Sick And Tired Of Not Having Any Success with Your Email Layout?

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The results are all over the board.  Email is dead, email is alive and on hyperdrive.  Whatever the case may be, I'm sure whether you have a list or just use email in a more individual way, are you:  Sick And Tired of Not Having Any Success with Your Email Layout?


The email senders

I'm sure you've seen any number of emails from newsletters, posts and even opportunities to part with some of your hard earned cash.  Have you used any of those services before?  I came across a surprise that was really interesting.

  • Sendgrid
  • Mailgun
  • Mail Chimp
  • FloDesk (my surprise)

Candidly, I was trying to set up a newsletter a few years back and I had tried the first 3.  It was painful.  Now don't get me wrong, I know plenty of colleagues, peers and friends that do use all 3 and absolutely love them.

Fact of the matter, was that they just didn't flow for me.  For what I needed they were pretty expensive.  On top of that, to set up something for under 10,000 subscribers, it seemed excessively complicated.

Then something happened...


I came across FloDesk

I'll be really direct here.  I spend $19 USD a month and have an email list of nearly 7,000 subscribers that I send a message out to a couple times a week.  I haven't been really active as I should have in the last couple months, but here's the kicker.

This is what made me think about sharing the information with everyone here on PUBLISH0X and beyond as far as this may reach. Especially, since I have been reading more and more about Unstoppable Domains and how the ecosystem is evolving beyond the realm of DNS management for blogs, sites and other mediums for communication.


What works for me...

May not work for you, but at minimum I would think this will help inform your decision about what you may need now or in the future.

Here are the couple nuggets about FloDesk that make me scratch my head about the simplicity and effectiveness.  In general my thoughts are in 3 areas;

  • landing pages
  • message design
  • audience management

It is almost as if when I needed a certain functionality and would ask a question, FloDesk seemed to intuitively have what I needed.  I guess you could say that it was designed by a bunch of internet marketers so adding value is their motto.


The functionality of creating a landing page is that it is really simple.  You can go through the hassle of building out personalized url, but can easily use a flodesk url for a landing page and create an enticing first engagement with your potential community.

I would say that speed and efficiency over coding and perfection is how to best summarize the overall benefits.  This feature answers the question of how do I start to build my community organically?


I don't know about you, but the last thing that I want to do spend a ridiculous amount of time coding an email message that I am sending out weekly, or even ad hoc when the topic warrants it.

FloDesk has a variety of different templates, and building blocks that you can easily and swiftly build out a message with content that is attractive and irresistible.  Of course if you have an expert copy writer working with you, the products will be better.  

The point is, for the entrepreneur who may be starting up with limited resources to the more seasoned professional, the functionality value is really economical.


The last bonus on the list and arguably the most important is the Audience Management. FloDesk as far as I know, does not have a limit on list amounts which can be a cost prohibitive issue with the other services.

FloDesk functionality is used to build different lists from your main connections and keeps the meta data really simple.  Routine expected functions like downloadble CSV files and other features are present.

The piece with audience management that is really helpful, which I have only used at a high level is the Workflows.  Think about it this way.

If you have a landing page that gives value for an email.  Then you add automation to the list, that is fantastic.  You can build your soap opera communication strategy and make your time go farther.


I'm Still Using It and Wanted to Share with You.

I wanted to share this with everyone in my network as I am hearing that since FloDesk has been growing over the last year or so, they are considering creating a new tier of service.  If you're like me, when I first learned that it was only $19 a month, I was completely skeptical.

Considering that all of the other services were. 2x, 3x or even 4x for the most basic services, I had to look deeper. 

Oddly enough I have even had a few Chief Marketing Officers that I am connected to on LinkedIn reach out and ask what email prep service I am using because they hadn't seen anything like it and found it more inviting than others they have come across.


So Here's my Value Share with All of You

Remember, I'm sharing this with all of you, because I use it and find it really valuable.  Even more so over the last couple months with global pandemic still in flux and the need for consistent communication more than ever.

I also find it really reasonable for the value received.  So you can check it out through FloDesk.  They have a really generous free trial period that doesn't require a credit card number or anything like that.  Basically every potential objection I had was remedied as I went through the process.

The kicker is that the normal subscription price was $38 USD / month (remember the other service prices).  With a bonus code it took half off the price which was uber exciting.  

Check it out, try it for a month and if you're into it be sure to use my bonus code BRYRI1(number one at the end) and you get half off the monthly subscription price.

If you try it and no bueno, hey it's all good.  The Publish0x community has been really good to me and I am just passing along opportunities as they come up.

Blessings and Gratitude!



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