH) Hoo: NUX/USDT (https://hoo.com/spot/nux-usdt)MXC : NUX/USDT (https://www.mxc.com/trade/easy#NUX_USDT)

Q3 from Telegram user @ronaldo_super

What is special about YSL.IO Vaults? Why we should wait for it?


YSL.IO: Highest APYs whilst locking away YSL-BUSD liquidity:

Our protocol has been designed to maximise the returns of third-party tokens through the creation of locked liquidity, optimising the APR (%) of positions held by users on AMMs (such as ApeSwap and PancakeSwap) by 300%!

For example?—?It will increase the APR of a user’s CAKE-BNB position on PancakeSwap from 58.29% to 173.67%!

Q4 from Telegram user @Rakshitx5

Is it not it will be the wrong decision to launch the project in this bear market? Every coin going down whether good or bad. How do you see this?


YSL.IO: I strongly believe that the key to real success as a token is to have the fundamentals down in terms of long-term stability and value for native token holders?—?something I’d say isn’t present in many of today’s tokens.

We have achieved this by designing a truly unique Tokenomics model that revolves around our protocols novel capability of autonomously creating YSL-BUSD locked liquidity. The benefit of this novel design is that even during a bear market, our optimisation function will be even more attractive due to its ability to provide high yields.

As during a bear market, farmers would likely switch their positions to stable coins which typically have low APR (%), and platforms that are able to offer greater returns on stable coin positions will increase in demand. For example; the BUSD-USDT farm on ApeSwap Finance currently yields an APR of 14.66%. Traditional optimisation (harvesting + compounding daily) would only result in an APY of 15.79%. Whereas YSL.IO optimisation is capable of obtaining an APY of 42.78%

This will not only guarantee our survival during a bear market, but will increase our market share + TVL. And as the TVL of the platform increases with more users, the more YSL-BUSD locked liquidity is created, the greater the price of the sYSL token!

YSL.IO TVL = YSL-BUSD liquidity =

sYSL token price

Q5 from Telegram user @Xusuo

You will give airdrop sYSL token to your community, but if you don’t mind please share all the function that sYSL token have in your ecosystem. Can you mention all the benefit by having sYSL token?


YSL.IO: Governance?—?sYSL tokens will operate as the governance token for the YSL.IO platform, token holders will be able to vote on various proposals once the community-governance function is integrated. Staking?—?sYSL token holders will be able to stake their tokens in our sYSL vault.

Q6 from Telegram user @Asela1112

YSL.IO =(Yield+Staking+Liquidity) =

provide optimistic & profitable mechanisms, without mitigating the price volatility for their community through the locked liquidity protocol. So it seems to be long term project consist with more incentives. How do you optimise & amplify yield farming for the investors? Can you tell us more details about sYSL vault & YSL- BUSD vault, needed for the staking? How long will the liquidity pool be locked? Is there AMM in your pool system to avoid mitigating $YSL price? So basically please explain how will these three scenarios implemented with an interconnection?


YSL.IO: Liquidity which is created by the protocol will be locked away for 1000 years

furthermore we have partnered with ApeSwap to help with any potential migration of these locked tokens. So our sYSL price will remain SAFU.

Q7 from Telegram user @BJosefina61

How much fee do vaults take from users? and how many vaults do you plan to open for users in the short term?







?ApeSwap and PancakeSwap farms will be offer at launch.

Q8 from Telegram user @Sumione

Your platform has a zero fees for now. is it possible that Will you add some fees in the future or not?


YSL.IO: Zero fees for the user will remain until the community governing the protocol vote against it or for it.

Q9 from Telegram user @mobilejii

I cannot find any initial circulation supply tokenomics of YSL and sYSL which is really confusing. who know this?


YSL.IO: The initial token supply for both tokens will be determined upon the conclusion of the price discovery phase.

The initial supply for the sYSL token will be dependent upon the amount of bonus value created from the bonus multiplier, the sum total of the referral bonus and the sum total of BUSD collected.

Given that, the protocol mints YSL tokens equivalent to 50% of the BUSD collected (sent as liquidity to establish the YSL-BUSD pool on ApeSwap Finance), the initial supply of the YSL token will be dependent upon the sum total of BUSD collected at the end of the price discovery phase.

Furthermore, the YSL.IO contract has no set maximum supply for the YSL token. This stems from the protocol’s core objective of maximizing the benefits attributable to locked liquidity. With this in mind, the protocol has been uniquely designed to ensure there is a perpetual growth of YSL-BUSD locked liquidity. Given that the formation of locked liquidity fundamentally requires the protocol to mint YSL tokens; it would be counterintuitive to have a capped supply for the token, as this would effectively place a limit on the amount of locked liquidity that can ever be created. Similarly, there will be no set maximum supply for the sYSL token, as having a limit on the supply will restrict the creation of locked liquidity. This is because, whenever a user decides to purchase an amount of sYSL tokens, locked liquidity will be created equivalent to 200% of the purchase value. This essentially will have a domino effect on the amount of sYSL tokens that will be minted, as the increase in locked liquidity will lead to the sYSL token appreciating. Having said that, it’s worth noting that the circulating supply after the price discovery phase will also be influenced by several other factors. These factors include the utilization of the amplification function, platform referral activity and overall demand for the protocol.

Q10 from unknown Telegram user




As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about YSL.io. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ were distributed between the winners.

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