Wash Yo Hands

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Hello everybody!

Wow! Thank you so much for watching and sharing (what many are calling) the coronavirus anthem “WASH YO HANDS”. I’m so happy I can make so

many people smile in times like these! Laughter is medicine to the soul. Laughter is good for the soul and laughter is free. I am having fun! Amen! I

just wanted to share some much-needed joy with this song. Let’s be very clear about this, coronavirus is no laughing matter. It’s being labeled as a

pandemic. I am not being insensitive to what’s happening around the world. I am doing my part by bringing joy, in these uncertain and trying times.

“I’m living my best life... Smile bit$@!” My name is Rahsaana Ison. I am the owner CEO of Ison Acts! Ison Acts is an acting studio located in New

Orleans, La. Yes, I am an acting coach and I would love to work with you. I won’t classify myself as a comedian at all! I am a storyteller with a message

and comedic timing. I would say people just think that I am... funny! It use to be very annoying to say the least! I’m telling someone... (my 4 or 5

friends) about the saddest day of my life and it never fails! I would get this response... I’m sorry friend, I know it’s not funny (while laughing). It’s just

how you said it...I get this a lot! I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. How did I come up with this song? I am a writer/ director /actor. It comes naturally. I

can change the words to almost anything. Lol! My children hate it! I’m just being me. I am obviously not a doctor. I am not giving medical advice.

However, the experts are saying to wash your hands. I am helping the experts and the doctors with this very simple message. As a Teacher, I take

information and creativity share it with others. Who are you? I am a mother, actor, acting teacher, studio teacher, and obviously a singer! I just wanted

to entertain myself during my self-quarantine. I do a little podcast called Love, Lies, and Life “Which” is not funny! I repeat it is not funny!!! I talk

about my serious real-life experiences as I see them as a Black woman in America. Shortly thereafter a stressful day my friend Ashana Bigard a fellow

Children’s Advocate, Actress, published Author,  said we should help people with their problems and call it “Grown Folks Problems” now that is funny

just downright hilarious. Watch a few episodes you'll love it!!

There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). DO THE FIVE Help stop coronavirus

 1 HANDS Wash them often

2 ELBOW Cough into it

3 FACE Don't touch it

4 FEETStay more than 3ft apart

5 FEEL sick? Stay home

You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:

Do You Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable

tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze?

Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell.

Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell.

Don’t Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean!

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